The Roma riot was a violent disturbances in East Slovakia in 2004.

At the end of 2003, the government of Mikuláš Dzurinda tightened the conditions for social welfare, the disability pension and the old-age pension. Dzurinda's goal was to minimize outlay of the public finance. The state measures caused tension in the Roma settlements in East Slovakia. Many Roma did not work, they only lived on benefits.[1]

In February 2004 the Romas began protests. At the same time, some groups robbed grocery stores in Levoča and Drahňov.

In second half of February in the Trebišov District broke out riots and lootings broke out. The participants robbed not only food, but also luxury items. The police and Slovak army took action against the rioters and broke out street fights in Trebišov.[2] The rebellion lasted for two weeks and divided Slovak society.[1]

