Roman Catholic Diocese of Caserta

The Diocese of Caserta (Latin: Dioecesis Casertana) is a Latin diocese of the Catholic Church in Campania, southern Italy. It is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Naples.[1][2] In 1818 Pope Pius VII united this see with the diocese of Caiazzo, but Pope Pius IX made them separate sees.[3] In 2013 in the diocese of Caserta there was one priest for every 1,703 Catholics; in 2016, there was one priest for every 2,008 Catholics. The diocesan Major Seminary currently (2019) has four seminarians.[4]

Diocese of Caserta

Dioecesis Casertana
Caserta Cathedral
Ecclesiastical provinceNaples
Area185 km2 (71 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2019)
210,000 (est.)
192,000 (guess)
DenominationCatholic Church
RiteRoman Rite
Established12th Century
CathedralCattedrale di S. Michele Arcangelo
Secular priests66 (diocesan)
25 (Religious Orders)
40 Permanent Deacons
Current leadership
BishopPietro Lagnese
Bishops emeritusRaffaele Nogaro



It is not known when Caserta became an episcopal see. The first-known bishop was Ranulfo whose election by the cathedral Chapter in 1113 was confirmed by Senne, Archbishop of Capua, the papal legate of the duchy of Capua. The cathedral Chapter was headed by three dignities (the Dean, the Archdeacon, and the Primicerius), in addition to whom there were eighteen Canons. A fourth dignity, the Archpriest, was added by Bishop Antonio Ricciulli (1639–1641).[5]

In 1479, the diocese recovered by testamentary bequest the fiefs of Poccianello (Pozzianello) and Pozzovetere, which had been illegally seized and held by the Counts of Caserta. Bishop Agapito Bellomo (1554–1594), however, alienated them again, to the Princes of Caserta, to the anger of the ecclesiastical authorities (the Kingdom of Naples was a papal fief, and the pope was the overlord), which brought on extensive litigation with civil authorities.[6]

In 1567, Bishop Agapito Bellomo (1554–1594) began the construction of a seminary building for Caserta, in accordance with the decrees of the Council of Trent. The institution was hampered, however, by a meager endowment, and the difficulties associated with introducing reform into the diocese. The choice of a site in Casertavecchio was unfortunate, since the bishops did not reside in the town, but in one of their palaces, either at Puccianiello or at Falciano. In 1708, Bishop Giuseppe Schinosi (1696–1734) moved the major seminary to Falciano. The major seminary was moved to Casertanuova in 1842, by decree of Pope Gregory XVI, though, between 1848 and 1860, the seminary was in temporary quarters until the new building in Casertanuova was completed.[7]

In 1597, Bishop Benedetto Mandina (1594–1604) held a diocesan synod, during which he decreed the establishment of a Canon Theologus in the cathedral. He noted that his predecessor, Bishop Agapito Bellomo had already established the office of Canon Penitentiary, in accordance with the decrees of the Council of Trent.[8] Bishop Ettore del Quarto (1734–1747) held a diocesan synod on 8 May 1745.[9] Bishop Enrico de Rossi (1856–1893) held a diocesan synod on 8—10 May 1884.[10]

In 1690, the city (civitas) of Caserta had a total population of c. 300 persons.[11]

In 1750, King Charles VII of Naples purchased the entire feudal property of Caserta, which belonged to Count Michelangelo Gaetani. The king had been informed by his medical staff of the salubrious nature of the area. He announced plans to build a royal palace on a site some 7.5 km from Caserta Vecchia, which would become Caserta Nova. The population and government of Caserta Vecchia would be moved to the new site.[12] Ground was broken for the new palace on the King's birthday, 20 January 1752. The palace was completed under the next king, Ferdinand IV, in 1774. Provisions for a new diocesan seat were delayed, however, by the long minority of King Ferdinand, by the French invasion, by the Parthenopean Republic, by the reconquest, by the kingship of Joseph Bonaparte, and the kingship of Joachim Murat.[13]

On 2 May 1754, the King of Naples acquired the right to nominate the bishop of Caserta, subject to the approval of the pope.[14]

Concordat of 1818


Following the extinction of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy, the Congress of Vienna authorized the restoration of the Papal States and the Kingdom of Naples. Since the French occupation had seen the abolition of many Church institutions in the Kingdom, as well as the confiscation of most Church property and resources, it was imperative that Pope Pius VII and King Ferdinand IV reach agreement on restoration and restitution. Ferdinand, however, was not prepared to accept the pre-Napoleonic situation, in which Naples was a feudal subject of the papacy.[15] Lengthy, detailed, and acrimonious negotiations ensued.

In 1818, a new concordat with the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies committed the pope to the suppression of more than fifty small dioceses in the kingdom. The ecclesiastical province of Naples was spared from any suppressions, but the province of Capua was affected. Pope Pius VII, in the bull "De Utiliori" of 27 June 1818, chose to unite the two dioceses of Calvi and Teano under the leadership of one bishop, aeque principaliter. He also suppressed the diocese of Venafro completely, and assigned its people and territory to the diocese of Isernia. Similarly, Carinola was suppressed and assigned to Suessa. Caiazzo was suppressed, and assigned to the diocese of Caserta.[16] In the same concordat, the King was confirmed in the right to nominate candidates for vacant bishoprics, subject to the approval of the pope. That situation persisted down until the final overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy in 1860.[17]

The diocese of Caiazzo was revived, however, and a new bishop was appointed on 15 March 1852.[18] Caserta lost the territory which it had gained in 1818.

New cathedral in Casertanuova


After the second Bourbon restoration, King Ferdinando IV (Ferdinando I of the Two Sicilies) accepted the proposal of Bishop Francesco Gualtieri (1818–1832) that a new cathedral be constructed in Casertanuova. The first stone was laid on 30 May 1822.[19] In 1832, the new church near the royal palace, built under the patronage of Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies and intended to be the new cathedral, was consecrated. It was dedicated to S. Michele Arcangelo. It did not become a cathedral, however, until 1841, when, responding to the petition of Bishop Domenico Narni Mancinelli (1832–1848), and with the agreement of Ferdinand II, Pope Gregory XVI authorized the transfer of the episcopal seat from Casertavecchia.[20]

In the papal bull, "Inter Apostolicae", of 15 July 1841, Pope Gregory permanently suppressed the current cathedral in Casertavecchia, and reduced it to the status of a simple parish church. The bishop was to appoint a parochial vicar, and pay his salary; care of the parishioners was to be in the hands of the Alcantarine fathers. The new cathedral was to be the church of S. Michele Arcangelo in Casertanuova, and it was designated to be a parish church as well (to be administered by a Vicar Curate). The new cathedral was to be administered by a cathedral Chapter, which was to consist of four dignities and twenty Canons (one of whom was to be the Theologus, and the other the Penitentiarius). Of the four thousand Masses which were formerly said in the old cathedral, three thousand were to be transferred to the new cathedral.[21]

The Pope also ordered the closing of the seminary in Casertavecchia, and the consolidation of the students with the seminary of Falciano, near Casertanuova.[22]

The new cathedral was found to be inadequate both for architectural splendor befitting a royal capital and capital of a province, and the inadequate liturgical space for episcopal functions. Agitation for a replacement began even as the cathedral was being completed. Bishop Enrico de Rossi therefore began the construction of a newer cathedral, laying the foundation stone on 8 May 1859. It was financed by the King, who took possession of the episcopal residence and seminary in Falciano, which were turned into military buildings. A newer episcopal palace and seminary were constructed in Casertanuova, near the newer cathedral.[23]

New ecclesiastical province


Following the Second Vatican Council, and in accordance with the norms laid out in the Council's decree, Christus Dominus chapter 40,[24] major changes were made in the ecclesiastical administrative structure of southern Italy. Wide consultations had taken place with the bishops and other prelates who would be affected. Action, however, was deferred, first by the death of Pope Paul VI on 6 August 1978, then the death of Pope John Paul I on 28 September 1978, and the election of Pope John Paul II on 16 October 1978. Pope John Paul II issued a decree, "Quamquam Ecclesia," on 30 April 1979, ordering the changes. Three ecclesiastical provinces were abolished entirely: those of Conza, Capua, and Sorrento. A new ecclesiastical province was created, to be called the Regio Campana, whose Metropolitan was the Archbishop of Naples. The dioceses formerly members of the suppressed Province of Capua (Gaeta, Calvi and Teano, Caserta, and Sessa Arunca) became suffragans of Naples.[25]

Bishops of Caserta


to 1600

  • Ranulfus (attested 1113, 1127)[26]
  • Nicolaus (attested 1130)[27]
  • Joannes (attested 1153–1164)
  • Porphyrius (attested 1178–1183)[28]
  • Stabile (attested 1208)[29]
  • Roger (Ruggero) (1241–1264)[32]
Ennichius (attested 1267) Administrator[33]

1600 to 1900


since 1900


Notes and references

  1. ^ "Diocese of Caserta" David M. Cheney. Retrieved 29 February 2016.[self-published source]
  2. ^ "Diocese of Caserta" Gabriel Chow. Retrieved 29 February 2016.[self-published source]
  3. ^ Umberto Benigni. "Caserta." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908. Retrieved: 13 October 2016.
  4. ^ Seminario di Caserta, "Communita seminario"; retrieved: 12 September 2019. (in Italian)
  5. ^ Ughelli, p. 484.
  6. ^ Esperti, Memorie ecclesiastiche, p. 302. De Blasiis, p. 33.
  7. ^ Seminario di Caserta, "Storia Seminario di Caserta"; retrieved: 13 September 2019. (in Italian)
  8. ^ Esperti, Memorie ecclesiastiche, p. 302.
  9. ^ Synodus dioecesana Casertana anni 1745. Neapoli, 1746 (Roma, libr. Bocca).
  10. ^ Prima synodus dioecesana ab illustrissimo ac reverendissimo Henrico de' Rossi ex marchionibus Castripetrusii, episcopo Casertano, celebrata diebus VIII, IX, X maji MDCCCLXXXIV. Casertae, ex stab.typolitog. Vincentii Majone, MDCCCLXXXIV. (in Latin)
  11. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 146, note 1.
  12. ^ Enrico Laracca-Ronghi (1888). Vade-mecum di Caserta e delle sue RR. delizie (in Italian). Caserta: A. Iaselli. p. 13.
  13. ^ T. King; R. Salkin (1994). International Dictionary of Historic Places: Southern Europe. Vol. 3: Southern Europe. Chicago and London: Taylor & Francis. p. 129. ISBN 978-1-884964-02-2.
  14. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 152, note 1.
  15. ^ Francesco Scaduto (1887). Stato e chiesa nelle due Sicilie dai Normanni ai giorni nostri (in Italian). Palermo: A. Amenta. pp. 42–58, 74–78.
  16. ^ Bullarii Romani continuatio, Summorum Pontificum Clementis XIII, Clementis XIV, Pii VI, Pii VII, Leonis XII Gregorii XVI constitutiones... (in Latin). Vol. Tomus decimus quintus (15). Rome: typographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae. 1853. pp. 9, 57 § 6. D'Avino, p. 147.
  17. ^ Bullarii Romani continuatio Tomus 15, p. 7 column 1, "Articulus XXVIII".
  18. ^ Cappelletti, p. 275. The new bishop, Gabriele Ventriglia, was transferred from the diocese of Cotrone. Notizie per l'anno 1853 (in Italian). Roma: Salviucci. 1853. p. 98. The diocese of Caiazzo is already mentioned as "newly established" in the 1851 volume of Notizie. There were no issues in 1849 and 1850, due to the flight of Pius IX from Rome.
  19. ^ Giorgi, p. 44.
  20. ^ D'Avino, p. 146-147.
  21. ^ Collezione degli atti, pp. 61-72 (with Italian translation). D'Avino, p. 147, column 1.
  22. ^ Collezione degli atti, pp. 69-70, 74.
  23. ^ Giorgi, p. 44.
  24. ^ Christus Dominus 40. Therefore, in order to accomplish these aims this sacred synod decrees as follows: 1) The boundaries of ecclesiastical provinces are to be submitted to an early review and the rights and privileges of metropolitans are to be defined by new and suitable norms. 2) As a general rule all dioceses and other territorial divisions that are by law equivalent to dioceses should be attached to an ecclesiastical province. Therefore dioceses which are now directly subject to the Apostolic See and which are not united to any other are either to be brought together to form a new ecclesiastical province, if that be possible, or else attached to that province which is nearer or more convenient. They are to be made subject to the metropolitan jurisdiction of the bishop, in keeping with the norms of the common law. 3) Wherever advantageous, ecclesiastical provinces should be grouped into ecclesiastical regions for the structure of which juridical provision is to be made.
  25. ^ Acta Apostolicae Sedis Vol. 71 (Città del Vaticano 1979), pp. 562-563.
  26. ^ Ranulfus is the earliest known bishop of Caserta. He was confirmed in office by Sennes, Archbishop of Capua and papal legate in the principality of Capua, in 1113. Gams, p. 870. Kehr, p. 276-277, no. 1.
  27. ^ Nicolaus: Kamp, pp. 169-170.
  28. ^ Porphyrius: Kamp, p. 170.
  29. ^ Stabile: Kamp, p. 170.
  30. ^ Gams, p. 870. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica I, p. 169.
  31. ^ Andreas who finished the belfry of the cathedral. Kamp, pp. 171-173.
  32. ^ Kamp, pp. 171-173.
  33. ^ Ennichius: Eubel I, p. 169.
  34. ^ Nicolaus: Gams, p. 870.
  35. ^ Secundus: Ughelli, p. 485. Cappelletti, pp. 246-247, giving the year of death as 1286. Eubel I, p. 169.
  36. ^ Atto: Ughelli, p. 486, quotes his tomb inscription with the date of death as 1310. Gams, p. 870.
  37. ^ Antonius: Eubel I, p. 169.
  38. ^ Benvenutus: Ughelli, pp. 489-501. Eubel I, p. 169 (by a slip places his death in 1345, though a successor was recorded in 1344).
  39. ^ Nicolaus had previously been Bishop of Muro (1340–1344). He was transferred to Caserta by Pope Clement VI on 14 June 1344. He was transferred to S. Agata de' Goti on 23 March 1351, in fact exchanging thrones with his successor, Jacobus Martono. Ughelli, p. 501. Eubel I, pp. 76, 169, 352.
  40. ^ Bishop Jacobus had previously been Bishop of S. Agata Gothorum. He was transferred to Caserta by Pope Innocent VI on 23 March 1351. He founded the chapel of. S. Iacobus in the cathedral, which was dedicated on 10 December 1365. He died in January 1370. Ughelli, pp. 501-502. Cappelletti, p. 249 (correcting Ughelli's date of death, by reference to Esperti, p. 77). Eubel I, pp. 76, 169.
  41. ^ Joannes was appointed by Benedict XIII on 23 December 1394. Cappelletti, p. 250. Eubel I, p. 169.
  42. ^ Ludovicus Landi: Gams, p. 870. Eubel I, p. 169.
  43. ^ Logerius: Cappelletti, p. 250. Gams, p. 870. Eubel I, p. 169.
  44. ^ Giovanni Acresta was an appointee of John XXIII, after the deposition of Gregory XII and Benedict XIII by the Council of Pisa in June 1409. Acresta laid the foundation of the larger campanile of the cathedral. Cappelletti, p. 250. Eubel II, p. 119.
  45. ^ Cappelletti, p. 250.
  46. ^ Cichus had been Archdeacon of the diocese of S. Agata de' Goti, and was a doctor of Canon Law. Eubel II, p. 119.
  47. ^ "Bishop Antonio Cicco da Pontecorvo, O.F.M." David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 21, 2016.[self-published source]
  48. ^ On 23 August 1493, Gallucci was transferred by Pope Alexander VI to the diocese of L'Aquila. He died in 1502. Eubel II, pp. 91, 119.
  49. ^ Giovanni Battista was the third son of Antonello Petrucci (or Petruzzi), the Secretary of King Ferdinand I of Naples. His elder brother Francesco was Count of Carinola. The second son was Giovanni, Count of Policastro. His brothers were executed in 1486 for having led the conspiracy of the barons against the King, and their father was executed in 1487. Giovanni Battista had been made Archbishop of Tarento (1485–1489) by Pope Innocent VIII, and had then been titular archbishop of Maito (Greece) (1489–1493). He died in 1514. Imma Ascione, "Le visite del vescovo G.B. de Petruciis alle chiese delle diocese di Caserta (1507–1509)," in: Rivista di Terra di Lavoro 1. 2 (April 2006), p. 1 with note 1. Camillo Porzio (1859). S. d'Aloe (ed.). La congiura de' baroni del regno di Napoli contra il re Ferdinando i. Ridotta alla sua vera lezione [&c.] per cura del comm. S. d'Aloe (in Italian). Naples: G. Nobile. Eubel II, pp. 119, 183, 246; III, p. 155 note 2.
  50. ^ A native of Florence, Boncianni held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure, and was a Referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures under Pope Leo X. He was appointed Bishop of Caserta by Pope Leo X of Florence on 29 October 1514. He took part in the Fifth Lateran Council under Leo X. In 1524 he was named Commissary of the Theatine Order. He served as Datary to Pope Clement VII in 1527 and 1528. In a decree of 20 March 1532, written in Rome, he took steps to equalize the prebends enjoyed by the Canons of the cathedral Chapter. He died in 1532. Ughelli, pp. 510-511. Nicola Storti (1969). La storia e il diritto della datarìa apostolica dalle origini ai nostri giorni (in Italian). Naples: Athena Mediterranea. p. 186.
  51. ^ Lamberti was prefect of the Major Corrector of Justice, and papal Referendary. He was appointed Bishop of Caserta by Pope Clement VII on 10 February 1533. He was in Rome on 22 February 1538, when he participated in the consecration of two bishops. In 1139, he was a judge and executor of apostolic letters, working for the titular Patriarch of Alexandria, Cesare Riario. He died in Rome in 1541. Ughelli, p. 511. Eubel III, p. 155 with note 5.
  52. ^ Born in Cori (Velletri), Verallo was the nephew of Cardinal Domenico Giacobazzi. He was a Referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures, and an Auditor of the Rota (1534). In 1535, he was sent on a diplomatic mission to attempt to arrange an understanding between Francis I of France and the Emperor Charles V on the duchy of Camerino. From 1537 to 1540, he was papal Nuncio in Venice. He was appointed Bishop of Bertinoro on 20 August 1540, and fifteen months later, on 14 November 1541, he was named Bishop of Caserta. On 17 June 1541 he was named Nuncio to Ferdinand, King of the Romans, and he conducted various assignments in Germany until 1545. He was therefore an absentee bishop during his entire administration of Caserta. On 14 November 1544, Verallo was appointed Archbishop of Rossano by Paul III. On 8 April 1549, he was named a cardinal. He died on 10 October 1555. Ughelli, p. 512. Lorenzo Cardella, Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa (Roma: Pagliarini 1793) Tomo IV, pp. 292-293. Eubel III, pp. 139, 155.
  53. ^ Dandini was a native of Cesena, and became a cleric of the diocese of Cesena (not Caserta). He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the University of Bologna. He became a Protonotary Apostolic, and was a privy chamberlain of Paul III. He was appointed bishop of Caserta on 14 November 1544, and was consecrated in Rome on 21 March 1545; his bulls of provision had not yet been signed on 14 March 1545. He was an absentee bishop (according to Ughelli, p. 512). On 17 May 1546 Dandini was appointed Bishop of Imola by Pope Paul III. He was appointed a cardinal by Pope Julius III on 20 November 1551, and died on 4 December 1559. Cardella, pp. 327-330. Eubel III, p. 155 with note 7.
  54. ^ Bellomo was a native of Rome, and had been a Cleric of the Apostolic Chamber (Treasury). In 1557 he was governor of Ancona. Bishop Bellomo attended the Council of Trent in 1562 and 1563. In 1585, he was granted a Coadjutor, his nephew Marco Bellomo, titular Bishop of Bethlehem, who predeceased his uncle Agapito. Francesco Sforza Pallavicino (1803). Istoria del Concilio di Trento (in Italian). Vol. Tomo XIV. Venezia: G. Zanardi. p. 124. Ughelli, p. 513. Eubel III, p. 156 with note 13. D. Natale and T. Pisanti, "Lettere di Agapito Bellomo, Vescovo di Caserta al Concilio di Trento," Archivio storico di Terra di Lavoro 3 (1960–1964), pp. 551-561 (in Italian).
  55. ^ A native of Melfi, Mandina had trained as a lawyer before he joined the Theatine Order in 1584. He was named Bishop of Caserta on 31 January 1594 by Pope Clement VIII. In 1596 he was sent by the Pope on a mission to the Emperor Rudolf. He presided at a diocesan synod in 1597. In 1598, he was named Consultor of the Holy Inquisition in Naples, but was in Rome much of the time between 1598 and 1601; he was present in Rome in 1600 at the trial of Giordano Bruno. On 5 June 1604, Mandina was named Apostolic Administrator of the diocese of Naples, on the death of Cardinal Alfonso Gesualdo, the Archbishop. He died in Naples in 1604. Cappelletti, p. 252. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 138 with note 2. Thomas F. Mayer (2014). The Roman Inquisition on the Stage of Italy, C. 1590-1640. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-8122-4573-8.
  56. ^ Born in Genoa in 1558, Gentile joined the Dominican Order in 1574, at the age of sixteen, at S. Maria del Castello, where he was educated and eventually became Prior. He was elected Provincial Diffinitor of his Order in 1589, after which he became Prior of Santa Croce in Bosco (1590). He was then Prior of San Domenico in Brescia, and finally Prior of Santa Sabina in Rome (1591). In 1593 he was appointed Inquisitor of Milan, and then became Commissary of the Holy Office. He was appointed Bishop of Caserta on 9 July 1604 by Pope Clement VIII. He was appointed papal Nuncio to Naples on 29 March 1610, and Collector General of Papal Revenues in the Kingdom of Naples. He died in Naples in 1616, at the age of fifty-eight. Cappelletti, p. 252. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 138 with note 3. Mayer, p. 21.
  57. ^ Diaz was named Bishop of Caserta on 18 May 1616. On 28 September 1616, he is recorded as being governor of Perugia. He resigned the diocese of Caserta in 1626 on being named papal Nuncio to Naples. Annibale Mariotti (1806). Saggio di memorie istoriche civili ed ecclesiastiche della città di Perugia e suo contado (in Italian). Vol. Tomo I, parte II. Perugia: C. Baduel. p. 389. Gauchat, p. 138 with note 4.
  58. ^ On 22 September 1636 Della Corgna was appointed Bishop of Squillace. Gauchat, p. 138 with note 5.
  59. ^ Suardi: Gauchat, p. 138 with note 6.
  60. ^ On 27 November 1641 Ricciulli was appointed Archbishop of Cosenza. Gauchat, p. 138 with note 7.
  61. ^ Sciamanna: Gauchat, p. 138 with note 8.
  62. ^ Cresconi: Gauchat, p. 138 with note 9.
  63. ^ Ventriglia: Gauchat, p. 138 with note 10.
  64. ^ Giuseppe de Auxilio died on 28 July 1668. Gauchat, p. 138 with note 11. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 146, note 2.
  65. ^ Cavalli was born in Amantea near Tropea, his mother's home; she was killed in the earthquake of 1637. Bonaventura studied in Naples, Rome, and Bologna, and became a noted preacher throughout Italy, being eventually summoned to the Imperial Court in Vienna by Emperor Leopold I. He was twice elected Commissary General of his Order. He died in his episcopal residence on 10 June 1689 of kidney stones. Ughelli, pp. 516-518. Cappelletti, p. 255. Ritzler-Sefrin V, p. 146 with note 3.
  66. ^ Born in 1616 in Veglia, Berarducci had been Abbot of San Lorenzo di Aversa. He was appointed Bishop of Caserta on 8 May 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. He died on 25 September 1695, at the age of eighty. Ughelli, pp. 518-529 [sic}. Cappelletti, p. 256. Ritzler-Sefrin V, p. 146 with note 4.
  67. ^ Schinosi was also a native of Veglia, born in 1659. He had been Archpriest of Terlizzi when he was named Bishop of Caserta on 20 February 1696 by Pope Innocent XII. He died on 14 September 1734. Ughelli, p. 529 [sic}. Cappelletti, p. 256. Ritzler-Sefrin V, p. 146 with note
  68. ^ Del Quarto had been Bishop of Anglona. He was named Bishop of Caserta by Pope Clement XII on 17 November 1734. He died on 10 May 1747. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 152 with note 2.
  69. ^ Falangola: Ritzler-Sefrin VI, p. 152 with note 3.
  70. ^ Albertini: Ritzler-Sefrin VI, p. 152 with note 4.
  71. ^ Filomarini: Ritzler-Sefrin VI, p. 152 with note 5.
  72. ^ On 29 Mar 1802 Pignatelli was appointed Archbishop of Palermo by Pope Pius VII. Ritzler-Sefrin VI, p. 152 with note 6.
  73. ^ Rogadei was born in Veglio (diocese of Bitonto) in 1742. He was named Bishop of Caserta on 26 June 1805 by Pope Pius VII. He died on 15 March 1816. Notizie per l'anno 1806 (in Italian). Roma: Cracas. 1806. p. 126. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 137.
  74. ^ Gualtieri was born in Lucoli, in the diocese of Aquila in 1740. He had been Bishop of L'Aquila from 1792 to 1818. He was appointed Bishop of Caserta on the recommendation of the King of the Two Sicilies and the approval of Pope Pius VII on 6 April 1818. He died on 15 June 1831. Cappelletti, p. 258. Ritzler-Sefrin VI, p. 93; VII, p. 137.
  75. ^ Cosenza was born in Naples in 1852. He was appointed titular bishop of Dioclea on 23 June 1890. Pope Leo XIII named him Bishop of Cosenza on 12 June 1893. On 4 March 1913 Cosenza was appointed Archbishop of Capua by Pope Pius X. Annuario Pontificio per l'anno 1930 (Roma: Tip. polyglotta Vaticana 1930), p. 115.
  76. ^ CV of Bishop D'Alise: Diocesi di Caserta, "S. E. Mons. Giovanni D'Alise, Vescovo di Caserta"; retrieved: 12 September 2019. (in Italian)



Reference works




  This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainHerbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Caserta". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.