In differential geometry, Santaló's formula describes how to integrate a function on the unit sphere bundle of a Riemannian manifold by first integrating along every geodesic separately and then over the space of all geodesics. It is a standard tool in integral geometry and has applications in isoperimetric[1] and rigidity results.[2] The formula is named after Luis Santaló, who first proved the result in 1952.[3][4]



Let   be a compact, oriented Riemannian manifold with boundary. Then for a function  , Santaló's formula takes the form



  •   is the geodesic flow and   is the exit time of the geodesic with initial conditions  ,
  •   and   are the Riemannian volume forms with respect to the Sasaki metric on   and   respectively (  is also called Liouville measure),
  •   is the inward-pointing unit normal to   and   the influx-boundary, which should be thought of as parametrization of the space of geodesics.



Under the assumptions that

  1.   is non-trapping (i.e.   for all  ) and
  2.   is strictly convex (i.e. the second fundamental form   is positive definite for every  ),

Santaló's formula is valid for all  . In this case it is equivalent to the following identity of measures:


where   and   is defined by  . In particular this implies that the geodesic X-ray transform   extends to a bounded linear map  , where   and thus there is the following,  -version of Santaló's formula:


If the non-trapping or the convexity condition from above fail, then there is a set   of positive measure, such that the geodesics emerging from   either fail to hit the boundary of   or hit it non-transversely. In this case Santaló's formula only remains true for functions with support disjoint from this exceptional set  .



The following proof is taken from [[5] Lemma 3.3], adapted to the (simpler) setting when conditions 1) and 2) from above are true. Santaló's formula follows from the following two ingredients, noting that   has measure zero.

  • An integration by parts formula for the geodesic vector field  :
  • The construction of a resolvent for the transport equation  :

For the integration by parts formula, recall that   leaves the Liouville-measure   invariant and hence  , the divergence with respect to the Sasaki-metric  . The result thus follows from the divergence theorem and the observation that  , where   is the inward-pointing unit-normal to  . The resolvent is explicitly given by   and the mapping property   follows from the smoothness of  , which is a consequence of the non-trapping and the convexity assumption.


  1. ^ Croke, Christopher B. "A sharp four dimensional isoperimetric inequality." Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 59.1 (1984): 187–192.
  2. ^ Ilmavirta, Joonas, and François Monard. "4 Integral geometry on manifolds with boundary and applications." The Radon Transform: The First 100 Years and Beyond 22 (2019): 43.
  3. ^ Santaló, Luis Antonio. Measure of sets of geodesics in a Riemannian space and applications to integral formulas in elliptic and hyperbolic spaces. 1952
  4. ^ Santaló, Luis A. Integral geometry and geometric probability. Cambridge university press, 2004
  5. ^ Guillarmou, Colin, Marco Mazzucchelli, and Leo Tzou. "Boundary and lens rigidity for non-convex manifolds." American Journal of Mathematics 143 (2021), no. 2, 533-575.
  • Isaac Chavel (1995). "5.2 Santalo's formula". Riemannian Geometry: A Modern Introduction. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics. Vol. 108. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-48578-9.