Serbia–Somalia relations

Serbia and Somalia maintain diplomatic relations established between Somalia and SFR Yugoslavia in 1960, following Somalia's independence.

Serbia–Somalia relations
Map indicating locations of Somalia and Serbia



Yugoslavia formerly had an embassy in Mogadishu, and there is archived correspondence between the Yugoslav embassies in Mogadishu and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1975, regarding the relations between the Soviet Union, Ethiopia, and Somalia; a situation that became the Ogaden War shortly afterwards, in 1977.[1]

In 2015, Serbia appointed its first ambassador to Somalia, since the breakup of Yugoslavia and the Somali Civil War, both of which began in 1991. Both parties announced plans for cooperation in the areas of development and vocational training for Somalia's youth, as well as agriculture, science, and health sectors.[2] In 2021, Somalia re-opened an embassy in Belgrade.[3]

See also



  1. ^ “Telegram from Yugoslav Ambassador in Mogadishu Hocevar,” July 12, 1975, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Diplomatski Arhiv Ministarstva Spoljnih Poslova Republike Srbije [Belgrade], f. Politički Arhiv, Somalija 1975, fascikle 223, dosie 6, signatura 435693. Obtained and translated by Radoslav Yordanov.
  2. ^ Ahmed. "Somalia: President Receives Credentials from Serbia's Ambassador to Somalia, Mr Ivan Zikovic | RBC Radio." RBC Radio, 03 Feb. 2015. Web. 09 Apr. 2017.
  3. ^ Mohamed Abdullahi Takes Charge As Somalia’s Top Diplomat To Serbia