Soling World Championship results (1990–1994)

This article stated the results of the World Soling Championships from 1990 till 1994. Unfortunately not all crew names are documented in the major sources: United States Soling Association (USSA) bulletin "Leading Edge" and International Soling Association (ISA) magazine "Soling Sailing".


1990 Final results

Event title
Edition23 [1][2][3][4]
HostRoyal Yacht Club Hollandia
Event details
VenueMedemblik,   Netherlands
Dates16 -26 August
Opening ceremony19 August
Competing nations24
  Gold  France
Marc Bouet
Fabrice Levet
Alain Pointet
  Silver  United States
Kevin Mahaney
Jim Brady
Doug Kern
  Bronze  East Germany
Helmar Nauck
Norbert Hellriegel
Sven Diedering
← 1989
1991 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
    FRA Marc Bouet Fabrice Levet
Alain Pointet
F 181 6 11.7 49 55.0 6 11.7 1 0.0 2 3.0 1 0.0 14 20.0 101.4 46.4
    USA Kevin Mahaney Jim Brady
Doug Kern
US 787 1 0.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 15 21.0 14 20.0 2 3.0 67.7 46.7
    GDR Helmar Nauck Norbert Hellriegel
Sven Diedering
DDR 4 7 13.0 17 23.0 2 3.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 88.0 65.0
4   USA Dave Curtis Brad Dellenbaugh
Paul Murphy
US 786 2 3.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 19 25.0 5 10.0 29 35.0 6 11.7 105.7 70.7
5   ESP Fernando León HRH Felipe de Borbon
Alfredo Vázquez
E 183 24 30.0 11 17.0 10 16.0 4 8.0 13 19.0 9 15.0 5 10.0 115.0 85.0
6   CAN Hans Fogh Steve Calder
Toby Tarczky
KC 181 3 5.7 12 18.0 8 14.0 11 17.0 12 18.0 35 41.0 9 15.0 128.7 87.7
7   DEN Jesper Bank Jesper Seier
Steen Secher
D 92 9 15.0 10 16.0 16 22.0 43 49.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 23 29.0 139.0 90.0
8   NZL Russell Coutts Graeme Fleury
John Irvine
KZ 20 11 17.0 YMP 17.6 24 30.0 7 13.0 3 5.7 15 21.0 12 18.0 204.7 92.3
9   NED Roy Heiner Ed van der Steene
Niels Unger
H 26 12 18.0 19 25.0 15 21.0 6 11.7 7 13.0 5 10.0 19 25.0 123.7 98.7
10   GDR Jochen Schümann Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
DDR 1 4 8.0 1 0.0 18 24.0 21 27.0 18 24.0 10 16.0 PMS 73.0 172.0 99.0
11   DEN Morten Hendriksen Per Anderson
Jan Anderson
D 96 16 22.0 3 5.7 14 20.0 37 43.0 22 28.0 8 14.0 7 13.0 145.7 102.7
12   CAN Paul Thomson Philip Gow
Stuart Flinn
KC 182 13 19.0 8 14.0 3 5.7 36 42.0 23 29.0 17 23.0 11 17.0 149.7 107.7
13   GDR Björn Oestereich Laurent Scheel
Steffen Voigt
DDR 3 18 24.0 2 3.0 32 38.0 18 24.0 11 17.0 2 3.0 PMS 73.0 182.0 109.0
14   SWE Magnus Holmberg Johan Barne
Björn Alm
S 135 10 16.0 14 20.0 9 15.0 10 16.0 14 20.0 21 27.0 PMS 73.0 187.0 114.0
15   CAN Bill Abbott Jr. Matt Abbott
Charlie Day
KC 1 26 32.0 35 41.0 37 43.0 15 21.0 6 11.7 11 17.0 1 0.0 165.7 122.7
16   FRG Thomas Jungblut Gerrit Bartel
Frank Neufing
G 269 15 21.0 21 27.0 30 36.0 2 3.0 38 44.0 31 37.0 15 21.0 189.0 145.0
17   GDR Jörg Hermann Ingo Hermann
Ingo Borowski
DDR 5 31 37.0 25 31.0 26 32.0 24 30.0 10 16.0 22 28.0 8 14.0 188.0 151.0
18   ITA Marco Rudolfi Guiseppe De Martino
Faffo Lotti
I 229 47 53.0 DNF 73.0 19 25.0 33 39.0 9 15.0 3 5.7 10 16.0 226.7 153.7
19   ITA Flavio Favini Marco di Natale
Alberto Marelli
I 209 29 35.0 22 28.0 PMS 73.0 9 15.0 34 40.0 6 11.7 20 26.0 228.7 155.7
20   AUT Michael Luschan Georg Stadler
Franz Fellner
0E 73 21 27.0 6 11.7 44 50.0 20 26.0 16 22.0 25 31.0 33 39.0 206.7 156.7
21   FRA Luc Pillot Alain Champy
Yannig Livory
F 150 23 29.0 20 26.0 43 49.0 DSQ 73.0 30 36.0 12 18.0 3 5.7 236.7 163.7
22   AUS William Hodder Chris Mason
Michael Mottle
KA 172 8 14.0 DSQ 73.0 31 37.0 35 41.0 4 8.0 30 36.0 22 28.0 237.0 164.0
23   GBR Glen Charles Robert Cruickshank
Tim Hancock
K 151 22 28.0 9 15.0 23 29.0 56 62.0 36 42.0 18 24.0 26 32.0 232.0 170.0
24   AUS Matt Hayes Andrew Cutler
Douglas Ross-Munro
KA 152 30 36.0 28 34.0 21 27.0 44 50.0 19 25.0 23 29.0 17 23.0 224.0 174.0
25   FRA Thierry Peponnet Daniel Ferre
Gildas Morvan
F 188 17 23.0 34 40.0 PMS 73.0 29 35.0 42 48.0 13 19.0 13 19.0 257.0 184.0
26   URS Serhiy Pichuhin Gennadiy Strakh
Andrey Nikandrov
SR 41 20 26.0 5 10.0 PMS 73.0 49 55.0 27 33.0 20 26.0 29 35.0 258.0 185.0
27   FIN Kenneth Thelen Hendrik Thelen
Joha Valtanen
L 48 19 25.0 29 35.0 29 35.0 39 45.0 25 31.0 16 22.0 36 42.0 235.0 190.0
28   JPN Kazunori Komatsu Toshiaka Motohashi
Hideaki Takashiro
J 34 36 42.0 33 39.0 12 18.0 5 10.0 DNS 73.0 59 65.0 18 24.0 271.0 198.0
29   NOR Terje Wang Erling Landsværk
Tom Eslungsen
N 107 5 10.0 41 47.0 33 39.0 34 40.0 41 47.0 19 25.0 32 38.0 246.0 199.0
30   SWE Martin Palson Gran Alm
Lars Holmquist
S 140 25 31.0 15 21.0 53 59.0 22 28.0 37 43.0 49 55.0 16 22.0 259.0 200.0
31   GBR David Tabb Martin Borrett
William Watson
K 148 RET 73.0 24 30.0 1 0.0 13 19.0 32 38.0 36 42.0 PMS 73.0 275.0 202.0
32   URS Tõnu Tõniste Heiki Tauts
Tiit Vikson
SR 29 YMP 39.0 31 37.0 41 47.0 17 23.0 21 27.0 44 50.0 24 30.0 314.0 203.0
33   FRA Francois Brenac Stanislas Bripaux
Jules Mazars
F 162 33 39.0 26 32.0 28 34.0 30 36.0 57 63.0 28 34.0 38 44.0 282.0 219.0
34   FRG Axel Mertens Michael Dümchen
Rene Schmitt
G 276 43 49.0 43 49.0 20 26.0 26 32.0 DSQ 73.0 26 32.0 27 33.0 294.0 221.0
35   NOR Rune Jacobsen Anders Andersen
Pai Christoffersen
N 104 50 56.0 30 36.0 11 17.0 32 38.0 17 23.0 52 58.0 PMS 73.0 301.0 228.0
36   AUS James Wilmot David Hardy
Warwick Anderson
KA 169 DSQ 73.0 16 22.0 13 19.0 PMS 73.0 33 39.0 42 48.0 21 27.0 301.0 228.0
37   HUN Szabolcs Detre Zsolt Detre
Zoltan Sass
M 63 37 43.0 47 53.0 7 13.0 12 18.0 24 30.0 PMS 73.0 PMS 73.0 303.0 230.0
38   GBR Rory Bowman Mark Ingram
Mark Covell
K 147 28 34.0 36 42.0 42 48.0 27 33.0 58 64.0 27 33.0 37 43.0 297.0 233.0
39   ISR Yoel Sela Eldad Amir
Jehuda Mayan
IS 11 39 45.0 27 33.0 34 40.0 38 44.0 26 32.0 60 66.0 40 46.0 306.0 240.0
40   NOR Dag Usterud Eilert Vierli
Kristian Krogholm
N 111 32 38.0 13 19.0 55 61.0 47 53.0 20 26.0 53 59.0 42 48.0 304.0 243.0
41   FRG Andy Vincon Thomas Olbrich
Peter Dörsch
G 280 14 20.0 42 48.0 PMS 73.0 25 31.0 40 46.0 24 30.0 DSQ 73.0 321.0 248.0
42   USA Erik Koppernaes Colin Guthrie
Paul Jrabowsky
US 806 40 46.0 45 51.0 PMS 73.0 31 37.0 29 35.0 48 54.0 25 31.0 327.0 254.0
43   SWE Peter Carlsson Otto Stroemberg
Thomas Olsson
S 131 DNF 73.0 37 43.0 36 42.0 16 22.0 28 34.0 43 49.0 PMS 73.0 336.0 263.0
44   USA Wally Corwin J.P. St. Germain
Chris Gerhard
US 801 51 57.0 54 60.0 17 23.0 54 60.0 52 58.0 33 39.0 30 36.0 333.0 273.0
45   ITA Mario Celon Claudio Celon
Corrado Biasi
I 230 DNF 73.0 39 45.0 35 41.0 14 20.0 31 37.0 55 61.0 PMS 73.0 350.0 277.0
46   USA Jerry Castle Joe Tomaselli
Terry Polidor
US 726 55 61.0 58 64.0 22 28.0 53 59.0 53 59.0 32 38.0 35 41.0 350.0 286.0
47   USA Stuart H. Walker Niki Seemann
Guy McKhann
US 725 46 52.0 51 57.0 40 46.0 23 29.0 39 45.0 51 57.0 PMS 73.0 359.0 286.0
48   SWE Göran Sandberg Peter Andersson
Jan Bjoemberg
S 124 34 40.0 23 29.0 PMS 73.0 28 34.0 56 62.0 45 51.0 PMS 73.0 362.0 289.0
49   USA Joe Hoeksema Rose Hoekema
Terry Anderson
US 715 44 50.0 56 62.0 39 45.0 46 52.0 55 61.0 41 47.0 31 37.0 354.0 292.0
50   POR Antonio Tanger Luis Miguel Santos
Jose Cunha
P 9 38 44.0 48 54.0 27 33.0 60 66.0 45 51.0 39 45.0 PMS 73.0 366.0 293.0
51   NED Rudy den Outer Robert Molsbergen
Jaap de Zeeuw
H 22 49 55.0 38 44.0 52 58.0 PMS 73.0 48 54.0 46 52.0 28 34.0 370.0 297.0
52   AUS Murray Smith Mike Huges
Russel Frame
KA 159 27 33.0 44 50.0 46 52.0 50 56.0 49 55.0 50 56.0 PMS 73.0 375.0 302.0
53   AUT Christian Spiessberger Martin Kendler
Christian Feichtinger
OE 94 42 48.0 32 38.0 48 54.0 51 57.0 54 60.0 40 46.0 PMS 73.0 376.0 303.0
54    SUI Daniel Schenker Christoph Schenker
Philiph Janneret
Z 271 45 51.0 53 59.0 47 53.0 52 58.0 47 53.0 37 43.0 39 45.0 362.0 303.0
55   FIN Robert Roennback Claus Gerkman
Marts Pahlman
L 47 DNF 73.0 52 58.0 38 44.0 58 64.0 51 57.0 38 44.0 34 40.0 380.0 307.0
56   BRA Eduardo de Souza Carlos Sampaio
Norman McPerson
BL 55 35 41.0 18 24.0 45 51.0 41 47.0 DNC 73.0 DNC 73.0 DNC 73.0 382.0 309.0
57   USA Douglas McLean Jeff Thorpe
Bill Fortenberry
US 739 YMP 52.2 40 46.0 DSQ 73.0 55 61.0 35 41.0 34 40.0 PMS 73.0 434.0 313.2
58   ESP Jesús Turró Luis Calzado
Javier Vallego
E 14 DNF 73.0 55 61.0 25 31.0 57 63.0 50 56.0 57 63.0 41 47.0 394.0 321.0
59   NED Ton Koot Frank Mulder
Chris Mastenberg
H 25 53 59.0 DNF 73.0 PMS 73.0 45 51.0 43 49.0 47 53.0 43 49.0 407.0 334.0
60   FIN Heikki Hohtari Joni Nuorivaara
Marc Lindroos
L 50 41 47.0 DNF 73.0 54 60.0 42 48.0 46 52.0 56 62.0 DNF 73.0 415.0 342.0
61   FRG Roman Koch Maxl Koch
Ralph Schrappe
G 266 DSQ 73.0 46 52.0 50 56.0 40 46.0 44 50.0 61 67.0 DNC 73.0 417.0 344.0
62    SUI Jürg Menzi Jürg Christen
Bernhard Wohlwend
Z 272 48 54.0 50 56.0 56 62.0 PMS 73.0 59 65.0 54 60.0 45 51.0 421.0 348.0
63   NED Erik de Vrijer Rien Segaar
Joost Nederkoorn
H 20 52 58.0 59 65.0 51 57.0 59 65.0 61 67.0 62 68.0 44 50.0 430.0 362.0
64   YUG Boštjan Antončič Marco Kocjancic
Andrej Cergolj
Y 1 54 60.0 DNC 73.0 49 55.0 48 54.0 60 66.0 58 64.0 PMS 73.0 445.0 372.0
65   NED Bram Soethoudt Wilco Wessels
Frank Hermans
H 24 56 62.0 57 63.0 PMS 73.0 61 67.0 62 68.0 63 69.0 46 52.0 454.0 381.0
66   BRA José Paulo Dias Daniel Adler
José Augusto Dias
BL 45 DNF 73.0 DNF 73.0 DNC 73.0 DNC 73.0 DNC 73.0 DNC 73.0 DNC 73.0 511.0 438.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; RET – Retired;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1990 Progress


Further results


For further results see:


  1. ^ Reed, Dinny (ed.). "Soling Champions/World Events/World Champions" (PDF). The International Soling Association GUIDE 1996 - 2000. Vol. 1996–2000, no. 1. International Soling Association. p. 8.
  2. ^ "Segeln - Welt- und Europameisterschaften Herren (Olympische Bootsklassen - Soling) Resultate" (ASCII). (in German). Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  3. ^ "Soling World Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 16–26 August 1990 [1990]. Retrieved 16 April 2020.
  4. ^ "1990 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FRENCH INVADE HOLLAND" (PDF). International Soling Association. 6–26 August 1990 [1990]. Retrieved 16 April 2020.