In stochastic calculus, stochastic logarithm of a semimartingale such that and is the semimartingale given by[1]In layperson's terms, stochastic logarithm of measures the cumulative percentage change in .

Notation and terminology


The process   obtained above is commonly denoted  . The terminology stochastic logarithm arises from the similarity of   to the natural logarithm  : If   is absolutely continuous with respect to time and  , then   solves, path-by-path, the differential equation  whose solution is  .

General formula and special cases

  • Without any assumptions on the semimartingale   (other than  ), one has[1] where   is the continuous part of quadratic variation of   and the sum extends over the (countably many) jumps of   up to time  .
  • If   is continuous, then  In particular, if   is a geometric Brownian motion, then   is a Brownian motion with a constant drift rate.
  • If   is continuous and of finite variation, then Here   need not be differentiable with respect to time; for example,   can equal 1 plus the Cantor function.


  • Stochastic logarithm is an inverse operation to stochastic exponential: If  , then  . Conversely, if   and  , then  .[1]
  • Unlike the natural logarithm  , which depends only of the value of   at time  , the stochastic logarithm   depends not only on   but on the whole history of   in the time interval  . For this reason one must write   and not  .
  • Stochastic logarithm of a local martingale that does not vanish together with its left limit is again a local martingale.
  • All the formulae and properties above apply also to stochastic logarithm of a complex-valued  .
  • Stochastic logarithm can be defined also for processes   that are absorbed in zero after jumping to zero. Such definition is meaningful up to the first time that   reaches   continuously.[2]

Useful identities

  • Converse of the Yor formula:[1] If   do not vanish together with their left limits, then 
  • Stochastic logarithm of  :[2] If  , then 


  • Girsanov's theorem can be paraphrased as follows: Let   be a probability measure equivalent to another probability measure  . Denote by   the uniformly integrable martingale closed by  . For a semimartingale   the following are equivalent:
    1. Process   is special under  .
    2. Process   is special under  .
  • + If either of these conditions holds, then the  -drift of   equals the  -drift of  .


  1. ^ a b c d Jacod, Jean; Shiryaev, Albert Nikolaevich (2003). Limit theorems for stochastic processes (2nd ed.). Berlin: Springer. pp. 134–138. ISBN 3-540-43932-3. OCLC 50554399.
  2. ^ a b Larsson, Martin; Ruf, Johannes (2019). "Stochastic exponentials and logarithms on stochastic intervals — A survey". Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 476 (1): 2–12. arXiv:1702.03573. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2018.11.040. S2CID 119148331.

See also