Taira no Kanemori ( ? –991, 平 兼盛) was a middle Heian period waka poet and Japanese nobleman. He is designated as a member of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals and one of his poems is included in the famous anthology Hyakunin Isshu. He was a member of the Taira clan.

Taira no Kanemori by Kikuchi Yosai
Taira no Kanemori, from the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.

Kanemori's poems are included in several official poetry anthologies from the Heian Era. A personal collection known as the Kanemorishū (兼盛集) also remains. His daughter Akazome Emon was also a distinguished waka poet, though she is usually reckoned as the daughter of her adoptive father, Akazome Tokimochi.
