Comments from article creator, moved from hus talk page


Adam Piette 14.10, 31 October 2013: I actually have done with the improvements - the external refs include a long chapter analysis of her work, for instance. The six references I have added are all new. On comparable pages I note that six refs is the norm. Do you want more?

These two substantial reviews, one in Hungarian, one a whole chapter of an academic monograph, are already referenced:

Ferencz Győző, Körvonalak az episztemológiai ködben, ‘Contours in the Epistemological Fog’ - Review of Ágnes Lehócykz, Poetry, The Geometry of Living Substance, Cambridge Scholars, 2010. - in (Holmi, February, 2013)

Zoe Skoulding, ‘Ágnes Lehóczky and the Palimpsestic City’ in Zoe Skoulding, Women’s Poetry and Urban Space: Experimental Cities, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-230-29278-9, ISBN10: 0-230-29278-X,