
Latest comment: 14 years ago by Arthur Rubin in topic The meaning of '1'.

The meaning of '1'.


The symbol of ‘1’ is not the same as ‘meaning’ of the symbol. There are many symbols of ‘one’ but the ‘meaning’ is always the same. As meaning the one is the ‘whole’ and ‘nothing’ because every unit in the consciousness of the observer is ‘one’ irrespective of the fact that it may be the observer himself or some material unit, an immaterial thought, one concept, a picture in the mind. or the mind itself. It is the observer who decides what the ‘one’ is. Nothingness or the ‘beginning’, noted by the symbol of ‘0’, is also ‘one’ beginning. At the beginning ‘0’ and ‘1’ are the identity. If ‘1’ is the ‘whole’, meaning all the ‘truths’, then it is not possible to use one of the manifestations of ‘1’ for the definition of ‘one’ but it is possible to use for this purpose the ‘synthesis’ of all the manifestations of ‘1’. That synthesis is the word ‘one’. As the sum, of all the manifestations of ‘one’, it is noted in mathematics by the symbol of ‘1’. If the reality of an observer is a limited plurality of ‘truths’ observed in the ‘now’ and coming from the external world or from the memory as well as those truths which do not exist in the ‘now’ but exist elsewhere in time, then the whole of the reality is ‘one’ and it is static. The observer has the ability to change position of his consciousness within his reality. Being dynamic within the static reality does not prevent that reality of being enlarged by addition of new ‘truths’ from the future. Repetition of the truths from the past does not change the reality because it is enclosed within the duality of existence non existence. Static reality as ‘one’ is seen by the observer from the ‘outside’ but the observer is dynamic ‘inside’ ‘1’ without changing the static ‘1’. The way the observer sees the ‘one’ depends on the ‘1’ itself because the ‘one’ observer can be outside or inside of himself. It is the observer who is dynamic not that which he observes. 01<c1<oo1 One, being Nothingness ‘0’ at the beginning, and the ‘whole’ of ‘1’ at the end of ‘c’ or (oo), is in every point of every reality because at every point there is a boundary of the beginning ‘0’ and the end of ‘1’, irrespective of the plurality of ‘c’ inside ‘1’. One is simultaneously static and dynamic because as ‘0’ and ‘1’ it does not change but it changes internally if it is motivated. KK ( (talk) 08:54, 6 August 2010 (UTC))Reply

Does this make sense to anyone else? — Arthur Rubin (talk) 09:31, 6 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Dear Arthur, I agree that the ideas presented here are difficult. They are difficult not because of the complexity but because they are new.(including mathematics). I am willing to discuss these new ideas with you. Please go back to your comment on the article 'Limited infinity' inInfinity KK ( (talk) 10:03, 7 August 2010 (UTC))Reply

If they are "new", they don't belong on Wikipedia until discussed in reliable sources. — Arthur Rubin (talk) 15:13, 7 August 2010 (UTC)Reply