Talk:A Description of the Morning



ın this poem what is told is the corruption in society that unable people to see the wrong order. ın the poem there is a servant named Betty and she spends her night with her master and to arouse no suspicion she discomposes her own bed . she does a trick but it is normal in that society. people get accustomed to such things.ıt is not the only example of disorder in society. he also mentions about the prisons that use prisoners to rob rich people at nights and give promise them to give food if they do their dirty job. ıt is also corruption. the poem criticizing the life of London by using satire. he also says there is no need to class discrimination as we all suffer from London and enjoy it at the same time. but the real issue of the poem is the forgotten values and how the wrong order is accepted without any questioning as we do not see such normal things anymore.