CIA and American government and American nation

CIA and American governmet should stop playing politics and starting working honestly with other nations, if you dont, the result will be very dangerous to your very life, pride, honour and dignity in the world.

Hazara people wanted a new begining after more than one hundred years of oppression and discrimination when soviet backed regime collapsed in 1992 in Kabul. Hazara people stood up for their rights and equality in the Afghanistan society. CIA saw it diffrently, suspicious of Iranian infleuece in Afghanistan through Hazaras, because Hazars are prodomenintly Shia. In fact Hazara has nothing to do with Iran. Hazara people were standing to save their identity, dignity.

CIA agents such as Sayyaf wanted to completly disarm and keep Hazaras away from government posts. But for Hazara people after more than 100 years it was unacceptable to sit idly. Hazara stood up for up for their rights against Invading armies of Sayyaf and Masoud. Hazara resistance was historic in defending themselves, the wars were brutal on all sides.

The democratic governments established after overthrow of Taliban is the result of Hazara and Mazari stannce for justice.

Requested merge

This article should be merged into the one about "Abdul Rasul Sayyaf" as he is the same person

Wikipedia does not need two separate articles about the same person. I added a picture of Mr. Sayyaf to the other article entitled "Abdul Rasul Sayyaf" and when I looked it up again the next time I found this present one and thought my picture had been removed. Now I realize that there are two different articles about the very same person, with a slightly different spelling of his name. Could the author of this article please check this. Whichever spelling of the name is used, there should be only one article. Thank you. By the way, the unsigned comment above is not mine. hillwalker 12:14, 19 October 2007 (UTC)