Talk:Army of the Republic



there were 250,000 units with an additional million units that were to see action. there is a difference between unit and trooper. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs).

A Unit has to be at least a Division because the war would have been over before any other large body of clones would be ready to fight(CIS victory).

True unit size ?


These trooper numbers aren't the total number of clones, but just the number of clone troopers.

  1. Grand Army—10 systems armies, a total of 3,000,000 troopers, with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (Darth Sidious) as commander-in-chief.
  2. Systems Army—2 Sector Armies (294,912 troopers) led by a High Jedi General (Jedi High Council member).
  3. Sector Army—4 corps (147,456 troopers) led by a Senior Jedi General (Jedi Master).
  4. Corps—4 legions (36,864 troopers) led by a clone marshal commander and a Jedi General.
  5. Legion/Brigade—4 regiments (9,216 troopers) led by a senior clone commander and a Jedi General.
  6. Regiment—4 battalions (2,304 troopers) led by a clone battalion commander, clone regimental commander, and a Padawan Commander.
  7. Battalion—4 companies (576 troopers) led by a major, and a Clone Battalion Commander.
  8. Company—4 platoons (144 troopers) led by a captain.
  9. Platoon—4 squads (36 troopers) led by a lieutenant.
  10. Squad—9 troops led by a sergeant.

In addition to those there are clone sergeants, clone lieutenants, clone captains... making the total number much higher.

For example: In battalion at least 661 clones (576 troopers + 64 sergeants + 16 lieutenants + 4 captains + major) ??