Talk:Barycentric Dynamical Time

Latest comment: 10 years ago by Chaosdruid

This is a bit confused. I'm not sure what is being talked about here.

This rate difference means, according to some scientists, [who?] that physical constants have different values in TCB than they do in TDB. Changing software from the traditional TDB values to the recommended TCB values would require considerable effort, but please note the considerations in the next paragraph.
Relativists accept Einstein's Principle of Equivalence (see general relativity), so that fundamental physical constants are the same in all inertial coordinate systems, and most do not use alternate definitions of the second as, for example, set up in TDB or TCB, these seeming to be fossils of early attempts to define absolute time. Relativists who are familiar with general relativity insist that there is no unambiguous way to compare the rates of clocks separated from each other in space or in time, or in relative motion to one another, nor to so compare measures of length and so on. Attempts to set up such comparisons are bound to fail when pursued to higher and higher accuracy. These comparisons and equations that model them may, however, be useful in limited contexts, though they are not normally regarded as a basis for defining different units.

Roadrunner (talk) 17:01, 17 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Similarly, what is this in relation to time on our planet? In other words, how about relating it to Earth time so we know what this is and how it is relevant to us. Chaosdruid (talk) 00:22, 15 November 2013 (UTC)Reply