Talk:Chimera Ants

Latest comment: 15 years ago by Mr. Toto in topic Yupi's type

First header


Hey, is anyone able to add more information regarding the Chimera Ants? Like, all the division leaders and such - I feel this area could be expanded a lot more, however, I'm not familiar with using Wikipedia. ~.~

pitou's gender


is pitou a man or woman because i think its a girl but the article lists him as male —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:31, 13 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

He is referred to as a he in the manga. Surprising I know, but there are plenty examples of female looking males in Hunter x Hunter, such as Karuto. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:40, 22 October 2007 (UTC)Reply



What type of nen ability is his Perfect Plan? Is it transformation, changing his nen somehow to hide his presence, or is it specialization? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:12, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Last time i checked, it was unknown. Manga never specified. And the guidebook is too old (Jail only appeared after the most recent guidebook). Fans speculate it's either specialization or manipulation. Or perhaps both (like the way kurapika is materialization and specialization). But it's all speculation. --`/aksha 13:18, 10 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
Me thinks it could very well be enhancement, since the definition of enhancement is 'strengthens natural [non-nen based] abilities' and he is a chameleon and chameleons have natural ability to hide themselves which could be taken to 'second level' using nen... I don't think all enhancement has to be combat abilities -- (talk) 15:58, 10 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

Identifying Chimera Ants


I have a few questions about the list of Chimera Ants, as they're a little different than I've imagined them. First of all, didn't the Chimera Ants change their names? We see this with Meleoron who is also named Jail (this should be specified in his paragraph, as well). So, my problem comes in here: I always understood it to be that Leol was indeed Hagya. When Werefin and Brou are going to see Leol, they mention Hagya and how he hates to be called that. Wouldn't this leave one to believe Leol is Hagya? And I believe Koruto, back in the beginning of the arc, even mentioned going to see Hagya...and he goes to see Leol. I think we see this with Zitoh, too - didn't Koruto first call him by something else (I could be wrong)? One of the reasons I bring this up is because it mentions Hagya as being a girl with a cute hat...but it also mentions Hina as such. There's not two of them. Hina is the girl with the cute hat we see with Leol, and is also the Nen remover. They're one person. If not, I'd like to know where the other one went, and doesn't it seem weird that Leol is connected to two people who look exactly the same (not many human-looking Ants to begin with, let alone cute girls with cute hats).

Also, Brou (I believe he has a longer name, but it escapes me) is the "lobster" Chimera Ant that's gone unlisted (isn't he actually a crawfish?).

And also, of course, this is just speculation, but I thought "Jairo" was Jail. It first shows both of them with that hoody on and it both makes sense that the founder of NGL would want to kill the King and someone who was ignored his whole life would end up having an ability to make themselves invisible/completely gone.

Lastly, are we sure the crocodile Chimera Ant wasn't just Zazan all along?

If I'm wrong (but I don't believe I am for the most part), I apologize, but I'd just like some carification. Malumultimus (talk) 14:44, 22 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

They never changed their names, they choose their names themselves, and then asked the Queen for permission to use them. Leol and Hagya are two different ants, and were shown at the same time (Hagya just hasn't done anything noteworthy). Brouda is indeed the crayfish ant, I just didn't realize it at the time. Same thing with the Crocodile and Zazan, shown "on-screen" as having completely different appearances. Hina looks similiar to Hagya, but is also seperate, as Hagya is definitely a Division Commander while Hina is a Captain under Leol, and is only first introduced a long time after the King occupies East Goruto (and after Leol is dead).
As for Jairo and Jail/Meleoron, they could be the same person, no one knows, but it's improbable, as Jairo is shown to leave the country, and Meleoron cuts off in the middle of saying Jairu, so it's probably a longer name than that. Also, even before the Queen dies, he is shown to have a "good" personality, averse to killing brutally, opposite of how Jairo is described. -Zyrxil (talk) 16:16, 22 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Chapter 192, Rammoto tells Koruto that Ditwu and Hagya hunt men all the time. The very next thing we see is Koruto discussing it with Leol and Zitoh. Leol says because it's fun, and Koruto looks at Zitoh and says, very plainly, "You too, Ditwu?" to which Zitoh says, "I think you misunderstand. Both Hagya's team and mine have turned in enough food to meet our quota." Would you like to explain that?
And explain why there's four chapters called Hagya's Squad, and it's all about Leol with his left- and right-hand men (Furatta and the girl with the cute hat). Are you going to say the girl is infact Hagya? Wouldn't that make her a Division Leader? Why is she following Leol, then? Why is Leol even there? Where's Hina? Leol likes to replace his human-female-with-a-cute-hat captain with a human-female-with-a-cute-hat division leader when he walks around, does he? Odd way to name a chapter, don't you think? A chapter that focuses on Leol when it's really named after another commander that has nothing to do with him but is for some reason following him..?
And in Chapter 246, on the two-page spread where it shows all the "food" and Werefin and Brouda are talking, one asks if they should steal the food, to which the other responds:
"What, after we defeat the King and his Royal Guards? Don't even joke about that. Only after I became stronger did I truly realize how strong they really are. They are monsters. We can only obey. Maybe Shau-dono gave us these abilities knowing that this would happen... I guess it's just Hagya who fails to see his intentions. Keke. These days, he gets angry when I call him that."
This is the conversation they have on their walk to go see Leol. Would you like to explain it? Some crazy little girl who hasn't been shown in dozens of chapters is mentioned? Kinda' strange, don't you think? And why do they hate being called by their name, these days? This Hagya girl sure does have a lot of explaining to do, huh? And it's weird, they say this Hagya person seems to be the only one who can't realize how impossible it is to dethrone the King. Funny! Leol also has that goal!
...Hagya is Leol. They changed their names. My other arguments were just suspicions I was prodding about to see if anyone had thought the same, but THIS is not even some fleeting opinion - this is fact. Malumultimus (talk) 17:24, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
To me, it just doesn't make sense. Why would Leol and Hagya be the same person when both names are used over the course of the series, and Leol never says "Ok, call me Leol" now. Whenever someone refers to Leol directly, they use Leol. However you are right about the girl always being Hina, and not Hagya. There's a picture of all the remaining Division commanders in chap 206, and the girl is not one of them. -Zyrxil (talk) 00:51, 25 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I understand I am over a year late to this argument, and I'm fairly certain by now it's clear on the Hagya/Leol debate so I'm not going to touch that. What I would like to bring up though, is that Brouda is still not listed among the Chimera ants... I know he's not that important a character, but given the fact he has a name and is in more than one or two chapters, surely he deserves to be listed? IrishPearl 16:46, 28 June 2009 (UTC)Reply
He's under Bloster, though he has little to no bio. In all honesty, I think that we should probably condense the chimera ant article under a general "Antagonists" page. -Mr. Toto (talk) 20:03, 28 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Yupi's type


Where does the info that he's transmutation type come from? I don't see how transmutation could allow shapeshifting of the physical body, that should be manipulation if something. But then again, he has the genes of a magic beast (like Kiriko I presume) so couldn't he have non-nen based transformation ability, and be enhancement type, which he would utilize just to allow transformations to more powerful forms than he naturally could / speeding up the process / etc.? Personality would fit enhancement too. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:58, 12 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, that's the mistake of whomever put that information in. Scanlations refer to the Transmutation type as Transformation, but Youpi is literally a shapeshifter. I think the editor's intent was to literally classify his ability as body transformation--not the Hatsu type. I don't believe his Hatsu type was ever given either. -Mr. Toto (talk) 16:32, 12 July 2009 (UTC)Reply



Meruem and the character Sylar from the show Heroes seem very similar. I realize that Meruem couldn't be based off Sylar because the series is older than Heroes, but both do something with the victim's brains to take powers, and both are sadistic. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Zippy4110 (talkcontribs) 19:12, 4 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

He also looks just like Cell 0.o —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:19, 23 November 2008 (UTC)Reply