The character at position 0xAF is ambiguous


According to Code page 865 there is the ¤ (CURRENCY SIGN) at the position 0xAF. The Code page 437 contains a » (RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK) at the position 0xAF.

There are the following links that support that the ¤ (CURRENCY SIGN) is correct: - - [1] - [2]

If ¤ (CURRENCY SIGN) is at the position 0xAF there would be three characters different compared to Code page 437. Additionally there would be a « but no » .

Can someone who actually used Code page 865 verify this. Raise exception (talk) 13:07, 28 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

This can be easily checked in Windows by changing the code page. On a Dutch Windows the default DOS (OEM) code page is CP850. I can change it to CP437 or CP865. When I change the code page to CP865 and display a text file with all 256 characters, a currency sign is displayed at position 0xaf.

See First cp850 is shown (the default) then cp437, and then cp865.

Erwin Waterlander (talk) 21:42, 10 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

I have corrected the article to show the three differences between this code page and code page 437. —Coroboy (talk) 11:09, 8 November 2011 (UTC)Reply