Data sources


I found an online ref to Crytocycloceras in uBio [1] crediting Crytocycloceras to Lai & Xu in Xu & Lai 1987. According to Nomenclator Zoologicus I gather this genus was first discovered somewhere in the Yantse Gorge in China. However I found nothing as to its lower taxonomic relationship so all we're left with is what Sepkoski put down.

Paleobiology Database, otherwise a good beginning source, is somewhat careless with the concept "assigned by" . Often, and especially in the case of jack Sepkoski, what is really meant is "included by" or "included in". Some previous worker(s)in the field made the assignment. Sepkoski's contribution to paleontology was is creating lists of valid genera with age ranges for the purpose of studying extinctions and recoveries. They, along with info from Paleobiology Dbase, are a good place to start, but I wouldn't call either of them the final authority.

JM talk