Talk:Dagen (Norwegian newspaper)

Latest comment: 11 years ago by PerDaniel in topic Errors in history

Christian extremism


A few links to articles (unfortunately - for those who does not understand the language - in Norwegian) that either say straight out or hints at the newspaper being considered extremist in the public opinion.

Hans Kristian Amundsen, journalist for the rather straightforward regional newspaper Nordlys (Northern Norway), says straight out that the editor of Magazinet is an extremist. [1]
Links to several opinions on the case [2]
Writer Shoaib M. Sultan on freedom of speech, use and abuse [3]
The editor Magazinet refuses to be interviewed by the major Arab World news channel al-Jazeera [4]
A committee in in the European Council deems the printing of the drawings as abuse of the right for freedom of speech [5]
The youth organization of one of the parties that are part of the current Norwegian government - the socio-populist Sosialistik Venstreparti (Socialist Left) sends in an official protest against the printing of the drawings to a guiding council for the Norwegian press [6]
the Islamic Council of Norway's reaction towards the printing of the drawings [7]
A Norwegian organization that helps refugees abroad shows disapproval [8].
Furthermore you could check Magazinet's website and the dubious kind of journalism they use, including allegations against al-Jazeera with links to a site that they probably run themselves. -- chsf, 20:32 8th February 2006 (UTC)

Magazinet is not a Christian extremist newspaper


The definition on a Christian extremism by wikipedia is:

Christian extremism is a term that encompasses a wide range of Christian-based beliefs considered to be fundamentalist and VIOLENT in nature.

Magazinet is not violent, they don’t support attacking abortion clinics and killing of doctors involved in abortions. Dl

They do use cowardly methods to advocate hatred towards non-Christians and anyone who dares to disagree with them. chsf, 21:00 2006/02/09
Can you give me one example of this? Dl 12:15, 10 February 2006 (UTC)Reply
Did you bother to check out the links? And can you give me ONE example of them NOT being extremists? -- chsf, 16:06 2006/02/11
I can quote from your own link:
"Redaktøren i Magazinet, Vebjørn Selbekk, har helt fra begynnelsen av denne saken bedyret at han ikke ønsket å såre og krenke muslimene med disse tegningene, men å reise en prinsipiell debatt om ytringsfriheten. Jeg betviler ikke at dette er sant."
Here says the Writer Shoaib M. Sultan that he believes that Selbekk didn’t want to hurt Muslims.
And I would recomand this article:
"Som kristen er jeg glad i alle mennesker uansett hudfarge og religion. Jeg reiser ofte til muslimske land, fordi jeg liker mentaliteten, kulturen og maten der, og jeg mener at muslimer beriker samfunnet vårt, sier han." Selbekk
"As a Christian I love all humans off all race and religion. I often travel to Muslim countries, because I like their mentality, culture and food. In my opinion Muslim is a benefit to the Norwegian society." Selbekk
Dl 22:42, 15 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

The Norwegian Order of Freemasons


Magazinet did also become disscuesed a lot I the Norwegian news when they desided to publis a serch engine for the members in The Norwegian Order of Freemasons in 2003

This should be in the article. Dl 12:31, 10 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Errors in history


There are some errors in the description of the history of the newspaper. According to the name "Dagen" has been used since 1919. I am not sure about the particulars around the merging with "Magazinet", so I am not going to edit the article. Maybe I'll have time to check the facts later. PerDaniel (talk) 11:46, 30 November 2012 (UTC)Reply