Talk:Danish humanitarian aid to Norway during World War II

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Komiteen i Norges Hus or Den norske Damekomitee was established in September 1940. In October 1940 the The Danish Norway Aid sends the first consignment clothing to the Norwegian Red Cross in Oslo. See also Norgesfonden av 1942, Norgesfonden (Hjælpefonden af 1942. Hjælpefondet. In: Aldrig mere Krig, 1940:7 [januar] s. 60. Hjælpefondens midler af penge og rationeringskort anvendes til “de nordmænd der vender hjem efter længere tids ufrivilligt ophold under forfærdende kaar.“ I 1943 “hjælpes 5-10 mand pr. uge”. Soruce: AmK Kredsmeddelelse, III februar 1943 s. 1. Hjælpefond 42 midler anvendes i Århus til “norske fanger, der passerer Danmark paa gennemrejse til og fra Tyskland. Desuden anbefales det at tegne "fadderskab [gennem Røde Kors] for norske fanger i [koncentrationslejren] Oranienburg”.

Fastt translation The Committee in Norway House or The Norwegian Ladies Committee was etablshed in September 1940 In October 1940 the The Danish Norway Aid sends the first consignment clothing til Norwegian Red Cross in Oslo.

See also Norway Fund av 1942, Norway Fund (Help Fund of 1942.
Help Foundation. In: No more war, 1940:7 [January] p 60.
The Help Fund collected the money and ration cards used for "the Norwegians who returns home after prolonged involuntary stay in appalling conditions." In 1943, "helped 5-10 per man weekly ".
Soruce: AMK circuit announcement, III February 1943 p first
Help Fund 42 are used in Aarhus "Norwegian prisoners, passing Denmark on transit to and from Germany. In addition, it is recommended to take "sponsorship [through the Red Cross] for Norwegian prisoners in the [concentration camp] Oranienburg".

Holger Terp, the Danish Peace Academy — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:57, 12 September 2012 (UTC)Reply