Talk:Denmark-Palestine relations

Latest comment: 14 years ago by Moocha

Correnseachbot just understand that I had no choice but to add something because the Wikipedia seach page never showed anyting about Denmark-Palestine relations. Please understand that it needs to be created. Thank you very much for your cooperation. User talk:PBS RENTALS

You're replying to a 'bot. It doesn't understand anything you explain, and your explanation is not a justifiable reason to violate copyright law. (talk) 19:55, 7 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
The problem was that the original article used an M dash in its name instead of a hyphen, and the search function didnt' find it. Like requested here, I simply redirected it. CorenSearchBot conceivably has a bug here - it could be modified to recognize copypaste jobs instead of erroneously flagging them as copyvio, since content submitted to Wikipedia is licensed as CC-BY-SA and/or GFDL. Moocha (talk) 20:01, 7 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
Ahem, it does recognize them, silly me. Still, its message managed to confuse me too into thinking it's complaining about a copyvio, and I'm not exactly new around here... Should be improved. Ah well, no matter now. Moocha (talk) 20:04, 7 August 2010 (UTC)Reply