Talk:Eduard Deisenhofer

Deisenhofer never commanded the Wiking Division


Although Eduard Deisenhofer had been selected by the SS-Fuehrungshauptamt (SS-FHA) as a replacement for Herbert Gille as commander of the Wiking Division (which was being led by acting commander Johannes Muehlenkamp) to take place in the first week of August, when Deisenhofer flew to the Modlin area for an office call (or interview) with Gille, Gille rejected him and decided to keep Muehlenkamp instead. As a Corps Commander, Gille's final acceptance of his replacement was essential and more than a mere courtesy; the fact that Gille chose Muehlenkamp instead speaks loudly in favor of the latter as a more promising and experienced officer more suited to command a Panzer Division. Source: Interview with the late SS Lieutenant Guenther Lange, former Aide-de-Camp of Gille, who was present during the interview and was a witness to his decision to reject Deisenhofer. DougENash (talk) 14:51, 20 March 2024 (UTC)Reply