The Emden Deep is not the third deepest after the Challenger Deep and the Horizon Deep- its the Sirena Deep.


Hi @Myrabert01:,

I really apprechiate the enthusiasm about the dive to the Emden Deep which was wide spread in the Phillipine medias but I question the following sentence in the entry section. "It is the third deepest on Earth after the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench and Horizon Deep in the Tonga Trench." The depth of the Sirena Deep in the Mariana Trench is given as 10,732 m (35,210 ft)[1] or 10,714 m (35,151 ft) [2]. The depth of the deepest point of the Phillipine Trench was so far given as 10,540 m (34,580 ft) whereas the deepest point measured and reached during the dive was given as 10,045 m (32,956 ft). Both values are indicating that the Phillipine Trench is quite deep and deeper than a lot of other trenches (except of the Mariana Trench and the Tonga Trench) but the Emden Deep is not the third deepest point/ spot or whatever this sentence is suggesting. I am pretty sure that scientific papers will be published in a couple months were the findings of this expedition will be evaluated and summarized. Let´s wait for that and then update this article. Besides this the sentence mentioned above should be changed or deleted.

Best regards Yeti-Hunter (talk) 14:16, 3 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for pointing out, the conflicting info, there's seems to be a misinformation circulating lately (albeit an unintended one) which has been picked up by even mainstream national Philippine media outfits. Perhaps what they meant is the "the deepest point in the third deepest trench in the world". But that's speculation on my part, without any WP:RS all we can do is just omit the claim for now.Hariboneagle927 (talk) 18:00, 5 April 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Hariboneagle927:, meanwhile I checked the other edits in this article as well and it seems that the deepest part of the Phillipine Trench was indeed wire sounded at first by the German ship Planet. But not in 1912 as stated in [3]. The German Planet Expedition took place 1906/1907 and these wire sounding at the Phillipine Trench were made January/February 1907.[4][5] Besides this both the dutch Snellius Expedition (1930) and the soundings of the USSCape Johnson(1945/1946) are completly unnoted. In my opinion the article should be rewritten once the scientific results of Victor Vescovo´s Emden Deep Expedition are published. Best regards Yeti-Hunter (talk) 21:11, 5 April 2021 (UTC)Reply


  1. ^ Fryer, Patricia; Becker, Nathan; Appelgate, Bruce; Martinez, Fernando; Edwards, Margo; Fryer, Gerard (2003). "Why is the Challenger Deep so deep?". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 211 (3 and 4). doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00202-4.
  2. ^ "Deepest Submarine Dive in History, Five Deeps Expedition Conquers Challenger Deep" (PDF). Retrieved 13 May 2019.
  3. ^ Bruun, Anton Frederick (1956). The Galathea Deep Sea Expedition, 1950-1952, described by members of the expedition. Macmillan, New York.
  4. ^ Lübbert (1909). Forschungsreise S.M.S. Planet 1906/07 I. Band: Reisebeschreibung (PDF) (in German). Vol. I. Berlin: Verlag von Karl Siegismund. pp. 101–102. doi:10.18452/5.
  5. ^ Brennecke, W. (1909). Forschungsreise S.M.S. Planet 1906/07 III. Band: Ozeanographie (PDF) (in German). Vol. III. Berlin: Verlag von Karl Siegismund. pp. 45–47. doi:10.18452/7.