Talk:Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari



Ermanno Wolf Ferrari also wrote a number of songs for voice and piano. 2 such sets are called "Quattro Rispetti" (Opus.11 and Opus 12). They are charming little songs of old italian verses. (Rispetti is a poetic term referring to verses of 8 lines, each line having 11 syllables, and where the author of the poem is unknown). He also composed various other songs, loosely grouped in a collection called "Il Canzoniere" (Op. 17). Funnilly, this collection includes '"The Italian Songbook" which was also set by Hugo Wolf in German. It is my understanding that Wolf Ferrari alternated the language he set them in, writing the first in Italian, the second in German and so on. I have searched for the sheet music for these songs and can not trace them anywhere. As I have a CD recording of them I know that they do exist and would love to learn them. If anyone can suggest a way of getting hold of them I would be most appreciative.