What the hell is this? This is like Facebook chain mail.. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:05, 13 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Facebook/Cyber Stalking and the Emotional Bully


Facebook and Cyber Emotional Stalkers (FES and CES)

    A Facebook/Cyber Emotional Stalker is a desperate individual who abuses the use of social media, and the internet as his/her chance to molest and harass the victim he/she has fixated on. This offender uses the internet and it's services like email, fake profiles, social media, Facebook and Twitter, for harassing his/her victim. Quite often the offender appears normal at first and gains the trust of the victim. Then, once enough information on the victim is gained (like all social media outlets, emails, friends, family, and phone numbers), quickly spirals into an unstable, emotional blackmailing, clinging, all encompassing, unshakable stalker.   
    Unfortunately, these offending individuals do NOT have the ability to understand the obvious social cues of rejection and, view any and all declines of advances as "no means yes". This type of stalker sees all of the victims online activity as directly relating to their own life and situations. As if in, "secret messages", from the victim to themselves. It doesn't matter what the victim posts online, the Stalker will wrap what is posted into a meaningful, personal message, relating to the fantasy relationship in offenders mind. Offenders will share all the victims posts and, re-tweet posts, and comment on how it relates to themselves with the victim, to reinforce, in their own sick mind, how they are completely in sync with the victim. The Offender uses their own commentary on what the victim posted to positively reinforce that the victim understands them more than any one else. They read and re-read these compilations to feel emotionally close to the victim. Even though what the victim originally posted had nothing to do with the offender. The Stalker constantly checks all the victims social media for more "secret messages" to add to the fantasy.   
    They create alternate realities in which the victim loves and belongs to/with them, "soul mates". The offender often feels the victim completes them and, is the only one who understands who they truly are. The cyber stalker see correlations, between them, that do not, in reality, exist. The offending stalker often thinks the victim will "come around" if they keep up the pressure and unrelenting contact. The Cyber Stalker will often berate the victim with hundreds of emails and messages, to get any response, which they will quickly twist into a delusional reinforcement to continue harassing the victim.
    The Cyber Stalker will stop at nothing, including "Cat-fishing" with fake profiles trying, once again, to gain the trust of the victim when rejected and blocked. A sick kind of "Starting Over" mentality. The Stalker feels that if the victim responds well to the "new" profile, then all the perpetrators fantasy feelings are legitimate. The offender does not see the lies they use to entrap the victim as wrong and, the only thing they look for is the pay off of the victims attention. When they get the pay off of attention it is only a cue for them to "step up" the harassment. The Stalker does not understand why they are "blocked" and thinks if they can "explain" and "convince" the victim why they need to be together, the victim will finally agree. So, again, they create another profile, befriend the victim, pretend a common interest or pretend to be a legitimate business contact and, continue the harassment. 
    Quite often, a Cyber Stalker will appear to finally "get the message" of rejection and, will reach out with a question. "Is that is what you want? Then I will leave you alone. You just have to tell me yourself. I need to hear it from you. You have to say it." This is only a ploy to get the victim to respond and will be taken as an opening for more communication from the offender. 
    The toll on the victim of this type of (FES and CES) is devastating. When the victim is a public figure, or uses the internet to network for business, it is especially hard to sort out the legitimate contacts from the illegitimate ones created by the offender. The Bully often infiltrates the online friends and family of the victim as well. With the offender having multiple profiles makes it hard for the victim to completely wipe them from all social media outlets. The constant "defensive online stance" (DOS)is exhausting.  Any new contact or networking source is instantly suspect causing loss of time, possible work and money. The victim logs on with "High Alert" anxiety knowing that any post will instantly be misconstrued by the stalker and used to continue the offenders fantasy and harassment.   
    The best defense against an Emotional Cyber Stalker is to sever all ties and do not, under any circumstances, respond. The best defense is "DO NOT RESPOND! They will never, never, NEVER leave you alone until they have no more payoff, they get professional help (unlikely) or ... unfortunately, find another target of their sick, twisted, unwanted affection. 

2Wolves (talk) 14:54, 23 August 2014 (UTC) [1][2]2Wolves (talk) 14:54, 23 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

  1. ^ Experience from my online administration of actors/directors pages
  2. ^ Debbie Lennon