Talk:Florentino Floro/Archive 1

Latest comment: 2 years ago by Bonadea in topic Revision August 2022
Archive 1


Hello World! Hello Wiki members!

Florentino V. Floro is known worldwide as the Philippine Psychic and Healing Judge. He was removed by the Philippine Supreme Court due to alleged consultation with 3 mystic dwarves, LUIS, Armand and Angel.

Florentino floro 05:27, 30 June 2007 (UTC)

--Florentino floro 05:32, 2 July 2007 (UTC)


I've shortened this article in order to conform to the neutral point of view policy, and to use only information that I could verify from sources. The earlier version had an enormous number of sources, and I have not reviewed all of them, as most of those I did review recapped the same basic set of facts. There may well be enough information in those sources for a longer and more detailed article; the version with the fifty-plus sources is archived through the edit history. -FisherQueen (Talk) 02:13, 1 July 2007 (UTC)


I am so grateful for your kind help in allowing this article on wiki.

Let me state that -

1) When I became world-famous on april 6, 2006, due to the dwarf decision (thousands of blogs, forum threads and world reports)

[1] - google entries for judge florentino floro

some forum members stated that I must be in Wiki; I told them that per google, I am already in wiki, but just short note:

  • [2] - Skysmith/Missing topics about Law and Law Enforcement, Lawyers and legislators, Florentino Floro, Filipino judge who claims that he was advised by three mystic dwarves - (wp gwp g | eb 1911 co en gct sw)

2) therefore, I created the first account of


last year; for the purpose of participating at wiki, but I cannot comprehend the very long and technical processess, since I had little learning of computer; thus, just that account;

3) last month, a PINOYEXCHANGE member, when he saw my video on healing oil on youtube, suggested that an article about me should be on wiki with specifics

4) with my permission, he created this article and my image

but I did edit most of them to fill or add more REPORTS and truths

due to the inadvertent edit blocking by LUCAS of wiki

"lucasbfr" <>

I created another new account

florentino floro

but the next day

lucas said the editing remains

5) So,

May I please request that I be allowed to

add important reports, documentaries, etc. so as to MORE SPECIFICALLy compete the article on this


editing what I would EDIT-add to this article, PLEASE.

Hope that CONSIDERING that your time may be so precious, if you have time,

please check my ADDITIONS, editing , to conform with WIKI rules

but at the same time NOT SACRIFICING the TRUTH and OBJECTIVITY of my case

so that the WIKI and world readers may comprehend

the TRUE STORY and the most important REPORTS

on my case.

With this NOTE,

may I now continue to EDIT this article by adding points etc. with supports/verifiable notes.

Let me stress that I DO NOT ADVERTISE since I had already been world-famous in the reports.

THANKS so much.

--Florentino floro 04:27, 1 July 2007 (UTC)

I have helped your friend by rewriting this article to conform with Wikipedia guidelines. Information in this article needs to be completely neutral in tone, and also verified by reliable sources. For example, a recent edit said, "The Court found that Floro was consulting three mystic dwarves, LUIS, Armand & Angel," but none of the reliable sources agreed that the court had confirmed the existence of these dwarves; rather, the court appeared to be strongly of the opinion that these mystic dwarves do not exist. Given your conflict of interest as the subject of the article, I strongly recommend that you do not continue editing the article yourself, and that you point it out on the talk page (here) if you see things in the article that are not accurate, so other users can correct them. -FisherQueen (Talk) 13:55, 1 July 2007 (UTC)

I have removed your recent edit, both because of your conflict of interest and because the sources you cited were not reliable. One of the sources was a typepad document for downloading, the other was a link that went to an error page. I strongly suggest that you stop editing the article about yourself, and post to the talk page if there are errors in the article. -FisherQueen (Talk) 05:08, 2 July 2007 (UTC)



Dear FisherQueen,

Thanks for enlightening me on the wiki's rules.

I am sorry to have edited, I thought that my editing like yesterday would be formatted by you ...

So, from now, on, I will instead POST here to SUGGEST you to rectify the facts by adding my suggested links and facts:

1) First, may I ask you to include the ORIGINAL verifiable Decision, since this is the ORIGINAL and all the world news are just short and biased copies of this original:

The decision did not say that dwarfs do not exist, in fact it clearly accepted their existence, but it said that

Judge Floro cannot be an impartial judge if he consults these 3 in making decisions; I quote this:

We are in agreement with the OCA that Judge Floro cannot remain as RTC Judge because of the findings of mental impairment that renders him unfit to perform the functions of his office. We hasten to add, however, that neither the OCA nor this Court is qualified to conclude that Judge Floro is “insane” as, in fact, the psychologists and psychiatrists on his case have never said so.

When Justice Ramirez recommended that Judge Floro be dismissed from the service due to “insanity,” he was apparently using the term in its loose sense. Insanity is a general layman’s term, a catch–all word referring to various mental disorders. Psychosis is perhaps the appropriate medical term[120] as this is the one used by Drs. Vista and Villegas of the Supreme Court Clinic. It is of note that the 1995, 1998 and 2000 psychological evaluations all reported signs and symptoms of psychosis.

Courts exist to promote justice; thus aiding to secure the contentment and happiness of the people.[121] An honorable, competent and independent judiciary exists to administer justice in order to promote the stability of government, and the well-being of the people.[122] Carrying much of the weight in this daunting task of administering justice are our front liners, the judges who preside over courts of law and in whose hands are entrusted the destinies of individuals and institutions. As it has been said, courts will only succeed in their tasks if the judges presiding over them are truly honorable men, competent and independent.[123]

There is no indication that Judge Floro is anything but an honorable man. And, in fact, in our disposition of the 13 charges against him, we have not found him guilty of gross misconduct or acts or corruption. However, the findings of psychosis by the mental health professionals assigned to his case indicate gross deficiency in competence and independence.

Moreover, Judge Floro himself admitted that he believes in “psychic visions,” of foreseeing the future because of his power in “psychic phenomenon.” He believes in “duwendes” and of a covenant with his “dwarf friends Luis, Armand and Angel.” He believes that he can write while on trance and that he had been seen by several people to have been in two places at the same time. He has likened himself to the “angel of death” who can inflict pains on people, especially upon those he perceived as corrupt officials of the RTCs of Malabon. He took to wearing blue robes during court sessions, switching only to black on Fridays. His own witness testified that Judge Floro explained that he wore black from head to foot on Fridays to recharge his psychic powers. Finally, Judge Floro conducted healing sessions in his chambers during his break time. All these things validate the findings of the Supreme Court Clinic about Judge Floro’s uncommon beliefs and that such beliefs have spilled over to action.

Lest we be misconstrued, we do not denigrate such belief system. However, such beliefs, especially since Judge Floro acted on them, are so at odds with the critical and impartial thinking required of a judge under our judicial system.

Psychic phenomena, even assuming such exist, have no place in a judiciary duty bound to apply only positive law and, in its absence, equitable rules and principles in resolving controversies.


And read this part:

Judge Floro’s separation from the service does not carry with it forfeiture of all or part of his accrued benefits nor disqualification from appointment to any other public office including government-owned or controlled corporations.

As Judge Floro’s separation from the service cannot be considered a penalty, such separation does not carry with it the forfeiture of all or part of his accrued benefits nor disqualification from appointment to any other public office including government-owned or controlled corporations.

In fact, the psychological and psychiatric reports, considered as the bedrock of the finding of mental impairment against Judge Floro, cannot be used to disqualify him from re-entering government service for positions that do not require him to dispense justice. The reports contain statements/findings in Judge Floro’s favor that the Court cannot overlook in all fairness as they deserve equal consideration. They mention Judge Floro’s assets and strengths and capacity for functionality, with minor modification of work environment. Thus:

a. High intellectual assets as a result of “self-discipline and self- organization.”[149]

b. “(I)mpressive academic achievements” with “no drastic change in his personality and level of functioning as a lawyer in private practice.”[150]

c. “(C)haracter traits of suspiciousness, seclusiveness, pre-occupation with paranormal and psychic phenomena … not detrimental to his role as a lawyer.”[151]

d. “Everyday situations can be comprehended and dealt with in moderate proficiency …. His concern for the details that make up a total field represents his attempts at being systematic and cautious.”[152]

e. “(E)quipped with analytical power.”[153]

Consequently, while Judge Floro may be dysfunctional as a judge because of the sensitive nature of said position, he may still be successful in other areas of endeavor.

Putting all of the above in perspective, it could very well be that Judge Floro’s current administrative and medical problems are not totally of his making. He was duly appointed to judgeship and his mental problems, for now, appear to render him unfit with the delicate task of dispensing justice not because of any acts of corruption and debasement on his part but clearly due to a medically disabling condition.

Finally, if Judge Floro’s mental impairment is secondary to genetics[154] and/or adverse environmental factors (and, unfortunately, such essential information is not available), we cannot condemn people for their faulty genes and/or adverse environment – factors they have no control over.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court resolves to:

1) FINE Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. in the total amount of FORTY THOUSAND (P40,000.00) PESOS for seven of the 13 charges against him in A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460;

2) RELIEVE Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. of his functions as Judge of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 73, Malabon City and consider him SEPARATED from the service due to a medically disabling condition of the mind that renders him unfit to discharge the functions of his office, effective immediately;

3) As a matter of equity, AWARD Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. back salaries, allowances and other economic benefits corresponding to three (3) years;

4) DISMISS the charge in A.M. No. RTJ-06-1988 (Luz Arriego v. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.) for LACK OF MERIT; and

5) DISMISS the charge in A.M. No. 99-7-273-RTC (Re: Resolution Dated 11 May 1999 Of Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.) for MOOTNESS.

--Florentino floro 05:34, 2 July 2007 (UTC)


Please KINDLY correct the paragraph, by adding the importance of the religious beliefs.


--Florentino floro 05:32, 2 July 2007 (UTC)


Second Letter to FisherQueen

Dear FQ,

Regarding the original Link to Justice Bedsworth's article, I am now submitting the PERMALINK:

  • [3] - Criminal Waste of Space, Judges and dwarfs don't mix


(copyrighted blog entry removed) ==

Hoping that you will add this fact

to provide the GROUND of the appeal


hoping and waiting for your reply and contribution

--Florentino floro 05:46, 2 July 2007 (UTC)

You just added an entire, copyrighted blog entry to the talk page of this article. I have no idea what it was meant to communicate, but blogs are not usually considered reliable sources, and we don't add copyrighted material to Wikipedia, even on talk pages. If there is a factual error in the article, please communicate it in a short, simple paragraph. I cannot tell what you believe is in error. -FisherQueen (Talk) 04:02, 3 July 2007 (UTC)

July 12, 2007 Court Resolution

I added the Court Resolution which warned Floro of indirect contempt and closed his case.

--Juanatoledo 09:39, 20 July 2007 (UTC)

I re-worded the addition to make it a bit more neutral and professional sounding. WLU 17:19, 20 July 2007 (UTC)

Philippine Supreme Court gave DUE COURSE to Major Disbarment Cases against top 12 Court of Appeals Justices

After the mysterious fire that razed the Court of Appeals, just recently, the Supreme Court gave DUE COURSE to Major Disbarment Cases filed by Floro against top 12 Court of Appeals Justices.

--Juanatoledo 09:52, 30 July 2007 (UTC)

Archive 1


I added categories to this article, plus the required templates.-- (talk) 12:59, 22 February 2009 (UTC)


It has already been pointed out that Melanie Almeria is a sock-puppet of Floro. I noted earlier that Floro's user page was a vanity page. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:58, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

Revision, development for neutrality, BLP rules

I had edited this BLP article by revising and adding reliable sources to develop this article to adhere to the policy on biographies of living persons. -- (talk) 12:09, 23 February 2009 (UTC)

The style of these edits make me think that it is Floro himself who made these major revisions to this article about him. Not only has he been blocked from wikipedia for repeated violation of wp policy, but it is unlikely that his edits to his own article would be neutral. xschm (talk) 19:01, 23 February 2009 (UTC)

I think that the overall tone of this article is somewhat negative, and it is because Floro's beliefs are nontraditional. Wearing a special outfit one day a week is held to be proof of his insanity, but he already had to wear a special outfit every day for his job, and there is no shortage of religions that require special outfits on special days, or even all the time, for a variety of odd reasons. For example, there are at least two major religions that believe men must grow beards or they will risk going to Hell. Not only that, but they expect you to know that they have these beliefs, and aren't just people who like beards, and will get upset if you offer them certain types of meats that they believe an ancient, powerful and invisible man told everybody not to eat. If Floro wants to consult a dwarf sometimes, and a Bible at other times, in my opinion, it makes him more balanced than a judge who just consults one or the other.Pink-thunderbolt (talk) 15:40, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

Done. Please review and check the amendments plus sources, and edit if you wish. -- (talk) 08:40, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Looks good. Wouldn't touch a thing.Pink-thunderbolt (talk) 15:16, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
I think those edits were added by Floro himself. He has been blocked from editing wikipedia for repeated policy violation, and has continued to subvert that block via sockpuppets and anonymous edits. Lines like this one "After suffering 68 months of indefinite preventive suspension, from July 20, 1999, the Supreme Court of the Philippines on April 7, 2006, separated Judge Floro from judicial service with payment of three years' back wages and a fine of 40,000 pesos." are both grammatically incorrect (in this formulation the supposed suffering seems to attach to the Supreme Court) and non-neutral. Words like "suffering" have no place here. When you say you "wouldn't touch a thing", it makes me wonder if you've really looked. There are more examples, I just picked one. xschm (talk) 17:23, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
p.s. the edits added by the anonymous user are strikingly similar to the ones added in February [4] by another anonymous user. This latest one made the article more than 6 times as long as it used to be. It will take a long time to sort through it to determine what is worth keeping. xschm (talk) 17:33, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
What about the section: Unexplained series of car accidents, illnesses, surgeries and deaths of Philippines jurists and lawyers. This is pure speculation and WP:OR and in no way connected to the subject of the article. Except if we accept that the dwarves did it. They are mentioned at the end of the section for good measure. If we do accept this we might as well accept that the Supreme Court of the Philippines suffered 68 months of indefinite preventive suspension, which presumably, through the intervention of the dwarves, they gave to themselves. Dr.K. logos 18:07, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
I did read the changes, and I can't help it if I like a little bit of flair in articles, it's an accurate term, and it doesn't compromise neutrality. Honestly, something needs to be done so that this article doesn't read like a longwinded personal attack.Pink-thunderbolt (talk) 15:01, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Same person

Is this the same person "Florentino Floro" who was a judge and has a wikipedia account name " Florentino floro"? Just a question. Any thought? User:fred garcia —Preceding undated comment added 07:34, 2 April 2009 (UTC).

Yes, and he's now blocked, mostly because of terrible contributions, but in part for the same reasons he was disbarred--he's been threatening use his dwarves to cast curses on Filipino Wikipedians for a while now. -- (talk) 05:12, 13 April 2009 (UTC)
We really can't tell if Florentino Floro has authorized anybody to contribute to Wikipedia or Wikinews and other forums. I know him, since he was my classmate in the Ateneo in 1973; and I met him last year. I notice that he does not know PC since he pays a server to type his court pleadings. At any rate, as blogger and e-forum member, I had seen Floro's alleged posts:[5] and blocking in Wikinews[6]. Why do people especially us, skeptics, bother to fear about Floro's curses. Assuming that he hits the lotto of death with his antics and predictions, so what? Will we need to fear him? Blocking him makes no sense either, since spirituality is a different realm from ours. Ano tantya nyo?-- (talk) 08:38, 14 April 2009 (UTC)

Wow, what a page

The page is splintered inappropriately into way too many sections with titles that are way too long. I'm working through it. Another problem I've seen so far is citations that don't support the text they are attached to. WLU (t) (c) Wikipedia's rules:simple/complex 19:02, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

Why am I not surprised? Dr.K. logos 23:19, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
<cough> Not sure myself. WLU (t) (c) Wikipedia's rules:simple/complex 10:39, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
I am not sure either. I think we may have to apply the duck principle. Anyway they seem to not really like to register diff. Dr.K. logos 17:50, 25 May 2009 (UTC)


Are the predictions of the future made by Floro worth mentioning? WLU (t) (c) Wikipedia's rules:simple/complex 23:15, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

If they are supported by WP:RS then, maybe, they are notable and relevant. But the section: "Aftermath and unusual circumstances" and all subsections have to be deleted. They are pure WP:SYNTH and WP:OR. Dr.K. logos 23:23, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Great cleanup job so far. The article looks much more encyclopaedic now. Thanks for removing the huge OR section. Dr.K. logos 05:31, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
I removed the "Aftermath" section. I would add here as part of the justification that Floro wrote and added those sections himself. It would appear that he is trying to provide support for the claim that he is a psychic with the power to curse those who cross him. I don't think this article (or wikipedia in general) is an appropriate soapbox for those claims. xschm (talk) 05:34, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
I agree completely. The removed section was WP:SYNTH aiming at promoting the idea that the incidents described were the work of forces of the paranormal. Nice to read as a novel but obviously not at all encyclopedic. Dr.K. logos 05:47, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
There were a lot of references supporting them (Floro, in his daily trollings of the internet news sites, appeared to have found them all) but I just can't see a section that says "Floro made the following predictions..." being helpful. As with all psychics, there's no tracking of all the incorrect predictions that didn't come true, and we don't know if he was predicting or postdicting. I'm also going to try to clean up the lawsuits section some more and see if I can remove some more references. WLU (t) (c) Wikipedia's rules:simple/complex 10:47, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
Maybe a sentence would suffice, to the effect that he also claimed prophetic powers. Dr.K. logos

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Revision August 2022

Revision August 2022 This edit is a collaborative effort to create, develop and organize this article about people. Wikipedia states that "All interested editors are invited to join the project and contribute to the discussion xxx" of this Start-Class: as an attempt at providing a comprehensive, standardized, pan-jurisdictional and up-to-date resource for the legal field and the subjects encompassed including the coverage of Psychology on Wikipedia and coverage of topics related to the Philippines (C-Class law articles WikiProject Law articles C-Class psychology articlesLow-importance psychology articlesWikiProject Psychology articles);
This edit notes the importance of Wikipedia:Neutral point of view, Wikipedia:Verifiability - Wikipedia:Manual of Style Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Linking, Wikipedia:External links Wikipedia:Please do not bite the newcomers Wikipedia:Talk page guidelines;
This edit is a collaborative effort of: a) 3 Philippines law professors (teaching legal ethics, legal philosophy, remedial law and American-phil. jurisprudence), with juris doctor, m.a. and a Dean; b) 2 paranormal researchers, an inner mind development expert, an expert witness in RTCs c) clinical psychology and psychiatry professors who testified in annulment of marriages and other fields in RTC; d) a retired Phil. journalist and foreign correspondent; e) 2 retired Wikipedians and e) a sociology prof., a researcher on Philippine mythology, including duende, gnomes and elementals as part of Phil culture and history, inter alia;
The rewriting of this article is aimed to conform with Wikipedia guidelines, hence, the information in this article needs to be completely neutral in tone, and also verified by reliable sources. Almost all of the paragraphs (and sometimes sentences) are supported by International and Phil links, news, books, and most notable internal links This edit is based mainly on the (sources - Wikipedia:Verifiability) i) "World Famous Mystic Book of Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Arman and Angel" Part II, 2011 Edition, 711 pages First Friday, October 7, 2011, 3 p.m.; "World Famous Mystic Book of Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Arman and Angel" Part I, 2007 Edition, 405 pages ii) Judge Florentino Floro's Supreme Court Pleadings on Calaméo iii) Florentino Floro's Résumé iv) Court Decisions Office of the Court Administrator vs. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. 75 pages Decision, March 31, 2006 486 SCRA 67 OCA vs Judge Florentino Floro, 75 pages Decision, March 31, 2006 Office of the Court Administrator vs. Judge Florentino Floro, Jr. - March 31, 2006 75 pages Decision, WSJ Office of the Court Administrator vs. Judge Florentino Floro, Jr. - July 12, 2007 Per Curiam Resolution v) Judge Florentino Floro - judgefloro photos on Flickr vi) Judge Florentino Floro - judgefloro2 on YouTube (channel) Judge Florentino Floro - florentinovelasquez on YouTube (channel) Judge Florentino Floro on Dailymotion Judge Florentino Floro on LiveJournal Judge Florentino Floro on Facebook and Floro's Biography on Wikimedia Commons;
Extreme notability and live links since 2006-2022 Based on the foregoing, the edit comprehensively searched Google, Yahoo, MSN etc engines painfully disecting the live links against archived or dead links from Floro's 2 Books inter alia. Unlike most of Filipino Wikipedia Biographies or Articles, Floro's links are still alive and not dead or archived until this year 2022 from 2006 when the Decision dismissed him. This is the first in judicial history both Phil and American that a Judge has not only been dismissed due to duende consulting but was paid 3 years backwages due to the admitted fault of delay by the SC Justices and OCAD.
The Early years Family Education Career Entrance into lawyering and judicial practice sections are based on Floro's Flickr photos, Wikipedia Commons Biography, his 700 and 400 pages Books, and the SC 2006 et sequitur Decisions and Resolutions; Aftermath Predictions: chronology section is based on Floro's published court pleadings of Biblical imprecation citing the Psalms and published mainly by Philippines Star; in order to show that Floro was not postdicting, the edit did show that a) the November 3, 2006 Sumpa ng 3 Duende, Philippine Star "Makakaranas ng sunud-sunod na kamalasan at posible umanong mamatay isa-isa ang mga mahistrado ng Korte Suprema simula sa Linggo ng hatinggabi xxx ng pangatlong "motion for reconsideration" ni Judge Florentino Floro Jr. na inihain nito na naglalayong makabalik siya sa nasabing posisyon xxx magdaranas ng sumpa ang mga mahistrado ng Korte Suprema gayundin ang kanilang mga kamag-anak hanggang sa ika-apat na saling lahi xxx napagkasunduan ng tatlong duwende na sina Armand, Luis at Angel na nagpakita sa "en banc session" na nagalit sa hudikatura dahil sa pagtatakip ng mga ito sa katotohanan partikular na sa kanyang kaso. Magsisimula umanong matupad ang sumpa sa hatinggabi ng Nobyembre 5 kasabay ng ika-53 kaarawan ni Floro." On February 5, 2010, the Supreme Court of the Philippines, undaunted by his threats of "ungodly reprisals," scolded Floro and cited him for contempt of court. The Manila Standard reported that "it will throw the book at him if he keeps on badgering the Supreme Court justices with phone calls and pleadings."
Floro was reinstated by the S. C. Resolution of April 12, 2011 because of the twin death of a JBC Member due to car crash and heart attack of Floro's classmate Leo Dacera the lead counsel of Ampatuan Massacre on the very birthday of Floro, November 5; but the Court failed to execute it. The Predictions: chronology enumerated the misfortunes published by Wall Street Journal inter alia, by James Hookway.
The Death predictions carved a first in phil and American jurisprudence of a) record resignations of SC Justices even before age 70 mandatory retirement, due to sickness and b) successive deaths and surgeries of SC Justices who signed Floro's Dismissal c) the twin suicides of Sen Santiago's son and daughter of SC Justice Del Castillo, the twin cancer deaths of children of C Carpio Morales and Ynares Santiago; etc. etc. the crowning glory for sure is the Areté (Ateneo de Manila University) photography of the very site of Floro's curse upon Ateneo Class 82, 80-90, a first in Ateneo Law School since 1936, cancellation of graduation due to shooting, and lately the 2022 Luzon Earthquake centered on SC CJ Lucas Bersamin's domicile at Abra.
Anonymous with Certification  : it is hereby certified that this edit is Fact Checked for accuracy, on objective information from notable links and sources; the team of collaborators jointly and severally decided to edit this as signed but did not create an account for reasons: a) security, that is personal protection from those who are so mad of the predictions of Floro, b) privacy, since the collaborators are ranking in Philippine profession; c) retired editors chose to carefully review the edit based on Wikipedia style of writing inter alia, but would not use their accounts to avoid edit wars, thus submitting this edit and revision to the Wikipedia Filipino and Foreign Editors aiming that from - C-Class law articles WikiProject Law articles C-Class psychology articles Low-importance psychology articles WikiProject Psychology articles - this Article with improvement and review by learned editors and administrators may be promoted to a Feature Article in view of the Transcendental importance of the Article especially on its historical significance as FIRST in Phil and American Jurisprudence, in Phil Mythology and Folklore, Predictions and Freedom of Thought and Religion.
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, We, a team of legal, paranormal, sociology, mythology and psychology contributors hereby again certify the neutrality and verifiability of the revision as we submit this piece to the Wikipedia Community, We have caused this revision edit to be prepared; that we read and understood its contents which are true and correct of my own personal knowledge and/or based on true records, links very sincerely (talk) 06:10, 5 August 2022 (UTC)
No. Just no. It's a ridiculous mess of trivia, unencyclopedic claims, and unreliable sources, and the only way to deal with it is to remove it completely. Nobody is going to go through that text to see if there might be something in there worth saving. Do not restore it to the article. Thank you. --bonadea contributions talk 22:50, 5 August 2022 (UTC)
For the record: here is the edit in question. A few people had started pruning the text before I reverted it entirely. It is a nice bit of irony that you claim that the text was supported by reliable sources, since the reason I (and perhaps others) found it was through a sweep for unreliable and deprecated sources, including photos uploaded to Flickr, Wikipedia mirrors, and blogs. --bonadea contributions talk 23:33, 5 August 2022 (UTC)