Talk:Governorship of Franklin D. Roosevelt



I don't really want to edit - but do want to call readers/editors attention to what is an outright deliberate lie - the following two sentences - In his first term, Roosevelt famously said, "The United States Constitution has proved itself the most marvelously elastic compilation of rules of government ever written." He was referring to the belief he had that the Federal government would need to use more power in order to bring the country out of the Depression.

The quote is from a speech he gave in 1930 on Home Rule - see [Edit - the current link is ]

The speech is an eloquent assertion of the danger to the unity of the country if the federal government pushed itself into areas that are the states responsibilities under the Constitution. Including - specifically - virtually everything that later became called "the New Deal". That quote itself is a fairly minor element that has been pulled out of context in order to be deliberately misinterpreted.

The second sentence is bluntly - Orwellian agitprop. It is almost the exact opposite of everything that the speech is about.

[Edit - I find it surprising that no one with any expertise has bothered to correct these two sentences. Is wikipedia just a place for agitprop?]