Unresearched delete of information


On Killian Van Rensselaer's death in 1643, management of the American estate passed to through two generations of his descendants to Killian Van Rensselaer. In 1704 "the Lower Manor" (Greenbush and Claverack) was detached and placed under the direction of Killian's brother, Hendrick Van Rensselaer - a one-time Albany city father. This partition made the northern part of the estate (Rensselaerswyck) even more important to the history of the city of Albany.[1]

Disambiguation pages at Wkipedia are to disambiguate Wikipedia content, not to disambiguate the whole world, see WP:MOSDAB (yes I'm still waving the MoS around, since you still haven't read it). The article in question does not mention any Greenbush Manor. It is irrelevant if somewhere else on Earth it is mentioned. Kraxler (talk) 01:38, 12 January 2013 (UTC)Reply