Talk:Hamlet on the Holodeck

Latest comment: 4 years ago by Jayla P in topic Peer Review

Group Contributions


Group members,

On 2/21/2020, you'll see that I added six additional citations to our article. I encourage you all to do the same. You can use GALILEO to find some sources that we can use for this article. Since, I've already added six citations, please be sure that those sources aren't the same as the ones that I've added. Each person should be contributing in some way whether it's adding to the background information, synopsis, etc. each person should be contributing something even if you haven't finished reading the book completely. Doing so will benefit us all, especially on our day to team teach the text on 3/31/2020. We have some time to read the text and complete our article before then! Also, if you see that other group members are not properly signed up to our article be sure to show them how to properly sign up to the article if they don't know how. Can't wait to see our article improve with contributions from everyone! :) Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 19:08, 21 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

On 3/3/2020, I added a summary of the second chapter of the book and fixed a couple of typos. JessPThom (talk) 23:29, 3 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for adding the summary, Jessica! Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 19:22, 4 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

When adding contributions to the article, please be sure to write whether if the contribution is something minor or not. You can do this by checking the "minor edit" box. Also, whether it's minor or not please be sure to write a brief description of what you've done. So, if you removed something or added something,etc. be sure to include that so that we can know exactly what you contributed. Thanks! Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 20:23, 4 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

Group members,

there are 4 parts in the entire book (10 chapters) and there's 8 of us. Although, we are each responsible for contributing to the article, I figured that we should split up the work for both the team teaching that's been moved to April 7th so that the article can be completed with the help of everyone and not just a a couple of people. So, here I'll assign people in the group portions of the book to work on/team teach.

Parts I & II: Kaitlyn, Jessica, Jada, and Daes.

Parts III & IV: Darius, Benjamin, Desty, and SedKaria

These will be the same for the team teaching.

Other sections of the article that needs to be completed by group members include: Background: Darius, Benjamin, Desty, and SedKaria Publication: Kaitlyn, Jessica, Jada, and Daes Reception: Darius, Benjamin, Desty, and SedKaria

Note: Although we're each responsible for the sections that I've assigned, we're not limited to only those particular sections. This is our project. So, if someone sees that something hasn't been completed or needs improving don't hesitate to add on information or fix errors. Thanks!Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 04:04, 17 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

Long semester right? Good job on your article and its organization.It was easy to pin point the different concepts. Hope Lucus passes everyone! -JaylaJayla P (talk)

Hi, everyone as mentioned on our zoom meeting on Thursday, 4/2/2020, I suggested that we restructure our Wikipedia article to where it's organized into the main key points of the book. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up in the event that you saw your section removed. Thanks. Stay healthy and Be safe.

-Kaitlyn.Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 04:04, 17 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

Hey, everyone. Just a reminder that our article is due on May 5th. Our article needs some more sources. I've already added 6 and we have two additional ones that Deas and Dr. Lucas contributed. I think Dr. Lucas said that we need 12 sources. So, we're halfway there with the sources it's just a matter of finding them and inserting them in the article and getting everything done in time. Thanks.

-Kaitlyn Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 04:04, 17 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

On 3/29/2020, I started the chapter 3 synopsis of the book off for us. This is the last section of part I that will be completed. Someone can begin working on the sections for part II.

On 4/26/2020, I added in a summary of chapter 8 and I will find some more sources to add as well. JessPThom (talk) 01:07, 27 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

Hi, everyone. Thanks for your contributions to the article. As you all know, the article is due tomorrow 05/05/2020. We're still lacking a lot of information under the Analysis and Reception section of the article. I started both of those sections off in March or April I believe just so we could have a bit of info already there. However, it would be great if we each began to add more additional info to both sections before the due date tomorrow. Thanks. Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 02:25, 5 May 2020 (UTC)Reply

Synopsis Section of Article


On 3/1/2020, I added information about Part I of the book under the synopsis section. There's information on 3 more parts to the book that need to be added in. Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 01:10, 2 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

Suggestions/Feedback on Draft Article


@Grlucas: Dr. Lucas, I've created this section on our article's talk page so that we may ask you about any concerns or any suggestions you have about our article. Thus far, based on the information that group members have contributed, how does our article look so far? What are some concerns or questions you may have about the article as a whole? I want to make sure that we not only get a good grade, but also ensure that the article is developed enough to submit. I will post here often just to check our progress on the article. Let us know your thoughts. Thanks! Kaitlyn.Kelly (talk) 16:02, 14 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Kaitlyn.Kelly: Please see my recent revisions on the article and also my reply to you on my talk page. You may always ping me if you have additional questions. —Grlucas (talk) 16:30, 14 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Grlucas:, My apologies! I didn't see the revisions. Thank you!

April 23 Notes


@BenjaminMcLin, S.thompson68724, Deasbarker, Destyanderson, Kaitlyn.Kelly, Flagg2020, JessPThom, and Jlowe022: Hello, all. I see your article's coming along nicely. Please one of you make a group appointment to talk with me about your progress next week. I thought I'd give you a couple of notes before then.

  • The references are a bit disordered and inconsistent. You should be using shortened footnotes like this article. Note that all the footnotes look the same and refer to a bibliographical entry the the § below them. This may seem complicated, but you'll find it much easier to use once you practice.
  • I know summaries of the chapters (Synopsis §) are the easiest to write, but they really need to be cut down. Consider your audience: anyone looking at this article wants a quick, precise overview. You do not need to go into too much detail. Please revise and cut this section quite a bit. As yourself: what is Murray's primary argument in this section of the book? Start with answering that. Also, what if you took mentions of Murray and "she" out?
  • Spend most of your time on the Analysis and Reception §s. These are the truly helpful parts of the article. This is where your research comes in—the primary reason for this project. You have been doing research, right? These sections must be your areas of concentration. You must do research and incorporate that research into the article. I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough. I see there are a couple of non-sourced sentences in the Analysis §; non-sourced analysis is called original research is as a no-no on WP.
  • Links to external sites should not appear in the text of an article—only in footnotes or the External Links §.
  • Please proofread and revise. Almost every sentence could use revision or correction. I expect advanced, college-level writing here.

That's a start. You may post questions below. Let me know how I can help.

Peer Review


Good job on organization, easy to pin point concepts in different sections. Also good use of supporting references. Best of luck with everything!--Jayla P (talk) 06:27, 5 May 2020 (UTC)Reply