"Chinese Knockoff" vs. Train Heroes


While doing some research into the Train Hero (高铁侠 or 高鐵俠) cartoon, I realized that the cartoon Pat Lee was involved in (Train Heroes, or 高铁英雄) might not be the same one that was accused of plagiarizing Hikarian: according to this article (http://www.ministryoftofu.com/2012/09/frame-by-frame-chinese-anime-blatantly-plagiarizes-japans-hikarian-great-railroad-protector/) the company that produced the plagiarism-accused cartoon is called FeiFan, while the company who produced Train Hero is Carloon (as shown near the bottom of this page for the show: http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/trainheroes/). Also, the characters featured in the train hero (http://www.qydm.net/donghua/4088/#p=1) look very different from the ones features in the train heroes (http://www.qydm.net/donghua/9556/). Is it okay if I change that section so that it only mentions one potential series? - griffn29(talk) 15:51, 7 March, 2017 (UTC)