(William M. Connolley 22:27, 14 Oct 2003 (UTC)) Hmm, well, here we go again... anyway: apart from other stuff, I've:

removed the claim that skeptic scientists coined "hockey stick". AFAIK the terms was invented by Daly, not scientists. But if you know better...
revised the wording to remove the implication that the graph is patched together from 2 different sets of stats. AFAIK there is no such break: different obs/proxies go in as available, of course.
reworded the idea that the graph is used to *bolster* the IPCC's view: this is grossly POV: as far as can be told from the reports, the Mann work forms most of the basis for the conclusion, rather than it being used to support a pre-made conclusion.
re the switch from one graph to another: my recollection is that the crude graph was in '90 (not 95 as Daly says) but I could be wrong & will need to dig it out of my office in a day or two. I've added what I remember to the page anyway.

This page should DEFINITELY point to the device used in Hockey
