Talk:Islam and masturbation

Latest comment: 2 years ago by Duckmonster in topic Prudery



I am actually trying to edit an article for Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu. In Bahasa Melayu (and Bahasa Indonesia for that matter, which includes most or all of the Muslims of South East Asia) the technical (read: accepted religious term for the sin of masturbation) term for Masturbation is "Onani". This it would seem is far too similar to the Genesis character, Onan, to be mere coincidence. Since the story of Onan is taken by Jews and Christians to be in large part about masturbation the fact that the Muslims of South East Asia use the same term must surely mean that Muslims use the same story to explain masturbation. Yet curiously I can't find reference to the Genesis figure, Onan, in any of the Islamic literature I read or even the Koran itself for that matter. Who can help me with this problem? Ryan Albrey 12:37, 12 November 2007 (UTC)Reply and the legality of masturbation is different Madh'habs

edit made an edit which was basically a rehash of information already in the article. The only information he included that might be of some relevance is his unreferenced claim that the Shafi Madh'hab does not allow masturbation but that the Hanbali Madh'hab allows it under limited circumstances. If this is true can anybody confirm it is true and provide a reference so that we can put it in the article? Ryan Albrey (talk) 08:45, 6 January 2008 (UTC)Reply



Hell-fire and brimstone! The homophobic prude did well to contain his peevishness though it makes me laugh to see where he just couldn't help himself in the article. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Edith Smitters (talkcontribs) 03:03, 6 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

-- How is any of this relevant, Edith? Duckmonster (talk) 12:01, 27 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Merge to Religious_views_on_masturbation#Islam


It seems to me that this could be merged to Religious_views_on_masturbation#Islam. There does not seem to be a lot of independant coverage of this topic that is different than what would be included in the Religious views on masturbation article. Joe407 (talk) 07:39, 2 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

I think it may be a little more substantial now than when this comment was made, but I think I'd oppose that merge, as moving this text there would yield unwieldy results, IMO. AdventurousSquirrel (talk) 10:37, 2 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Why it must be Haraam?


Is there any logical explanation as to why masturbation is considered Haraam, since there's no actual explanation as to why is it banned in Islam? Since there's no actual harm caused by masturbation, except when it's beyond the limit (which can be applied to snack and other activities too), people might think this law is unnecessary. And masturbation could be more effective ways to prevent illegal sexual intercourse than fasting, at least that's what I think —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:43, 22 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

In the Quran God says to not even go near "illicit fornication", that means masturbation as well as all sex acts and sex in general. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:42, 12 December 2014 (UTC)Reply



To youssif, The criteria is reliable sources, You have not provided any. You have also removed sources. Pass a Method talk 10:28, 31 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Discussion on the recent conflict


There have been an edit conflict over this text: There are varying opinions on its permissibility. According to alDin Tarbiyyah it is permissible if done out of necessity.[1] According to Ahmed ibn Hanbal, it is permissible for prisoners, travellers and for men and women who have difficulty in finding a lawful spouse.[2] Are these references accessible? They are not available to us, they will be verified, and revised if found necessary. Faizan 13:11, 3 June 2013 (UTC)Reply


  1. ^ Islam, Gender, and Social Change - Page 28, Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, John L. Esposito - 1998
  2. ^ The New Arab Man: Emergent Masculinities, Technologies, and Islam in the Midle East, p 168, Marcia C. Inhorn - 2012

this is true


The Ruling Regarding Masturbation is that it is Haraam (Unlawful) This is the ruling of the 4 schools of thought viz. Malikiyah, Shafi'eyah and Hanafiyah and one riwayah (narration) from Imaam Ahmed. They have drawn their conclusions from the following proofs:- Proofs from the Quraan Allah Ta'aala says: "And those who guard their private parts save from their wives and those (slave-girls) which their right-hands own - so there is no blame upon them. Then whoever seeks beyond that (which is lawful), they are the transgressors." (Surah Al Mu'minoon : Verse 5 & 6) The intended meaning of these aayat is clear. Allah Ta'aala has praised the believers for guarding their private parts from that which He has made forbidden upon them. Allah has permitted them to approach their wives and slave-girls. Thereafter, these Words of Allah Ta'aala follow:- Whoever seeks beyond that which is lawful are oppressors who overstep from halaal (permitted) towards haraam (prohibited). Hafiz Ibne Katheer Rahmatullah alaihi writes: "Imaam Shaafie Rahmatullah alaihi and those who have agreed with him have concluded that masturbation is haraam from this aayah." He says: "Masturbation is excluded from these two types which Allah has made halaal, viz. wives and slave-girls."

Similarly, these Fuqahaa (Jurists) have drawn their conclusion from the following aayah: "And those who do not find the means to marry should remain chaste until Allah gives them resources by His Grace." (Surah Al Mu'minoon : Verse 32) This aayah shows masturbation to be haraam because of two reasons: Firstly: In this aayah Allah Ta'aala has given the command of chastity and, according to the principles of fiqh, a command (an imperative) denotes wujoob (incumbency, obligation). Hence to remain chaste is wajib (compulsory) and wherever chastity is wajib it becomes wajib to refrain from that which is contrary to it, for example, adultery, fornication, and sodomy. This is due to the fact that obligatory chastity will not materialize except by complete refrainment from all that which is contrary to chastity.
Secondly, In this aayah Allah Ta'aala has made chastity obligatory on those who are unable to execute the command of nikah. Here Allah Ta'aala has not determined any connection or link between marriage and chastity. Hence, this demands that masturbation should be haraam. And if assuming, it was permissible, then Allah Ta'aala would have mentioned it at this point because this was the place of its explanation. The silence maintained by Allah Ta'aala with regards to it at a place which requires its explanation, denotes that masturbation is haraam. Imaam Qurtubi Rahmatullah alaihi has written in the tafseer of this aayah: "And when Allah Ta'aala has not determined any order between nikah and chastity, then this shows that besides these two, everything else is haraam. However, this hurmat (unlawfulness) does not include slave-girls because another command of the Quraan makes them mubaah (permissible), viz. "That which the right-hands earn (i.e. slave girls)." Hence in this matter an addition of slave-girl has come. Masturbation, however still remains haraam."
"Those who seek beyond this (i.e wives and slave girls] are transgressors." (Surah Ma'aarij : Verse 31) Under the tafseer of this aayah, Qadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti writes: "Imaam Baghawi has deduced from this aayat that masturbation is haraam.
Proofs from the Ahaadeeth
1. Similarly, the Fuqahaa have drawn their conclusion from a hadeeth reported by Abdullah bin Mas'ud Radiallahu anhu in Bukhari and Muslim. He says that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "O group of youth! Whoever from amongst you can marry should do so because it keeps the gaze low and it protects the private parts. And he who cannot marry should make it compulsory upon himself to fast because it breaks lust." (Bukhari : vol.6, pg.117 ; Muslim: vol.10, pg.172) Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam has directed the person who is incapable of bearing the burden of nikah towards saum (fasting). If assuming, masturbation was permissible Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam would have mentioned it at this point. Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam however, maintained silence. Hence, this indicates that masturbation is haraam because the maintaining of silence at the place of explanation gives the benefit of restriction. 2. Some of the fuqahaa have drawn their conclusion from a narration reported by Hasan bin Arfah that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Seven persons are such that Allah will not look at them on the Day of Qiyaamah nor will He purify them nor will He include them amongst the learned and Allah will enter them into Jahannum. They will enter Jahannum first except for those who repent. As for those who repent Allah will accept their repentance. A person who masturbates. A person who performs the act of sodomy. The person upon whom the act of sodomy is performed. A perpetual drunkard The person who hits his parents so much so that they appeal for help. The person who harms his neighbours so much so that they curse him. The person who commits adultery with his neighbour's wife." (Ibn Katheer: vol.5, pg.458) 3. Hadhrat Anas Radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "The person who performs nikaah with his hands (i.e. he masturbates) is cursed." (Tasfseer Mazhari: vol.12, pg.94)
Sayings of our Pious Predecessors with Regard to Masturbation Sa'eed bin Jubair Radiallahu anhu says: "Allah Ta'aala will inflict a punishment on a group of people because they played with their private parts." Attaa Rahmatullah alaihi says: "Some people will be resurrected in such a condition that their hands will be pregnant, I think they are those who masturbate."  — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:48, 12 December 2014 (UTC)Reply