The announcement of the death of Mr. John Walsh, Eversleigh, Bandon, which took place yesterday at Harbour View, Kilbrittain. after an illness extending over some months, will be received with very sincere regret by a large circle of friends throughout South and West Cork as well as in the city, where he was well known. Head of a large bottling concern in Bandon, he was a man of wonderful energy, and by his close attention to business and his tact he succeeded in establishing for his firm a very large trade all over South Cork. A man whoso sympathies were always with the people, ho was elected in its early days a member of the County Council, to which he devoted a great deal of time and into the successful working of which he brought to bear the business acumen for which he was noted in his business life. In 1911 be was elected M.P. for South Cork as a member of the All-for-Ireland Party an office which he held until the closing months of 1918. Anything that tended towards tho improvement of his fellow-countrymen had in him an ardent supporter, and he was a good deal responsible tor many improvements in the conditions that prevailed in his native district. To his respected son, Rev. Fr. Walsh, C.C., Watergrasshill, as well as to the other members of the family, the sincerest sympathy will be extended in their bereavement.