Talk:Jurchen language

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Page xix,+for+a+college+was+established+the+special+study+of+the+in+1407,+during+the+Ming&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AaxWU7OTM9PEsATz84GoBQ&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=The%20use%20of%20these%20alphabets%20seem%20to%20have%20outlived%20the%20dynasty%2C%20for%20a%20college%20was%20established%20the%20special%20study%20of%20the%20in%201407%2C%20during%20the%20Ming&f=false,+for+a+college+was+established+the+special+study+of+the+in+1407,+during+the+Ming&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AaxWU7OTM9PEsATz84GoBQ&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=The%20use%20of%20these%20alphabets%20seem%20to%20have%20outlived%20the%20dynasty%2C%20for%20a%20college%20was%20established%20the%20special%20study%20of%20the%20in%201407%2C%20during%20the%20Ming&f=false

Jurchen word list consisting of Jurchen words transcribed in Chinese characters compared to Manchu

Page lxxvi

阿合 阿虎里 阿胡迭金史/卷135滿洲源流考/卷18

Jin Guoyu Jie 金國語解

Die sprache und schrift der jucen (1896)

阿卜哈以 一能吉 必阿 厄都温

Rajmaan (talk) 04:38, 8 May 2014 (UTC)Reply


A Profile of The Manchu Language in Ch'ing History Pamela Kyle Crossley and Evelyn S. Rawski Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Jun., 1993), pp. 63-102 Published by: Harvard-Yenching Institute Article DOI: 10.2307/2719468 Article Stable URL:

Dialectal Lineage from Jurchen to Manchu Gisaburo N. Kiyose Central Asiatic Journal Vol. 42, No. 1 (1998), pp. 123-127 Published by: Harrassowitz Verlag Article Stable URL:

Genealogical Relationship of Jurchen Dialects and Literary Manchu Gisaburo N. Kiyose Central Asiatic Journal Vol. 44, No. 2 (2000), pp. 177-189 Published by: Harrassowitz Verlag Article Stable URL:

JURCHIN NOTES G. Kara Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, T. 45, Fasc. 1 (1991), pp. 149-158 Published by: Akadémiai Kiadó Article Stable URL:

History of Jin


ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ

Brackets enclose the real word, corrected from the mistake on the original text. I preserve spelling mistakes in English from Wylie's translation.

The characters on the right side are the Chinese definition and context according to the History of Jin.


Kin Tartar. Manchu Tartar.

阿合 A-hŏ, Slave................ ᠠᡥᠠ Aha, Slave. 人奴也。 Aha

阿虎里 A-hoò-lè, Fir apple... ᡥᡡᡵᡳ Hôri, Fir Apple. 松子。 Hūri

阿胡迭 A-hoô-t'ëĕ, Elder son. ᠠᡥᡡᠩᡤᠠ Ahôngga, Elder son. 長子。 Ahūngga

阿懶 A-län, Sloping mound... ᠠᠯᠠ Ala, table land. 坡陀曰。 Ala

阿里虎 A-lè-hoò, Bason...... ᠠᠯᡳᡴᡡ Alikô, Bowl. 盆曰。 Alikū

阿里侃 A-lè-k'an, What?.... ᠠᡳᡴᠠ Aika, What? 曰何。 Aika

阿里善 「阿里喜」A-lè-shén, To surround in hunting...... ᠠᠪᠠᠯᠠᠮᠪᡳ Apalampi, To form a circle in hunting. 圍獵也。 Abalambi

阿里孫 A-lè-sun, Ugly....... ᡝᡵᠰᡠᠨ Ersun, Ugly. 貌不揚也。 Ersun

阿里白 A-lè-pĕh, Given to another............... ᠠᠯᡳᠪᡠᠮᠪᡳ Alipumpi, To present to a superior. 以物與人已然曰。 Alibumbi

阿离合懣 「阿離合懣」A-le-hŏ-mun, Falconer.......... ᡤᡳᠶᠠᡥᡡᠨ Giyahôn, Falcon. 臂鷹鶻者。 Giyahūn

阿鄰 A-lin, Hill................. ᠠᠯᡳᠨ Alin, Hill 山。 Alin

阿息保 A-seĭh-paòu, To assist powerfully................ ᠠᡳᠰᡳᠯᠠᠮᠪᡳ Aisilampi, To assist. 以力助人曰。 Aisilambi

阿典 A-tëèn, Thunder.......... ᠠᡴᠵᠠᠨ Akchan, Thunder. 曰雷。 Akjan

阿徒罕 A-t'oô-hàn, Fuel collector................... ᠮᠣᠣ ᠰᠠᠴᡳᡵᡝ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠ Mau satsire niyalma, Fuel collector. 采薪之子。 moo sacire niyalma

阿土古善 「阿土古」A-t'oò-koò-shén, Hunter............. ᠪᡠᡨᡥᠠᡧᠠᠮᠪᡳ Puthashampi, To catch game. 善採捕者。 Buthašambi Buthashambi

移剌 E-là, To chastise.......... 曰劉。

移賚 E-laé, Three............... ᡳᠯᠠᠨ Ilan, Three. 位第三曰。 Ilan

移里菫 E-lè-kín, Head of a tribe.................... 部落墟砦之首領。

裴滿 Fei-mwàn, Hemp......... ᡴᡳᠮᠠ Kima, Inferior hemp. 曰麻。 Kima

桉春 Gán-ch'un, Gold.......... ᠠᡳᠰᡳᠨ Aisin, Gold. 金曰。 Aisin

桉答海「按荅海」Gàn-tă-haè, Guest... ᠠᠨᡨᠠᡥᠠ Antaha, Guest. 客之通稱。 Antaha

諳版 Gàn-pàn, Minister....... ᠠᠮᠪᠠᠨ Ampan, Minister. 諳版勃極烈,官之尊且貴者。 Amban

訛出虎 Go-chŭh-hoò, Liberality........................ ᠣᠨᠴᠣ Ontcho, Enlarged. 寬容之名也。 Onco

訛古乃 Go-koò-naè, Dog with variegated hair....... 犬之有文者。

紇石烈 Heĭh-shĭh-lëe, High. ᠸᡝᠰᡳᡥᡠᠨ Wesighun, High. 曰高。 Wesihun

合喜 Hŏ-hè, Puppy............. ᡠᡥᡝᡵᡝ Ughere, One year puppy 犬子。 Uhere

呵不哈 Ho-pŭh-ha, Field.... ᡠᠰᡳᠨ Usin, Field. 曰田。 Usin

胡剌 Hoô-lă, Chinney......... ᡥᡡᠯᠠᠨ Hôlan, Chimney. 灶突。 Hūlan

胡魯剌 Hoô-loò-lă, Constable 戶長。

后倫 「石倫」 Hów-lûnm One who knows anything.................... ᠰᡠᡵᡝ Sure, Intelligent. 凡事之先者曰。 Sure

桓端 Hwan-twan, Fir.......... ᡥᠣᠯᡩᠣᠨ Holdon, Fir. 松。 Holdon

活臘胡 Hwŏ-lă-hoô, Red.... ᡶᡠᠯᠠᡥᡡᠨ Fulahôn, Red. 色之赤者也。 Fulahūn

活離罕 Hwŏ-le-hàn, Lamb... ᡥᠣᠨᡳᠨ Honin, Sheep. 羔。 Honin

活女 Hwŏ-neù, Pitcher......... ᡥᡠᠨᡳᠣ Ghunio, Water bucket. 罐曰。 Hunio

忽都 Hwŭh-too, Mutual happiness.............................. ᡥᡡᡨᡠᡵᡳ Hôturi, Happiness. 與人同受福曰。 Hūturi

夾谷 Këă-kŭh, Similarity...... ᡤᡝᠰᡝᠩᡤᡝ Gesengge, Resemblance. 曰仝。 Gesengge

乿詳穩 [諸颭「詳穩」] Kèw-tsëâng-wăn, Guardian of frontier... 邊戍之官。

古里甲 Koò-lè-këă, Pool.... ᡤᠠᡵᡤᠠᠨ Gargan, Extent of water. 曰汪 Gargan

骨赧 Kŭh-nan, Second son.... ᡶᡳᠶᠠᠩᡤᡡ Fiyanggô, Second son. 季也。 Fiyanggū

國論 Kwŏ-lún, Kingkom....... ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ Gurun, Kingdom. 國論勃極烈,尊禮優崇得自由者。 Gurun

魯忒鄰 「忒鄰」 Loò-t'ĭh-lin, Sea...... ᠮᡝᡩᡝᡵᡳ Mederi, Sea. 海也。 Mederi

謾都謌 Mán-too-ko, Idiotic.. ᠮᡝᠨᡝᡥᡠᠨ Meneghun, Idiotic. 癡騃之謂。 Menehun

猛安 Măng-gan, Thousand.... ᠮᡳᠩᡤᠠᠨ Minggan, Thousand. 千夫長。 Minggan

抹顏 Mŏ-yen, Senior............ ᠠᡤᡠ Agu, Senior. 曰孟。 Agu

謀克 Môw-k'ĭh, Hundred....... ᡨᠠᠩᡤᡡ Tanggô, Hundred. 百夫長也。 Tanggū

謀良虎 Môw-lëâng-hoò, Unprincipled.............. ᠮᡠᡵᡠ ᠠᡴᡡ Muru akô, Unexampled. 無賴之名。 Muru akū

納剌 Nă-lă, Peace.............. 曰康。

尼忙古 Nê-mang-koò, Fish. ᠨᡳᠮᠠᡥᠠ Nimaha, Fish. 曰魚。 Nimaha

粘罕 Nëen-hàn, Heart.......... ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠮᠠᠨ Niyaman, Heart. 心也。 Niyaman

女奚烈 Neù-he-lëĕ, Young gentleman.............. 曰郎。

女魯歡 Neù-loò-hwan, Six-teen......................... ᠨᡳᠩᡤᡠᠨ Ninggun, Six. 十六曰。 Ninggun

奴申 Noô-shin, Harmonious... ᠨᡝᠴᡳᠨ Netsin, Even. 和睦之義。 Necin

哈丹 O-tan, Peak of a hill...... ᡥᠠᡩᠠᠨ Hadan, Rocky peak. 山之上銳者曰。 Hadan

拔里速 Pă-lè-sŭh, Boxer.... ᠪᠣᠯᡤᠣᠮᠪᡳ Polgompi, To conquer in a contest. 角牴戲者。 Bolgombi

保活里 Paòu-hwŏ-lè, Dwarf. ᡶᠠᡴᠠᠴᠠ Fakatcha, Dwarf. 侏儒。 Fakaca

孛論 「孛論出」P'ei-lùn, Pregnancy...... ᡶᡠᠯᡤᡳᠶᠠᠨ Eulgiyan, New Born (There is a mistake in the original script). 胚胎之名。 Fulgiyan

孛朮魯 P'ei-shŭh-loò, Foolish ᡶᡳᡥᠠᠯᡳ Fihali, Dolt. 曰魯。 Fihali

勃極烈 P'ŏ-k'eĭh-lëĕ, Chief. ᠪᡝᡳᠯᡝ Peile, Prince. 都勃極烈,總治官名,猶漢雲塚宰。 Beile

婆盧者 「婆盧」 P'ô-loo-chày, Sledge hammer................ ᡶᠣᠯᡥᠣ Folho, Sledge hammer. 婆盧火者槌也。 Folho

蒲阿 Poo-a Pheasant.......... ᡠᠯᡥᡡᠮᠠ Ulhôma, Pheasant. 山雞。 Ulhūma

蒲察 Poo-ch'ă Plum............. ᡶᠣᠶᠣᡵᠣ Foyoro, Plum. 曰李。 Foyoro

蒲盧渾 Poo-loo-hwăn, Cloth bag........................... ᡶᡠᠯᠣᡤ᠊ᠠ᠋ Fulhô (There is a mistake in both the original and romanization), Bag. 布囊曰。 Fulhū

蒲陽温 「蒲陽溫」Poo-yâng-wăn, Youngest son.......... ᠪᡠᠶᠠ Puya, Little. 曰幼子。 Buya

蒲剌都 Poo-lă-too, Blindness. ᡶᡠᠯᠠᡨᠠ Fulata, Diseased eyes. 目赤而盲也。 Fulata

僕散 Pŭh-sán, Forest........... ᠪᡠᠵᠠᠨ Puchan, Forest. 曰林。 Bujan

盤里合 Pwan-lè-hŏ, Middle finger................... ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ ᠰᡳᠮᡥᡠᠨ Dulimpai simghun, Middle finger. 將指。 Dulimbai simhun

撒合輦 Să-hŏ-nëèn, Black.. ᠰᠠᡥᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠨ Sahaliyan, Black. 黧黑之名。 Sahaliyan

撒答 「撒荅」Să-tă, Old man........... ᠰᠠᡴᡩᠠ Sakda, Old man. 老人之稱也。 Sakda

撒八 Să-pă, Quick............. ᡴᡳᠶᠠᠪ Kiyap, Expeditious. 迅速之義。 Kiyab

賽里 Saé-lè, Enjoyment....... ᠰᡝᠯᠠᠮᠪᡳ Selampi, To be glad. 安樂。 Selambi

三合 San-hŏ, Handsome....... ᠰᠠᡳᡴᠠᠨ Saikan, Handsome. 人之靨也。 Saikan

散亦孛奇「散亦孛」Sán-yĭh-p'ei-k'ê, Male................ ᡥᠠᡥᠠ Haha, Male. 奇男子。 Haha

散答「散荅」Sán-tă, Camel............ ᡨᡝᠮᡝᠨ Temen, Camel. 曰駱。 Temen

斜「斜魯」Sëay, Dangerous precipice... ᠰᡳᡥᡝᡵᡳ Sigheri, Abrupt. 大而峻曰。 Siheri

斜哥 Sëay-ko, Marten.......... ᠰᡝᡴᡝ Seke, Marten. 貂鼠。 Seke

斜烈 Sëay-lëè, Sword.......... ᠵᡝᠶᡝᠨ Cheyen, Sword. 刃曰。 Jeyen

習失 Seĭh-shè, Lasting......... ᠰᡳᠪᡧᠠ Sipsha, Dialatory. 猶人云常川也。 Sibša

孰輦 Shŭh-lëèn, Water-lily... ᡧᡠ Shu, Water-lily. 蓮也。 Šu

沙忽帶 Sha-hwŭh-taé, Ship. ᠵᠠᡥᡡᡩᠠᡳ Chahôdai, Ship. 舟也。 Jahūdai

沙剌 Sha-lă, Lappet of a coat. ᡧᠠᠯᠠ Shala, Lappet of a coat. 衣襟也。 Šala

山只昆 Shan-chè-kwăn, Lodger..................舍人也。

石哥里 Shĭh-ko-le, Urinary disease.................. 溲疾。

什古乃 Shĭh-koò-naè, Thin person................... ᡤᠠᠩᡤᠠᡥᡡᠨ Ganggahôn, Lankey. 瘠人。 Ganggahūn

辭不失 Sze-pŭh-shĭh, To recover from wine.... ᠰᡠᠪᡠᠮᠪᡳ Supumpi, To recover from wine. 酒醒也。 Subumbi

答不也「荅不也」Tă-pŭh-ya, Weeder. ᡩᠠᠪᡤᡳᠮᠪᡳ Dapgimpi, To pluck up weeds. 耘田者。 Dabgimbi

太神 T'aé-shîn, High.......... ᡩᡝᠨ Den, High. 高也。 Den

迪古乃 T'eĭh-koò-naè, Come ᠵᡳᠮᠪᡳ Tzimpi, To come. 來也。 Jimbi

都烈 Too-lëĕ, Strong.......... ᡴᡳᠶᠠᠩᡩᡠ Kiyangdu, Strength. 曰強。 Kiyangdu

闍毋「闍母」Too-woo, Boiler.......... ᡨᡠᡥᡝ Tughe, Boiler lid. 釜曰。 Tuhe

禿里 T'ŭh-lè, Judge............ 掌部落詞訟,察非違者。

温迪罕「溫迪罕」Wăn-t'eĭh-hàn, Warmth.................. ᡥᠠᠯᡥᡡᠨ Halhôn, Warm. 曰溫。 Halhūn

温敦「溫敦」Wăn-tun, Empty......... ᡠᠨᡨᡠᡥᡠᠨ Untughun, Empty. 曰空。 Untuhun

完顔「完顏」Wân-yen, Prince......... ᠸᠠᠩ Wang, Prince of the blood. 漢姓曰王。 Wang

畏可 Weí-k'ò, 吾亦可 Woô-yĭh-k'ò, } Tooth ᠸᡝᡳᡥᡝ Weighe, Tooth. 牙,又曰吾亦可。 Weihe

斡准 Wŏ-chùn, Repair to...... ᠪᠣᡧᠣ Posho, Pursue. 曰趙。 Bošo

斡里朶 Wŏ-lè-tó, Government office.............. ᠣᡵᡩᠣ Ordo, Imperial apartment.官府治事之所。 Ordo

斡勒 Wŏ-lĭh, Stone............ ᠸᡝᡥᡝ Weghe, Stone. 曰石。 Wehe

斡論 Wŏ-lún, Cast iron....... ᠰᡝᠯᡝ Sele, Iron. 生鐵曰。 Sele

窩謀罕 Wo-môw-hàn, Bird's egg.......................... ᡠᠮᡥᠠᠨ Umhan, Egg. 鳥卵也。 Umhan

烏古出 Woo-koò-ch'ŭh, To rest again............... ᠠᡴᡡᠮᠪᡠᠮᠪᡳ Akômpumpi, To exhaust. 方言曰再休,猶言再不復也。 Akūmbumbi

烏古論 Woo-koò-lún, Merchant................... ᡥᡡᡩᠠᡳ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠ Hôdai niyalma, Merchant. 曰商。 Hūdai niyalma

烏烈 Woo-lĕë, Hay stack.... ᠪᡠᠯᡠᠨ Pulun, Hay stack. 草廩也。 Bulun

烏林答「烏林荅」Woo-lîn-tă, Straw... ᠣᡵᡥᠣ Orho, Grass. 曰蔡。 Orho

烏魯古 Woo-loò-koò, Pastor. 牧圉之官。

烏也 Woo-yà, Nine............ ᡠᠶᡠᠨ Uyun, Nine. 第九曰。 Uyun

吾里補 Woô-lè-poò, To accumulate.............. ᡳᡴᡨᠠᠮᠪᡳ Iktampi, To accumulate. 畜積之名。 Iktambi

吾魯 Woô-loò, Kindness....... ᡶᡠᠯᡝᡥᡠᠨ Fuleghun, Kindness. 曰惠。 Fulehun Fulehūn

兀朮 Wŭh-shŭh, Head.......... ᡠᠵᡠ Uchu, Head. 曰頭。 Uju

兀帶 Wŭh-taé, Value........... ᡥᡡᡩᠠ Hôda, Price. 凡市物已得曰「兀帶」,取以名子者,猶言貨取如物然也。 Hūda

兀典 Wŭh-tëèn, Bright star... ᡠᠰᡳᡥᠠ Usiha, Star. 明星。 Usiha

兀顔「兀顏」Wŭh-yen, Vermillion.... ᡶᡠᠯᡤᡳᠶᠠᠨ Fulgiyan, Carnation. 曰朱。 Fulgiyan

牙吾塔 Ya-woô-tă, Ulcer.... ᠶᠣᡠ Yau (There is a mistake either in the original script or the romanization), Ulcer. 瘍瘡。 Yoo

顔盞「顏盞」Yen-chan, Extension of a bow......................... ᡨᠠᡨᠠᠮᠪᡳ Tatampi, To draw a bow. 曰張。 Tatambi

益都 Yĭh-too, Order............. ᡳᡩᡠ Idu, Order. 次第之通稱。 Idu

銀朮可 Yîn-shŭh-k'ò, Pearl. ᠨᡳᠴᡠᡥᡝ Nitchughe, Pearl. 珠也。 Nicuhe

Number Transcription of Jurchen word in Chinese characters in the History of Jin according to Wylie's book Romanization of the Chinese character transcription of the Jurchen word according to Wylie Pinyin of previous Actual transcription of Jurchen word in Chinese characters in the History of Jin Pinyin of previous English translation of the Jurchen word in the History of Jin according to Wylie Chinese translation of the Jurchen word in the History of Jin Pinyin of previous Manchu word according to Wylie Wylie romanization of the Manchu word Möllendorf romanization of the Manchu word English translation of the Manchu word according to Wylie
1 阿合 A-hŏ ā-hé 阿合 ā-hé Slave................ 人奴也。 rén nú yě。 ᠠᡥᠠ Aha Aha Slave
2 阿虎里 A-hoò-lè ā-hǔ-lǐ 阿虎里 ā-hǔ-lǐ Fir apple... 松子。 rén nú yě。 ᡥᡡᡵᡳ Hôri Hūri Fir Apple.
1 阿合 A-hŏ, Slave................ ᠠᡥᠠ Aha, Slave. 人奴也。 A-hŏ ā-hé 阿合 ā-hé Slave 人奴也。 rén nú yě。 ᠠᡥᠠ Aha Aha Slave
1 阿合 A-hŏ, Slave................ ᠠᡥᠠ Aha, Slave. 人奴也。 A-hŏ ā-hé 阿合 ā-hé Slave 人奴也。 rén nú yě。 ᠠᡥᠠ Aha Aha Slave


Number Jurchen Character Reconstructed Jurchen Pronunciation Chinese character transliteration Pinyin of Chinese character transliteration Chinese translation Pinyin of Chinese translation English translation
1 blank (leave all blank until jurchen characters appear in unicode) 阿卜哈以 ā-bo-hǎ-yǐ tiān Heaven, sky
2 blank
3 blank inenggi 一能吉 yī-néng-jí sun, day
4 blank biya 必阿 bì-ā yuè moon, month
5 blank 厄都温 è-dōu-wēn fēng wind


Number Jurchen Character Reconstructed Jurchen Pronunciation Chinese character transliteration Pinyin of Chinese character transliteration Chinese translation Pinyin of Chinese translation English translation
31 blank (leave all blank until jurchen characters appear in unicode) jīng jīng capital
32 blank 國倫你 guó-lún-nǐ guó country, nation, state
33 blank 黑車你 hēi-chē-nǐ chéng city

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