Talk:Lake of No Return



Lake of No Return

The rejuvenating Lake of No Return is just 2 km away from the famous Pangsao pass. In 1944 some US army who gathered at the boarder of the Patkai range went to examine the lake. Some of the armies also jumped into the lake but unfortunately got stuck on the undergrowths and could not rise up to survival. After this incident the lake was so named by the US army during the World War II. Thus, a belief was established that whoever took a dip in the lake could not rise to its bank for survival. Moreover a large number of planes crashed here during the World War II, a Bermuda Triangle of east.

One can reach the Lake of No Return from Margherita via the Stilwell road by covering a distance of 75 km only. From Nampong to the lake one has to move up to 13 km. Nampong was also called the “Hell Gate” by the US army. Yet, thousands of refugees from Myanmar came to Nampong after the war and lived there. On the other side of Pangsao pass on its foothills are plain land where in travelers – mainly the Khamti’s from the Chindwin Valley, rest before crossing the pass. Due to this resting tradition the pass was named Pangsao pass. (Pang = Plain land, Chow = Take rest). From this 3 sq Km lake arises a small river, named Nong-krang, (Nong = a water body smaller than lake, krang = to stay.).

History says that there is a very old relationship between the Lake and the Assamese people. Story begins from the attack of the Ahom Kingdom by the Nora King-Surampha’s army, when the Ahom army defeated the Nora army and chased them to the Doyicowrong Mountains. Accepting defeat the Nora king wanted to enter into a friendly treaty with the Ahom King. As a gesture of friendship towards the Ahom king, the Nora king washed his hands with the water from the Lake of No return and forwarded friendly hands towards the Ahom king. He also sacrificed a cook and promised to be friends forever. This very way of friendly treaty is known as PATKAI CHANG KONG method. After this Borgohain(Minister) Tasanpou of Nora king Surampha and Borgohain Tatanbing of Ahom King both demarcated the Doyicow rong mountains as the regional boarder of each kingdom and signed an agreement in 1401 which says that the Nara king would never attack kingdom and cross the boarder. They also carved out two statues of the both the Borgohains of the two kingdom on the stones of the Doyicowrong mountains. From then on the Doyicowrong Mountains were popularly known as the Patkai Chiang or the Patkai range of today.

According to the Geological survey of India this region is the epicenter of many earthquakes. In ancient time this region was the epicenter of more than seven earthquakes. Legends say that this area was initially a huge mountain and there lied a village near by. As a result of a devastating earthquake the mountain sank and thus the Lake was formed. Following the traces of history, on the February of 1879 a British named Mr. S.E. Pill came to the Lake of No Return. He, with some of the locals there rowed along the Buri Dehing River from Jaipur and then walked to the Lake. He rowed on his wooden boat on the Lake. He also tried to find the two statues of the Borgohains but in vain. This was the only man who had successfully returned from the Lake of No Return before and after the incident with the US army team Posted by D.Tamuly. Digboi,Assam,India User: