Spelling of name


Please note that the name in Sa language is gol; the prefix na- does not occur natively in this language. In Bislama, which does prefix words with na-, the correct spelling (according to the conventions established by Terry Crowley) is nanggol (nagol is a defensible alternative). I know of no linguistic justification for putting h in this word.

Was land diving really the origin of modern bungee jumping?


The introduction claims that Vanuatu land diving is the "precursor to bungee jumping", but is this really true? I searched around a little and I can't find any obvious causal relation. If the Oxford Dangerous Sports Club knew about this obscure practice on the other side of the world (that was apparently hardly even practiced at the time) before they started jumping in England, why is this not mentioned in the Bungee jumping page? If we are not sure of this, we should add "possibly" or something similar to the sentence. Ornilnas (talk) 08:54, 24 May 2016 (UTC)Reply