Sorry but you are wrong, Lorena is not related to Latin Laurel in any way. The last origin is the Middle Age kingdom of Lotharingia (from the name of a so called king Lothar), today the French region of Lorraine between Germany and France. A nobile lineage from Lorraine, France, was charged with the title of Duke of Lorraine. Later, in 1737, a member of this family take possesion of the Duchy of Tuscany, in Italy. This newcomer and principally his son, developed a very good politics and were loved by its Tuscan citizens. Due to this the name Lorena was very common in Tuscany and later in the rest of Italy. In a posterior date this mode was extended to Spain, which in this epoch possesed the old kingdoms of Sicily and Naples from the XIII century, approx. the South half of today's Italy. As in Catholic christianism was not admitted to impose personal names based on placenames, and the normal was to impose female names based in names of the Virgin Mary related to some sanctuaries, people imagined the existence of a supposed Virgin of Lorraine, but this is not true, there is not any sacred place devoted to the worship of a so called "Virgin of Lorraine". Because this the onomastic of the women called Lorraine in English or French and Lorena in Italian, Portuguese or Spanish can correspond indiferently with the 15th of August or the 8th of September.

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