Talk:Ludwig Kaas/Archive 6

Latest comment: 18 years ago by Robert McClenon in topic Complaint About Archival
Archive 1Archive 4Archive 5Archive 6

Constant wikipedian attempts are made to re-present Kaas and Adolf Hitler . Hitler it is everywhere suggested came to power legally, thus it becomes necessary to source the Nuremberg tribunal Indictment as to the history. hopefully this will immediately inform the editing of this and related articles in the particular ,

III. Statement of the Offense(includes)
"....The common plan or conspiracy embraced the commission of Crimes against Peace, in that the defendants planned, prepared, initiated, and waged wars of aggression, which were also wars in violation of international treaties, agreements, or assurances."
IV. Particulars of the Nature and Development of the Common Plan or Conspiracy
(B) COMMON OBJECTIVES AND METHODS OF CONSPIRACY"...The aims and purposes of the Nazi conspirators were not fixed or static but-evolved and expanded as they acquired progressively greater power and became able to make more effective application of threats of force and threats of aggressive war. When their expanding aims and purposes became finally so great as to provoke such strength of resistance as could be overthrown only by armed force and aggressive war, and not simply by the opportunistic methods theretofore used, such as fraud, deceit, threats, intimidation, fifth column activities, and propaganda, the Nazi conspirators deliberately planned, determined upon, and launched their aggressive wars and wars in violation of international treaties, agreements, and assurances by the phases and steps hereinafter more particularly described.
To incite others to join in the common plan or conspiracy, and as a means of securing for the Nazi conspirators the highest degree of control over the German community, they put forth, disseminated, and exploited certain doctrines, among others, as follows:
1. That persons of so-called "German blood" (as specified by the Nazi conspirators) were a "master race" and were accordingly entitled to subjugate, dominate, or exterminate other "races" and peoples;
2. That the German people should be ruled under the Fuehrerprinzip (Leadership Principle) according to which power was to reside in a Fuehrer from whom sub-leaders were to derive authority in a hierarchical order, each sub-leader to owe unconditional obedience to his immediate superior but to be absolute in his own sphere of jurisdiction; and the power of the leadership was to be unlimited, extending to all phases of public and private life;
3. That war was a noble and necessary activity of Germans;
4. That the leadership of the Nazi Party, as the sole bearer of the foregoing and other doctrines of the Nazi Party, was entitled to shape the structure, policies, and practices of the German State and all related institutions, to direct and supervise the activities of all individuals within the State, and to destroy all opponents.

1. First steps in acquisition of control of State machinery.
In order to accomplish their aims and purposes, the Nazi conspirators prepared to seize totalitarian control over Germany to assure that no effective resistance against them could arise within Germany itself. After the failure of the Munich Putsch of 1923 aimed at the overthrow of the Weimar Republic by direct action, the Nazi conspirators set out through the Nazi Party to undermine and overthrow the German Government by "legal" forms supported by terrorism. They created and utilized, as a Party formation, Die Sturmabteilungen (SA), a semi-military, voluntary organization of young men trained for and committed to the use of violence; whose mission was to make the Party the master of the streets
2. Control acquired.
1. On 30 January 1933 Hitler became Chancellor of the German Republic. After the Reichstag fire of 28 February 1933, clauses of the Weimar constitution guaranteeing personal liberty, freedom of speech, of the press, of association and assembly were suspended. The Nazi conspirators secured the passage by the Reichstag of a "Law for the Protection of the People and the Reich" giving Hitler and the members of his then cabinet plenary powers of legislation. The Nazi conspirators retained such powers after having changed the members of the cabinet. The conspirators caused all political parties except the Nazi Party to be prohibited. They caused the Nazi Party to be established as a paragovernmental organization with extensive and extraordinary privileges.
3. Consolidation of control.
Thus possessed of the machinery of the German State, the Nazi conspirators set about the consolidation of their position of power within Germany, the extermination of potential internal resistance, and the placing of the German Nation on a military footing.
(a) The Nazi conspirators reduced the Reichstag to a body of their own nominees and curtailed the freedom of popular elections throughout the country.

Highlighted and presented as relevant to the Article concerning the instrument of the reduction and possession of the Reichstag and thus of Germany. from,[[1]] (Fair Use/Educational)

Other relevant Yale Nuremberg material concerning the Franz von Papen testimony is to be seen as long as I have a user-page, though that is itself under possible threat of reduction and possession. Forces are naturally at work even now, from the remaining , others joining in order to minimise the memory of these Indictments . The life and work of Ludwig Kaas is inextricably bound up in the reduction of both the Reichstag and, with Kaas' own subsequent drafting of the Reichskonkordat, with the possession of Germany.

Complaint About Archival

If you wish to understand the problems of Ludwig Kaas please avail of the Archives , the second was made within 10 minutes of posting related legal Nurmberg material, and must be a Wikipedia record for immediacy of Archival. I know how this works, and it is not within Wikipedia rules, but there.EffK 23:04, 3 February 2006 (UTC)
The post that was archived was relevant to how future historians will judge Ludwig Kaas but made no mention of how the article should reflect those issues. Please summarize in no more than 500 words what improvement can be made to the article. I agree that Ludwig Kaas made serious moral errors in his accommodation with Adolf Hitler, but unless you can quote Mowrer or some other source as making the same statement, that would be original research. This is a valid area for original research, but Wikipedia is not a medium for original research. Please provide the summary that focuses on article content. Any post that is longer than 500 words, unless subsectioned, or does not address article content as such, will be archived. Robert McClenon 01:34, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
This is disingenuous as a reaction. The actual words disputed as massage were carefully and in utter good faith free contribution high-lighted by me. Now it is all invisible. Your action has prevented the necessry repairs being made . If that was your purpose, you have achieved it, as ever .EffK 11:03, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
Please summarize in 500 words or less what repairs you want made. The posts that were archived were lengthy and difficult to understand. Robert McClenon 16:27, 4 February 2006 (UTC)