Talk:Main characters of Fullmetal Alchemist

Latest comment: 17 years ago by Fullmetal2887 in topic Rose as major character

Creators of the stone


The entry currently says: "Its worth noting that the two people in the anime who are known to have created the stone (Hohenheim, Scar) both died in the process and had Edward performed the transmutation in the fifth laboratory he would likely have died in the same manner as Hohenheim."

In the anime, Scar didn't actually die because he created the stone(he lost his arm when he gave it to Al), but rather from being shot while protecting Lust. His body only completed the transmutation circle. I think it should be changed.

  • Its impossible to know what would ultimately have been Scar's death in the anime. He was shot and had various other physical damage, but his physical body was almost certainly dissolved by the his performing the transmutation that created the stone. Its possible he might have survived had he transmuted

the stone within only the arm but there is no way to know for sure. But in the end, whatever the circumstances, everyoone in the series who actually created a stone dies.

Characters from the movie


In my opinion, characters such as Alphonse Heiderich should not be mentioned in this article, as the movie is not released and only adds spoilers. Anyone agree? Opiax 17:25, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

This is the page where all the spoilers retreat to; I can't see your point on that aspect. Apostrophe 03:09, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Well but since the movie isnt yet released, mentioning characters from it has no point... Opiax 22:43, 28 Apr 2005 (UTC)
It's still part of the series though...--Nate3000 06:11, 11 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
Keep them in the article, but mention that they are movie charactors, and that more information will be added as events warrent. TomStar81 8 July 2005 02:59 (UTC)

Rose was raped?


Where does it say that? The Manga? --Nate3000 11:03, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)

In the anime, at one point, she is pregnant. It is never directly said, but I think it's a pretty clear inference. 21:09, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Not necessarily..--Nate3000 06:15, 11 May 2005 (UTC)Reply
I think it is. It was clear that she had feelings for Ed hoping he'd return one day and I don't see her as the kind of person screwing just any guy (besides she was imprisoned all that time). Also, how do you think she lost her voice? Just think about what a bunch of those heartless military guys would do around a beautiful young girl who's a prisoner. --Kamasutra 09:03, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC)
It's never directly said, but it's obvious. When talking about her, Scar tells Ed that she was captured by the millitary, and when she came back, she had lost her voice and was pregnant. Then Ed makes a terrified face. That should make it fairly obvious. --Geg 3 July 2005 17:08 (UTC)
Hmph. I refuse to accept that. I'll think of other explanations 'till the cows come home. Just watch. The baby: Kain left it with her before he died. The muteness: She got depressed while imprisoned, and... Her soul was paralyzed, if you will. In other words, she was dead on the inside until she saw Edward. HAHA! Problems solved. :) --Gaming King 09:04, 9 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
We may never know it for sure. All we can do is to speculate. In fact, when I saw those guys from the military invading her house the first thing that came to my mind was the idea of her being raped and killed, but later on she just shows up as the "Holy Mother", and nothing is said about the military incident or the origins of that child. It's up to you to think if she was either raped or not, but there's a chance of that baby being an orphan from the war that she's taking care of; a baby child held by a young virgin 'mother' with a veil on her head (as seen in the "Holy Mother" episode) is a perfect alusion to the catholic religion, wich I think was their real intentions when making Rose appear with that baby. ~Nih 18:01, 25 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
Great theory! You could very well be correct! --Gaming King 21:12, 30 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
In any case, no matter how good the theories seem, it isn't completely verifiable and can be considered original research 11:46, 22 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Tense problems


A lot of the writing in this article is in conflicting tenses, switching between present and past tenses. Should we do all past tense or all present tense? Ambush Commander 21:15, Apr 11, 2005 (UTC)

Since no one has answered, I'm going to put everything in past tense. :P Ambush Commander 03:02, May 14, 2005 (UTC)
You should past tense for dead people and events which have past in the series. Present for ongoing events. Tjstrf 22:11, May 27, 2005
Write the whole thing in past tense. Past tense just sounds better. TomStar81 02:56, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Just because it sounds better to someone does not mean it is correct. It should all be in present tense, as that is the proper technique to use when referring to fictional characters, settings, and situations (most commonly in literature). None of these events ever actually occured in the past, present, or future. However, it has been made a stardard to refer to them in this way. --Kamasutra 12:15, Jun 23, 2005 (UTC)
Thats interesting. I would have assumed that because it was a work of fiction and never actually occured it should be written in past tense, not present. I would have been the last to guess that the proper technique would have be to write the whole thing in present tense. Still and all though, I stand by my past tense vote. TomStar81 19:14, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Whether or not past or present tense sounds better is moot. When talking about works of fiction they are assumed to exist in the "eternal present" and as such are written about in something called the "literary present" tense. Characters and events are assumed to exist out of our time (even if the fictional work is historical, as it is still fiction), and therefore cannot be said to be in the past in relation to us. This is fundamental to all writings about fiction, and is taught in all basic comp classes. I remember being yelled at by my teacher because half the class just didn't get this, and I know it seems rather counter-intuitive, but look at any published essay about a fictional work and it will be in this tense. Past tense does not ever need to be used, and to clear up cases where things change throughout the story, one would say something like "At his introduction Bob is an insurance salesman. After a few years Bob quits and becomes a rock star." All in present tense. There could be a paragraph in the middle about Bob's work being an insurance salesman, and it would be in present tense, even though it happened before he becomes a rock star. Some links to education resources on literary present/tense consistency: UC San Diego on Literary Present, U of Richmond on Literary Present, Purdue on tense consistency. Unless someone has a legitimate reason to reject this universally recognized standard, I'm going to start editing the article in the next few days to conform to literary present. I will leave any reference to things outside of the fictional universe, such as mentions of the translators, in past tense as they happened in our world in the past (this is accepted - when talking about what the author did you speak in past tense, when talking about what happened in the story you speak in present, see above links). Aegeus 04:22, 13 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Winged snake on cross symbol information


There is a discussion of the winged serpent on a cross symbol and its relationship to the Ouroboros in "A Dictionary of Symbols" by J.E. Cirlot (1st edition). The discussion is under the entry for "serpent". Its meaning in alchemy has to do "fixing" volatile substances but it doesn't seem like much of a leap to see it as a symbol for Dante's vision of eternal life. I made some revisions based on that source. Both the Ouroboros and the serpent on the cross have been used in alchemy, but they have meaning beyond Alchemy.

Dante could potentially have inherited it from the Elric's father, but I can't remember him ever having or using the symbol in the anime.

I think its correct to assume that the serpent on cross symbol is the opposite of the Ouroboros, but the exact meaning of the symbols for Dante and for the Homunculi is more open to interpretation. My interpretation (fixed endless live versus the cycle of life) is the best I could come up with. But I'm not sure that its 100% correct.

I've heard some information on this topic but, as you said, it's all speculation. What I've read is that The Ouroboros shows a sort of continuance, in the case of the homunculus eternal life. The winged snake (more commonly known as a flamel) is said to symbolize the breaking of a continuance, which is why it is used in the transmutation circle to seal a homunculus. The flamel breaks the continuance that the ouroboros stands for. --Mushrambo 06:25 PM, 10 March 2006 (UTC)
Sorry, but no opinions and speculation allowed. You'll need to find some good sources to back up these theores. 06:53, 26 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Scar's tattoo


There are unresolved issues with translating and interpretating the words on Scars tattoo. The first issue is the ordering. The sub-phrases are "dop la", "sic ca", "Terra", "A", "Ndan, Colia". I dont Latin well enough to figure out the most correct way to word the phrases together and its even more difficult given there isn't one fixed way to scan the words off the tattoo. The second issue is the meaning of "Ndan". One person in a forum said it was old Latin or Greek for the Adam of the Bible, but thats never been verified from a source. I'm more confident that colia is a Latinization of the greek Kolia which is from the hebrew meaning "voice of god".

"dop la" is "after the". "sic ca" is "sic circa" or something close to "around the time". And "terra" is land/earth.

"sic ca" is not "sicca" which is also a greek/latin term because the words are clearly seperated on scar's symbol and "sic ca" is a common latin abbreviation.

Any attempts at translation should stay as close to latin as possible. There are meanings to some of the words in other languages, but it seems very unlikely that that the phrase was intended to be a mix of unrelated languages (rather than all Latin),



I keep correcting the spelling of Scieszka's name, but somebody keeps changing it back. I'd appreciate it if whoever this is would stop. RiffRaff1138 20:16, Apr 23, 2005 (UTC) 00:16, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Why don't you drop a note on the anon's talk pages (next time they surf Wikipedia, they'll see a big message that says they have messages)? 21:12, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I've changed it twice, but when i logged on the other day, it was changed back. I mean, just because someone edits your page, doesn't mean that they are wrong. I even added a new sentence to an article about Scieszka, and when I checked up on it the other day, someone had edited it out and put it in a different way. It makes me mad. People should leave other people's edits alone, except in cases where they are so totally wrong, it's obvious. --AmerinKanta 19:53, 13 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

I want to assure you that the edit for Sheska's name wasn't meant as a slight against you. As mentioned in the discussion of the main Fullmetal Alchemist article, the original creators and the original versions of the manga and animation takes precedence over the adaptations. That is why Sheska is listed first. (BONES actually had a fully billingual staffer help Aniplex and Square-Enix develop the standardized name spellings in Japan, which is why it is remarkably consistent compared to other projects.) The closed-captioned "Scieszka" mention was consolidated with the English DVD mention, since that spelling originates from the same source (FUNimation). The sentence about disputes was stricken for neutral point of view and because the clause about Jean Havoc should be placed (if at all) under the Jean Havoc entry instead. --Egan Loo 01:32, 14 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Winry's screenshot


Err. Sorry it's huge - my fault for not shrinking it enough. Should be a decent placeholder till someone finds a better shot of her, though - the last link was external and that doesn't work on Wikipedia. Still, cleans up a lot of things... Kawa 01:54, 18 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Movie Notes


Since the movie's out in Japan now, when should we start adding new movie characters and notes to other characters about what happens to them in the movie? Geg

I would say as soon as possible. This page already has a spoiler tag, so if you are here you are accepting the fact that plot details from the anime and the movie are going to be coughed up. Thats my opinion. TomStar81 00:44, 31 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Picture this


What happened to the pictures of Lieutenent Yoki and Hawkeye and the others that were loaded into the ariticle? And why haven't they been replaced? TomStar81 00:42, 31 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

No clue... I'll do some digging and see if I can restore them. — Ambush Commander(Talk) 02:42, August 12, 2005 (UTC)
Okay, I don't know if the current Hawkeye picture is the one you're talking about, but I found the Yoki one. I'm adding it in. — Ambush Commander(Talk) 02:52, August 12, 2005 (UTC)
Much Better. Gracias, Amigo! TomStar81 01:58, 17 August 2005 (UTC)Reply
No problem! :-D — Ambush Commander(Talk) 02:11, August 17, 2005 (UTC)

Comment for anonymous editors


Yup yup, try editing the page to find out. I think it's a good idea, so I was bold. — Ambush Commander(Talk) 03:05, August 12, 2005 (UTC)

I never understood why...


... we had to put their whole military title on the character page. I'm slowly moving away from that, but for backwards compatibility, I'm using {{anchor}} to emulate the old anchors. It's not done yet. — Ambush Commander(Talk) 13:40, August 17, 2005 (UTC)



I propose that this page be split into the following:

Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠ 01:26, 2005 August 29 (UTC)

Meh, if you're going to split them, split 'em to the right pages.
Otherwise, probably not a bad idea for such a huge page. — Ambush Commander(Talk) 01:38, August 29, 2005 (UTC)
Hmm, howabout Characters of Fullmetal Alchemist video games, too? Should be State Military characters of Fullmetal Alchemist or Military characters of Fullmetal Alchemist, regardless. --Apostrophe 08:38, 29 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

I'm all for it. I even designed this table for the split.

Characters of Fullmetal Alchemist
Main characters of Fullmetal Alchemist | State Military characters of Fullmetal Alchemist | Chimeras of Fullmetal Alchemist | Homunculi of Fullmetal Alchemist | Characters of Fullmetal Alchemist video games
Other characters of Fullmetal Alchemist

What do you think? TomStar81 02:06, 2 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

I think you're all MAD, but it is a good idea to split 'em, Is way too much information to read just in one page, ring a bell, and Ill help to build it when the specifications are defined so call me CharlesWiki 19:58, 2 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

I think it'd be better formatted as such:

Characters of Fullmetal Alchemist
Main | State Military | Chimeras | Homunculi | Video games | Other

Takes up less space, which is preferable, I think. --Apostrophe 00:26, 3 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

-- You could do it like this...

3 September 2005

Fixed some typos, but oppose, because doing it this way makes it unclear that it's Characters of Fullmetal Alchemist. — Ambush Commander(Talk) 22:24, September 3, 2005 (UTC)
Not necessary. The page is managably sized in my opinion. If we do split it though, try to keep it in as few categories as possible.--Tjstrf 03:54, 17 September 2005 (UTC)Reply
It's probably going to end up being whether or not someone is bold and splits the articles.— Ambush Commander(Talk) 01:17, 29 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Split revisited


I think the time has come to consider resplitting the article along anime and manga line. I think this would improve the overall page quality and allow the characters to develope seperately, instead of being overshadowed by one series of events. Thoughts on this idea? --TomStar81 06:47, 11 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

I disagree. If this were the homunculi page, a split might eventually be warraned, as in some cases the dichotomy is quite severe- but that is not so for this page. --maru (talk) contribs 07:49, 11 February 2006 (UTC)Reply
I am using "the article" as a term for all of the Fullmetal Alchemist caharcter pages; the homoculi page would be the first to be split, but I think that eventually other pages may need to be split along such line to keep their size acceptable and to allow for the fact that the anime and manga do not follow in the same footsteps. --TomStar81 20:00, 11 February 2006 (UTC)Reply
In that case, I think you are being entirely too hasty. I don't think the page will grow that much and so fast we need to decide right now. The system at homunculi seems to scale enough for this page. If it isn't, then it is already set up to allow easy splits, anyway. --maru (talk) contribs 22:43, 11 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Split sugestion:

  • Create three new sections:
    • Manga only ("Father", Ling Yao, etc)
    • Anime only(Archer, Dante, etc)
    • Movie only(Heiderich, Noah, etc).
  • Extinct the Main Characters's page and give each one of them his/her own page(Ed, Al, Winry, etc), not including the Manga-only, Anime-only and Movie-only ones.

Alphonse vs. Alfons Heiderich


An anonymous user recently changed the name from Alphonse to Alfons. I googled both words: 249 for Alphonse [1] and 135 for Alfons [2]. If it's a mistake, it's a fairly common one and probably will not be resolved until the movie officially comes out in the US. — Ambush Commander(Talk) 14:44, 16 October 2005 (UTC)Reply

  • Thats why I created and inserted the line about translations leading to multiple spelling ;-) IMHO, For the time being, I think it best to include both in his entry, so as not to create problems with user realtionships. TomStar81 04:44, 18 October 2005 (UTC)Reply
The name actually is Alfons. Its not a mis-translation or a case of multiple spellings. Its a proper name in the languages. The film deliberately made it different than Alphonse. As in other cases, it would be best if Americans stopped using google hits on english-language fan sites to reinforce misinformation. The movie has been out for months and so has lots of other material.
I strongly disagree--the name isn't actually Alfons in English until the English-language distributor sets it. So, until then, it stands to reason that his name would still be Alphonse--Hughes was still Hughes, and Gracia was still Gracia.-Mance 00:33, 20 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

problem with spoilers,,,


The content of this article would only seem helpful to those who have already seen the entire series, as it gives away major spoilers from the final episodes, and the dubbed version has not reached

Hmm, so do we say This article contains information about unreleased material in certain regions. These constitute major spoilers?Ambush Commander(Talk) 23:48, 19 October 2005 (UTC)Reply

Edward's final transmutation of Alphonse (anime)


There is disagreement over what happened in the final episode. My view is that:

- Edward was not ever dead. He was mortally wounded with his soul at the gate.

- Alphonse used up the Philosopher's stone to completely restore Edward's body and probably to also reattach his soul which was at the gate. I think a soul attachment happened because the alchemy Alphonse used was the multi-circle alchemy used in other soul attachments. The circles were on the building rather than on his armor because his armor was the stone and he had no body to draw the circles on.

- Edward at that point with a fully restored body marked his body with the circles for a soul attachment and created a transmutation circle probably to recover Alphonse's body.

- Equivelent Exchange does not come into play because the anime never concludes that the law of Equivelent Exchange is actually true.

- Edward is next seen on the other side of the gate. His body on the other side of the gate is missing at least an arm. I think that the missing arm indicates that he is the body of the other world's Edward rather than his own. That Edward probably lost the arm in the bombing attack on London.

- His father offers an explaination of what happened to him which in the subbed version I have seems to suggest that as previously, it was his soul that came through the gate rather than his body and soul.

  • An alternative explaination I could accept is that since the other Edward died (if he died) in London, that Edward's body had to come through the gate for similar reasons to why his father's body came through the gate. And that the arm was lost at the gate in exchange for the soul transmutation on Alphonse (as before). But the anime never really shows that happening.

Anyway, thats my view - (anonymous)

I don't believe that the body Ed has at the finale is the London body he had, the London body was killed when the Zeppelin fell on it, plus from what I observed in episode 50 Ed's arm was never hurt in anyway. The Zeppelin crushed his lower torso, plus if you look at Ed's arm at the end of the finale you can see he has his auto mail arm, auto mail doesn't exist in our world and even if Ed could build one how would he be able to move his arm? Auto mail is powered by alchemy. Also it is implied in episode fifty that when Ed entered the body in London that there was someone else in there with him when you hear someone say "who are you?". This person was probably the person who inhabited that body before, when Ed's London body died the previous soul in the body died and Ed's soul returned to the gate because his body was in the gate at the time. Observe here how Ed's london body has been crushed beneath the shoulders, not touching his arms

Wolfcott 01:46, 3 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

If you see the Shambala movie, you will find out that he doesn't really have his original Automail arm or really an automail arm at all but he has lost his arm. The anime ending is symbolic. I don't want to give any more spoilers than that. His father makes some comments about him falling unconcuous during the transmutation and his soul coming over, but I don't trust that the subtitles were accurate. You are right though in that the injuries are inconsistant with the other body losing an arm. So I guess it should be assumed that the arm was the price for the final transmutation of Alphonse.

Don't read this if you don't want to know about the movie. My theory is that Ed's body did go with his soul because in a later scene in Shambala he is seen attaching some sort of artificial limbs to his right arm and left leg which have a different power source and were also created by Hoenheim. After he goes back to Amestris Winry gives him new automail which does, for some odd reason, work in our world.Mushrambo 15:51, 11 March 2006 (UTC)Reply
Don't see why it shouldn't work. It's basically attaching a bunch of machine parts to nerve endings. Very precise. This is the one element of FMA that ever bothered me. If it's mainly technology, then how the heck is it supposed to work like that? Ah well...guess it makes about as much sense as Hughes having 50 knives up his sleave. I'm mostly confused on how it works in either world...JONJONAUG 21:10, 29 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

      • Ed did bring his body back through the Gate to London after he transmuted Al. Back in his world, they never found his body. And he couldnt have used the alternate eds body because in episode 50 we see a zepplin crash into him, so wouldn't alternate eds body be destroyed?
  • So what happened was that in in episode 51 when Al transmuted Ed, he healed ed's dead body & gave Ed back his flesh arm and leg. When ed was still in the Gate place he also got his soul and mind back.
  • In the Gate we see Al dissapear and later so does ed. ed wakes up in his original world.
  • ed then transmutes himself to get Al back. ed dissapears again.
  • Later in episode 51, it shows Ed with his father in the Other world and he has a fake arm. It looks different then the automail arm he used to have.

(SPOILER WARNING) In the movie, Ed tells Noa his father made him the fake arm and leg.

So, it was his original body he took with him. BUT in order to transmute Al and bring him back, Ed gave up his arm and leg that al had got for him.

hope that clears it up. Winryrockbell 20:54, 12 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

opinions: moving "noah", "alfonse heiderich" and "dietlinde eckart" to "other characters" page


I propose moving these three Shambala characters off the main character page to the "other characters" page. I dont see any of them as major characters other than in the context of the movie. If one was to be kept, I would suggest "eckart". - anon December 12, 2005

Salem - where does he belong?


I don't see anything about him on any of the character pages except that he's the adopted son of Bradley and was strangled in the anime during the last episode. And is it confirmed that anime Salem really died from the strangling? I can't tell if he did. (Though I haven't watched the FMA movie, if you're wondering.) But the lack of an entry on Salem is the real problem. --Juigi Kario (Charge! * My crusades) 06:32, 15 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

I wouldn't hesitate to list him as dead. He looks pretty dead when Bradley gets through with the strangling, and we never see him again, so... --maru (talk) contribs 02:37, 16 February 2006 (UTC)Reply



May I ask where exactly is Pianko? Is there a profile on her anywhere? Evilgidgit 17:01, 12 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

I added that recently so no need to worry--Jack Cox 05:51, 19 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Splitting page in two


Does anyone else think that the article could be split into two articles, one for anime-only characters (and anime versions of characters that appear in both but differ between the two media), and similarly one for manga-only characters/manga versions of characters? Mistamagic28 10:55, 20 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Character's ages


This has bugging me for some time now. We know that Edward is 16, and Al is 15, but what about the other characters? How old are Roy Mustang, Maes Hughes, Riza Hawkeye, and the others?--Summonmaster13 01:04, 30 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

They never really say any of the adult characters' ages in the show. But we do know that, when they arrive in Lior in Episode 1, Edward is 15 and Alphonse is 14 -- but the series spans a few years, so it shows Edward when he's as young as 6, and he's about 16 in the last episode. So if you want definite character ages, it's better to go by year of birth. And if you pay attention to the dates and ages introduced in Episode 1, it's safe to assume that Edward was born in 1899, and Alphonse was born in 1900. They also say that Russel Tringum is a year younger than Edward, so he was also born in about 1900. I think Alicia Hughes is born on Edward's 12th birthday, meaning that she was born in 1911. Hohenheim and Dante are at least 400 years old, so we can place their birth dates somewhere in the late 1400s or early 1500s. Other than that, the ages of Fullmetal Alchemist characters are a mystery. --Wikivader 03:30, 6 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

In the manga Roy is about 30 years old. Ed is 16, Winry is 16 and Al is 15.

Wikivader, when you say this, are you using "our" calendar, or the calendar used in the Fullmetal Alchemist series? --IloveMP2yea 21:50, 7 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Noa or Noah?


I'm not sure which spelling is official. Some people put Noa, and I think, more people are putting Noah. 15:56, 23 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

The spelling is "Noah". Whoever spells it "Noa" is mispelling the name. --Zero 10:07, 1 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Edward Elric's Birthday


I'd like to see a source cited on that. As far as I've seen in the manga, anime, movie or other publications and interviews, Ed's birthday has never been given.

It has never been given only the year and that it was during the winter season.

Conquerer of Shambala


Will any of the information from the movie be added to the FullMetal Alchemist wikipage?

Edward Elric Section


I added an intro under Edward's section. All that was there before was the link to his main article. We could trim down the Alphonse section by leaving just the intro in the same manner, but we should discuss before the change. CPitt76 01:51, 26 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Rose Thomas?


Where exactly does her last name come from? Neither the anime nor manga mention her last name, and none of the guide books that I own state it either (including the official manga guide, the "Fullmetal Alchemist Perfect Guide Book." So...? Chibi Gohan 05:36, 1 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Removing "and a common member of many FMA adult doujins"


It's just silly.

Should have Scar have his own page?


Should Scar have his own article page? He is a main character in both the anime and manga...



Since this page is dedicated to the main characters who appear in both the manga and anime, I think Dante should be moved.

Rose as major character


Does Rose really belong here? It seems to me that she does not play as large a role as most of the characters here, and should be moved to Minor characters of Fullmetal Alchemist. Fullmetal2887 23:23, 13 November 2006 (UTC)Reply