

The definition, "The process of converting a series of bytes to an Object", seems contrary to the definition of Serialization which is "In the context of data storage and transmission serialization is the process of saving an object onto a storage medium "

The definition of marshalling as being equivalent to serialization is misleading, and fails to mention the context in which marshalling is used. I have corrected it.

Rolled back "It is also an important part when using Remote procedure call." Not only is this poor english, but it is a redundant statement of something that has already been said in less technical terms. A "Remote procedure call" is a call from one program to another. I have, however, added "Remote Procedure Call" to a new "see also" section so the article is still referenced.

It is odd that marshaling redirects to this page, instead of vice-versa, when marshaling is the preferred spelling. Although one theory is that reference works should describe common usage instead of enforcing correct usage, computer programmers are "definately" not the best spellers.