Talk:NGOs in West Africa

Latest comment: 2 years ago by Avanisingh94 in topic Avani Singh's Peer Review



Hi there,

First thing's first: that's a very large list you have down so far, great job! You and your partner should be very proud of all the work you've put into this project so far. I really like the way you're structuring it, starting with domestic institutions then expanding to the international sphere. My only advice I could give on that point would be to have a consistent sub-ordering between all of them (for example, always having human rights come before finance as you've already done, just expanding that to all the sub-categories to keep things neater and easier for people visiting the page to look for).

Very minor concern: I see that under two of the main headings you've put a sentence saying that sub-categories will be separated by section below. I think this is an unnecessary sentence and could be struck.

Minor-moderate concern: I'm not sure if Wikipedia does this automatically for you or if it's manual, but if it's manual then you should be sure to put hyperlinks to any articles that exist on NGOs' you've listed before turning the project in.

Moderate-major concern: I saw that all of your references come from one description of an NGO. Nothing wrong with this inherently since we're early in, my concern is just about describing particular NGOs. Are you planning on writing descriptions similar to the one already there for every NGO you've written and will write down? If so, that seems incredibly ambitious and like too much to complete within the time allotted for our project. If not, then there might be some concern of bias by choosing to describe the actions of one NGO over another. Not to say that you are biased, but that choosing to write about certain ones in detail could be perceived as biased. This is something best discussed between you and the Professor and GSI to work out to make sure this is fine if you haven't already done so just to be safe, although I'd imagine it's most likely fine by them.

Other than that, I think you have a solid start to your list. I'm sure this'll be a really useful resource to people across the world trying to find out more about NGOs' in this region, and could perhaps inspire similar articles for other parts of Africa and the world since there seems to be a lack of them currently. Best of luck going forward! Bradley Silvernail (talk) 06:53, 3 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Simon's peer review


Generally, the draft follows a consistently uniform structure and is neutrally written. The first part of the lead section where NGO is defined likely needs citations. This also applies to the first paragraph under the "National Organizations" section title. In addition to reinforcing the validity of the article, it would also be helpful for the reader to know how the definition was constructed here.

One thing I am curious about is if the level of detail will be comparable to "The Pan African Climate Justice Alliance" (PACJA) component. I would strongly encourage the authors to consider the feasibility of this given our relatively short time horizon. Nevertheless, the diversity of organizations is appreciated since this gives the reader a more comprehensive understanding of the missions of various NGOs.

Lastly, and most critically, the PACJA would benefit from more citations. The sources thus far seem credible, although I think pulling from one source for an entire paragraph may not be the most effective way legitimize the article. Regardless, the article is starting off well, and with just a bit more variation in source material, it will become increasingly stronger.

Good job! Salam211 (talk) 21:53, 3 April 2022 (UTC)Salam211Reply

Avani Singh's Peer Review


Hi! To begin, I really enjoy the structure of this Wikipedia entry and the way that you broke down your subsections into National and International organizations. I think that something you could touch on is the significant differences on the impact of the International organizations vs. the National ones. Also, though I know this is a rough draft, just making sure that there is more substance than just listing the different organizations. I think it would be helpful to talk about what each has accomplished/their goal.

Also maybe addressing how receptive the government is to these organizations. Yes, they are independent of the government but how do they interact with the government? How much influence do they have and what attributes of organizations make the government more receptive to them? Think that this could be an interesting thing to touch on for the different types of organizations (Human rights, finance/economy based, etc.)

Overall this Wikipedia entry is off to a great start, all it needs is the meat of the research!

Avanisingh94 (talk) 23:57, 3 April 2022 (UTC) Avani SinghReply