This weird tradition has its share of internet popularity, not devoid of hoaxes. Therefore if anybody wants to add a particularly weird name to this article, I would ask you to be particularly careful with the reliability of the source. I would suggest that a good source would provide an example of usage or a reference to its source. Quick google search shows some books unscrupulously list alleged names clearly created as a joke: I challenge you to find a Russian person who would give his baby the name "Persrak" (allegedly for "Pervaya Sovetskaya Raketa", First Soviet Rocket) or "Perkosrak" (Pervaya Kosmicheskaya raketa, First Space Rocket). First, this revolutionary name craze faded away in 1920s already, way before the FSR was actually launched. Second, "sraka" is a particularly offensive synonym for "arse" (but the latter en: word is way less emotionally laden that the ru: one). So if you see this name listed in a book, this would be the first sign that the book was cobbled together from internets for a quick buck. - user:Altenmann >t 05:29, 4 August 2015 (UTC)Reply