Talk:Navy (One Piece)

Latest comment: 16 years ago by in topic The Three Great Powers

Filler navy


Should we include the sailors from the anime fillers?

No. they have a place already! Plus Nelson would cause problems since his rank isn't part of Oda's framework. One Piece filler characters. Angel Emfrbl 08:05, 6 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Big picture


I recently put a splashpage of the manga onto the webpage, it illistrated the most important naval marines in the present storyline. Why was it taken off? I worked hard on that! - Count Mall

Coby =! Naruto


I deleted the sentence likening Coby to Naruto from the Natuto series. Rather than goggles, Coby's headwear appears to be his old glasses, and Naruto hasn't worn goggles for 3 years. Despite being a ninja, Naruto has never exhibited speed close to Coby's "soru". They don't look similar either. Anthr4x 12:08, 27 October 2006 (UTC)Reply



We have a name conflict on the One Piece Wikipedia pages. People keep changing them from Navy to Marine then Navy and back to Marine. Okay... Lets make up our mind here. What are they, navy or Marines? Most of wikipedias On Piece pages have it in the Japanese word, so this just use that as standard. Angel Emfrbl 20:21, 29 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Read the article, though. "Marines" are a separate idea from the Navy itself. "Marine" is used in One Piece as it would be in French or German, which is all well and good, except that this is the English-language Wikipedia. The English word "marine" as a noun only carries the intended meaning in archaic constructions, such as the "Merchant Marine." Moreover, fans in general use "Marines," which is completely inaccurate as that word describes only those sailors who act as infantry soldiers (identified as kaihei in the series), and not the organization to which they belong. Oda's use of the word Kaigun ("Navy") rather than Kaiheitai ("Marine Corps") is evidence enough that "Navy" is what it should be. In my opinion, using "Marine" (or worse, "Marines") will only lead fans astray. I think a better idea would be to include a commented out bit of text that explains why it is what it is and not to change it. I have done this occasionally, and this usually (if not always) seems to keep it from being altered. This section of the Navy article gives good justification as well (particularly considering One Piece's parallels with the Age of Sail). Also note this passage from the Marine corps article:
Historically, Marines were part of the navy and served onboard warships. They assisted the crew in battles, boarded enemy ships, conducted small coastal raids, and protected the officers from mutiny by the crew. Eventually they have become the primary landing force. The word "Marine" means Navy in many European languages such as French, German and Dutch.
So... does that clear things up? --Julian Grybowski 22:34, 29 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
I still say they should be 'Marines'. This isn't the real world, this is a cartoon we're discussing, there is no 'Navy' just 'Marines' in One Piece. How can it be incorrect to use the word the series uses anyway, if is it written it is correct and it is written as 'Marine'. Its only the English translations that use the word 'Navy'. Anyway, other then that thats all I have to say on the matter, I just want a edit war thats going on this page between the two words to end. Angel Emfrbl 06:22, 30 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
It's not much of an edit war, as far as I've seen. It gets altered from time to time, but I've been content with changing it back when it happens. As for the "Marines" thing, as I've said before, it's inaccurate. The Japanese languages distinguishes between a Navy and a Marine Corps, and Oda uses kaigun (海軍), which means "Navy," not kaiheitai (海兵隊), so the English translations are doing just that: translating what's there. the "Marine" on the flag doesn't have anything to do with the dialogue that's actually spoken in the series, unless it's being translated into a language where the word "Marine" means "Navy." English is not one of those languages. Moreover, at Wikipedia we should be striving to achieve a level of accuracy worthy of being considered "encyclopedic." We should not be bowing to the pressure of misinformed fans because they are vocal about their incorrect beliefs. If that were the case, we could easily end up like some of the DBZ-related articles (which I have ceased to bother with trying to keep in line). --Julian Grybowski 12:24, 30 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
Yeah I suppose 'edit war' is an bit of an exaggeration on my part , but I didn't know how else to put it. About once a week to a fortnight someone edits this page to change the words from marine to navy and vice versa. Its on my watch list so I see it every time it happens. I noticed most edits to this page in fact are just that and that alone. Angel Emfrbl 21:35, 30 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Alright, time to speak my mind.

I believe that the name used should be Marine, and I will back up my argument with cold, hard, evedence.

FIRST: "'Marine' is used in One Piece as it would be in French or German, which is all well and good, except that this is the English-language Wikipedia."

Yes, it is used as it would be in French or German, but it is not in French or German. Oda has used Marine WITHOUT the Kanji, very, very often, in fact, a bit more often than he uses it with the Kanji, and I have seen the entire manga series, and cannot recall once seeing the Kanji alone.

SECOND: Marine is the more popular term. and I will use numbers to prove this.

Google search:
marines + "one piece" + anime: 283,000 hits.
navy + "one piece" + anime: 167,000 hits. Many of these hits are reguarding Old Navy clothes.

Marine one piece: 259 hits, 70 are One Piece. the majority are marine as in water, real life marines, or Warhammer 40000 Space Marines.
Marines One Piece: 172 hits, 102 One Piece related.
Navy One Piece: 194 hits, 39 are One Piece related.'s One Piece section:
Marine: 16
Marines: 13
Navy: 5

I believe that this proves that "Marine" is the more popular term.

This is all that comes to mind right now, I'll be more than happy to give more than happy to give more evendence, and debate as to why this should be "Marine" if necisary. Justyn 6:13PM PST, 9/15/06.

"Yes, it is used AS IT WOULD BE in french or german, BUT IT IS NOT IN FRENCH OR GERMAN, and Oda has used Marine WITHOUT the Kanji, very, very often, in fact, a bit more often than he uses it with the Kanji, and I have seen the entire manga series, and cannot recall once seeing the Kanji alone."
- You seem to be suggesting with this that somehow "MARINE" on the Navy's flag can be dislocated from the term Kaigun. Yet you're ignoring the fact that even when the kanji aren't present in the scenery, the word Kaigun is still used in every single reference to the Navy in the dialogue. You can't escape the Japanese term to argue that "MARINE" is intended to mean something else. Furthermore, you seem to be claiming that you can say with certainly what language "MARINE" is supposed to be with nothing beyond the fact that it's written in an alphabet used by a huge number of languages besides English, and in a manga whose author is fond of using terms from a variety of languages in his creation.
As for the numbers, I don't believe that they're actually relevant. "Navy" is the official translation in both English versions, and "Marines" is, as I have noted above, a mistranslation. While "marines" may be more popular among fans who follow translations by other fans, it is neither official nor accurate, and I think it would be a mistake to yield to simple mob rule - facts are facts, independent of how many people think one thing is true over another. And at any rate, I would not judge to be an accurate indicator of overall fan sentiment, as fic writers are a very small subset of the overall fandom.
Lastly, it wouldn't hurt to try to sound a little less indignant that your beliefs are being challenged. You could, for example, put emphasis on words using techniques other than CAPITAL LETTERS, and back your assertions up with more facts rather than just saying they're on your side. Just a suggestion. --Julian Grybowski 05:14, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Okay, first, thank you for the tips on different ways of indicating emphasis, I'll change it so that people don't get the wrong idea from the way I put it.

Secondly, I believe that what Oda did, was extend the fact that "Marine" also means "Navy" in those languages, and extended it into Japanese, he is a very smart person after all. Plus, have you considered that maybe it's NOT a mistranslation? Maybe Oda INTENDS for "Kaigun" to be translated as "Marine"? Afterall, he did write "MARINE" all those times, and if he ment it as "Navy", why did no one correct him, or himself check to see if it is correct, in nearly a decade?

Also, my evadence ALONE shows without a doubt that under Wikipedia's policy on the matter, it should be renamed, does it not?

And, the only way we can be for sure what Oda means "Kaigun" to be translated as, is to ask Oda. But, we can be sure that "Marine" is by far the most popular term used by English speakers.

I have given numerical evandence that can be checked, supporting that this page should be under "Marine" via Wikipedia's policy, against oppinion that Oda has mistranslated the name when putting it in english for nearly TEN YEARS, with no actual proof backing it up. (Justyn 08:29, 16 September 2006 (UTC))Reply

Lets see... Marines is the word on their sail... The name of them they call themselves is Navy in the Japanese language. Since the English dub also uses the word Navy, that means its in line with the Japanese anime and manga. The fact the word 'MARINE' is written on the sail is silly since it means the Navy in several other Europeon language and Oda is renouned for using names from multiple languages (See Nico Robin's atttacks for more insight on that). So far, fans + that word are the only things supporting the use of 'MARINE'. We can't count other countries translations that don't speak english on the english wikipedia, due to its policey, so that means that its Japanese language + writing and the english manga + anime Vs Fans + the fact 'MARINES' are written on the sail.
Also, those states supplied are for fan based sites, which means they are not offical figures from publishers and so forth.... Their value is not much when using in a argument on wikipedia. Fans (being one I can speak of this) use common phrases and words from translators, if a word is common mistranslated from Japanese to English, then they use it reguardless because in this case they don't know otherwise. Also fan bases tend to scorn the use of what they brand 'incorrect' words thus making sure everyone uses the same words they use.
In a nutshell, this discussion is over, the explaination is on the wikipedia page (someone put it there) and there should be no need for further discussions. The subject of Marines Vs Navy is already concluded. Unless you can supply some more useful non-fan based site related stats, new information or evidence there is nothing further to discuss it seems.  :/ Angel Emfrbl 08:52, 16 September 2006 (UTC)Reply
The only argument I can come up with to this right now is pretty weak, but I'm not conceiding defeat. (Justyn 17:59, 16 September 2006 (UTC))Reply

Look anywhere. EVERYTHING in the real One Piece that is relqated to the Marines/Navy says MARINE. Oda does like to use a large amount of foreign languages. the point is, that means he can specify it for other languages. Marine and World Government are on most signs and flags, and if they arn't on there, Navy never shows up. this is both for the Manga and the Anime. Now 4kids as a dub, we shouldn't trust anyways. Their edits are totally rediculous. they change so many things, for Wikipedias accuracy all pages should refer to the Japanese version when possible. To be honest, there's more pages written to go with the Japanese version, even the official One Piece wikipedia page follows those standards. and as much as some people would like to argue, you can't lie. the English version is messed up. best way to do this is use any official English text for Translations. anything else we can try to figure out using the Kanji.

You seem to be opposing the term "Navy" more because it appears in the English adaptations than for any other reason. For all the issues with the English adaptations, both the anime and manga use "Navy" because that's what's there in the script, not out of any desire to change the nature of the institution. Moreover, you're using evidence from the scenery alone without considering the dialogue, which in every instance refers to the organization as the Navy (as I have said before, "navy" and "marine corps" have separate terminology in Japanese, and One Piece uses the former, not the latter). Plus, don't forget that it never says "Marines," only "MARINE" in the singular, which just so happens to mean "Navy" in a number of languages, but denotes only a single soldier in English. "Marines" is a mistranslation based on a mistaken interpretation of the emblem alone; you could make an argument for "Marine" in the singular, based on older forms of English (where "Marine" actually meant a flotilla of ships, i.e. "Merchant Marine"), but it sounds unnatural in modern English. And anyway, when in doubt, I prefer to use the original text as opposed to scenery, since it is written in the author's native language, and therefore is most likely to represent the meaning he intended to convey. Since he uses "Navy" there, "Navy" is what I use, and what I believe Wikipedia should as well. --Julian Grybowski 15:07, 21 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

But One Piece is not set in the Modern Day time period, and so older forms of English would likely be the most influential type of English to be used. also keep in mind that Japan lacks plurals, so MARINE can also be MARINES upon translation. Marine has been written on everything from bounty posters, to uniforms, and on ships. All the other pages are placed under their Japanese names, like Zoro or Smoker, so why is Marines under Navy? Marines is the more used, and more correct term, and is consistent with the rest of One Piece Wikipedia Pages.

I think you need to reread the whole argument and listen to what we're saying, or read Navy or Marine Corps? on the main page. Angel Emfrbl 22:59, 26 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Could we perhaps discuss this some more and meet halfway? I feel you are only basing the discussion on the fact that in your opinion, the enviroment doesn't count, and that the literal, exact translation is Navy. I'm just saying that the envirment can't be totally ignored, it must factor in somehow. Also, many times literal translations are either not accurate or the original word was used in a different way. I know of no language where native speakers user exact, literal wording. --Pyrgus 05:36, 28 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

The only problem is that the terminology here is fairly precise. When Japanese speakers want to say "Marines" or "Marine Corps," they use 海兵 kaihei (for the soldiers themselves) or 海兵隊 kaiheitai (for a platoon or organization of such soldiers). When they want to say "Navy," they use 海軍 kaigun. The terms refer to specific things, and are not interchangeable; while they may have a range of meaning, they do not overlap each other. Plus you're forgetting that even in the modern era, where the Marines are considered a separate branch of the armed services rather than a sub-branch of the Navy, marines don't have their own warships; the Navy is responsible for those. Which brings me back to my original point: while it's okay to refer to groups of soldiers in the Navy as "Marines," it is incorrect to refer to the organization as a whole as such, because it is neither organized or referred to as a Marine Corps. The only evidence in the original work you can cite in favor of using "Marine" more broadly is the Naval emblem, and even that is relatively easily explained (as has been done several times above, and in the article proper). The rest is fan-sentiment that only makes (partial) sense in English, not Japanese or any of the other languages the series has been translated into. --Julian Grybowski 15:38, 29 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

The problem I am having with this is the fact that it is soley based on the fact that Marines is the general term fans use, and so it can't be official. It is on their signs, jackets, everywhere. The biggest used and perhaps worst is that in America, we have it set up so there's a Navy with a Marine Corps in it. One Piece doesn't occur in our world, it isn't in America, or Japan, so how come just because the meaning is closer to that of Navy in our language, the whole One Piece world has to be based on that? The word Kaigun is used to refer to the fact that the Marines are basically like what a real-world Navy would be, except they are a large organization where everyone is a Marine. The only true piece of evidence is that just because Marine appears on everything it doesn't have to be a factor. It is a factor and shouldn't be left out just because "it's scenery" and frankly I am getting a bit sick of how Wikipedia goes about deciding this kind of stuff. All the evidence pointing at Navy over Marines are trumped by simple facts, and to preserve this the excuse is that those "little facts" shouldn't be factors. Well they are, so this page should either be changed to Marines and have it settled, or we can bring in someone to be an Arbiter.--Pyrgus 06:00, 19 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

I'm afraid what you're trying to say isn't exactly clear. I get what your argument is, but your defense of it is... confusing, at best. Plus, why are you be annoyed at how Wikipedia decides things? Because it doesn't fit your own particular preferences regarding terminology and spelling? If that's the case, then I'm afraid there's not much you can do. It isn't like we're avoiding "Marines" because it's used by fans; we're avoiding it because it doesn't fit with what the Navy is called in Japanese, or how it's organized, or what it does. The one bit of evidence in favor is the emblem, which I have previously explained. I might also refer you to my good friend Argumentum ad populum: despite what some people say, just because a term is popular doesn't make it correct. If you can actually point to some "simple facts" that trump all the evidence for "Navy," then please do so, but I have a suspicion that they'll already be covered by the previous discussion on this page. --Julian Grybowski 11:50, 19 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Actually, thats just what I mean. The annoying part is how noone else listens to these sorts of facts, and shrugs them all off. Simple thing likes the MARINE on everything and the fact that Kaigun, directly translated, means Navy, in America, in other words a reference to how other Navys, world-wide or perhaps just in the US are set-up. I am just saying, make them factors, and don't shrug off the stuff just because it's the "preferred fan term" like everyone seems to be doing that is in favor of Navy. At the very least, the name Marine could be in reference to the fact that it is a bunch of Marines, the soldiers, clustered together, that is similar to the way a Navy would be in other countries. If these few things arn't enough proof, after you add them to the overall equation, I know someone who knows Japanese and might be willing to help.--Pyrgus 20:13, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Chapter 424, page 6: "Show your MARINE-ID"

The "marine" word is written in English. This is the only one I remember, but there are more. Japaneshe sometimes use English to sound cooler and that line shows us that for the author "kaigun" is synonym of the word "MARINE", despite his meaning in X (your) country.

Actually, the phrase is "Marine Code" (or more precisely, M・コード with the furigana "マリン" over the letter M). This, I would assume to mean something along the lines of "serial number" in general parlance. Also, the soldiers boarding the ship do appear to be marines, judging by them being armed. I wouldn't consider this much in the way of calling the entire organization by this name, however. The most appropriate term for the maritime forces in One Piece is "Navy;" the use of "Marine" in its emblem can be easily explained, as has been done multiple times in this thread. --Julian Grybowski 01:16, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
You know what, maybe you should all leave this stuff to the fans. We'vew already moved anything that was done right(very little) to our own wiki and have begun redoing everything. Mariens is the correct term, and I am seriously sick of trying to change it back. I don't think any changes I have ever made have been kept, and in the end everything is always changed. I Hate wikipedians, I only have an account here because I'm trying to actually help a little. Why don't you just let the fans figure it out. THe proper word is Marines, the only thing you have is a literal translation, thats it. So shut up about it, and just let it be Marines like it's supposed to be!!!!! Pyrgus 01:50, 10 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
No offense, but we're all fans here; otherwise, we wouldn't be bothering with this page. Some of your edits may very well have been wrongly reverted or overwritten, but that is no reason to tar the entire body of Wikipedians with one brush. Moreover, what really seems to be the problem is that you are upset with people for not doing what you say, when you say it. Wikipedia is a community, and when you make changes, you need to keep in mind that there is often a consensus that is already reached. That isn't to say that it's impossible to get something changed after this has happened, but it requires not only discussing things on the talk page, but accepting that you're not always going to get your way. You gain nothing by throwing a temper tantrum and unilaterally altering the page, just because you're fed up with other people not agreeing with you. Wikipedia is not your personal playground; working well on it requires playing well with others, and your unilateral, my-way-or-the-highway attitude is conflicting with that. Going and making your own Wiki just so you can have things your way seems to be the ultimate expression of such an authoritarian style conflicting with the way we do things here. Can you be trusted to let "the fans" have their way on your own wiki if they go against your decrees? --Julian Grybowski 04:17, 10 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
Do I see you on Arlong Park? No. Does wikipedia even link to Arlong Park, the biggest One Piece site made by fans? no, the link is constantly deleted. All the things I have said are agreed upon by other One Piece fans, to me you seem like just another dang wikipedian who ahs to have everything perfect. Instead of talking it out, all you and anyone else has done is said the literal translation is Navy, so that is final. Maybe if you lsitened you'd see I have some good points. THe wiki I specified is already created and has been for months. If youy are really a fan of the series you would at least probably know there's one out there. I am sick of wikipedians for more than the reason my edits get changed every time, and even then it's without reason. Wikipedians just so far have all been annoying, and clueless to how they appear to others not as politically correct as they are. Honestly more people would vote in favor of Marines if more fans discuessed here. Just about everyone hates this place, says forget it, or is over on the One Piece Wiki. Actually there is 2 One Piece Wikis, one at Arlong Park and another hosted by Wikipedia. I will no longer be spending my time on wikipedia, and will be devoting all my wiki time to the REAL One Piece Wiki, no this trash heap you people have made of One Piece. ----Pyrgus, you One Piece fan wannabe!
May I point out there was a One Piece link to AP orginally on the main page... But whoever linked it linked to the forum not the info part of it. It counts as site advertisiment somewhat. I wasn't a member of AP park at the time and so didn't want to go to the trouble of fixing that. Feel free to readd it so long as (the only time I delete it is because of this) you don't directrly link to the FORUM. I have nothing against forums, but it looks better to have info sites rather then fancruff on on there. And its arkward to explain why they are on there to some of the more random visitors on wikipedia.
To be honest I had forgotten about it a long time ago. But hey, if you want to look at it fairly - theres no link to any other forum on this (K-F, Gerusama etc), a few character fansites and thats it. Linking to a info site is different to a forum. Other reasons why links if anyone is itnereasted, were removed is because they linked to a direct non-informatitive site fansite... Foreign language site... Or illegal fan-sub (again why no link to K-F and other fansubs are here) which can't be allowed on Wikipedia, all which are understanble. Angel Emfrbl 07:36, 10 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
I'm SaiyaJedi over there. Nice t'meetcha, GearSecond. Judging by the date you joined the forums, I've been around ArlongPark's various forum incarnations at least 4 times as long as you. (I've also been a fan of Dragon Ball since '99, and I'm working towards JLPT level 2 Japanese ability.) I guess you're a bit of a latecomer to the One Piece fan community, but in case you haven't noticed, you aren't the end-all, be all, epitome of what that is. At least, I certainly hope not. But at any rate, please go ahead and make your own wiki. We could do without your behavior here.--Julian Grybowski 05:03, 10 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
Not quite a latecomer more of a longtime-lurker. I've been with KF much longer and even then I'd been lurking. I've said it a billion times, we already have another wiki and I wasn't threatening to make it, it's already been there. Jusging by your absence in about any other thread I've seen you arn't too active over on AP. I've given up hope on this page, all the one Piece pages over here as well as wikipedians, it just seems no matter what I say or do, no wikipedians will listen. I will not longer bother with wikipedia, I just think there's no hope to properly educate people on the real One Piece. So just forget about me. I'll still come to wikipedia simply because it's a pretty good source of information thats centralized, not just about a single subject, but any editing on my favoreite series, One Piece, will be on it's official wiki now. I won't be backing down at all there, I'll stand up for what I beleive in, and will not be intimidated by the army of wikipedians that back each other up over here. forget aobut me, I'll forget about you. You can't stop somebody from being a fan of something, but I can't make anyone here use Marines(rather I can but too many wikipedians agree solely on the literal translation) but again no matter what facts you have I like Marines better. Obviosuly neither side can lose or win by simply using the Internet, so I'm backing down, I am starting a One Piece colored manga group so I really don't have the time. Good luck killing wikipedia and One Piece articles over here, I'll be working on the real One Piece. Pyrgus 04:14, 12 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Just a question, does the fact that it is the Odaverse and Oda has written 'marine" himself count?

He writes "Marine" on the logos, but always refer to them as "Kaigun" (海軍) in the dialogs. Just read the first section of the article. - Tekoteko 22:21, 26 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Jaguar D. Saulo, Jagaur D. Saul, Haguar D. Sauro


Can anyone confirm which is the correct name? I've always though it was Jagaur D. Saul. Angel Emfrbl 07:48, 19 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

It's hard to tell. Jaguar is a definite, but his other name could be either Saul or Saulo. While Saul is a more familiar name, Saulo seems to have the same accent, judging by the way "Jaguar" is pronounced. It could be either-or. Personally, I think it's "Saul", but I could be wrong. Lordshmeckie 04:12, 20 September 2006 (UTC)Reply
I think Saul should be used. Someone once said it was Saul since the pronounciation of the word was similar to how Japanese would pronounce "Saul". There's also the reason that it's correct because of its possible biblical reference like Sodom, Gomorah, and The Tree of Knowledge. It also seems to be most common at the moment. Saul seems to be the right choice by these points. Problem is that the name's realitively new so there seems to be alot of interpretations. Wait for awhile and do a Google search later to confirm it.CalicoD.Sparrow 04:44, 26 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Making the page better


Reguardless of what each of us believes the page should be, we should get pirtures of each of the characters, and symbols. And we should add the Kanji, and Romaji for each of the ranks to the rank descriptions or section title instead of just by the characters' kana/romaji names. Anyone agree? Disagree? (Justyn 23:04, 6 October 2006 (UTC))Reply

Agree. I wish I can offer more input then that on this subject, but I can't. I agree 100% with your suggestions... And can't think on how to add anything else.
Also, someone left a note for someone to do a table on the ranks, duties and uniforms and so forth, however, I tried setting that up weeks ago before I even did the Devil Fruit page with limited (or should I say no) success. I need ideas on that. Its not as simple as it seems. Like this person I would too would like to see a nice table showing the progression of ranks on this page. Angel Emfrbl 09:14, 7 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Vice Admiral Garp getting his own page?


Now we know how important Vice Admiral Garp is, shouldn't he be getting his own wikipage now?

He would but... Lack of infomation to put on it. Angel Emfrbl 16:06, 19 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, I think it would be best until we learn more about him. At least until we get a flashback or something Trunksamurai 14:58, 21 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

One day...


...Thats all I ask... For everyone to wait... Before they update Garp's info. I know everyone is excited, but we're breaking Arlong Park rules putting them up here so soon. We didn't do it last week, so lets not do it this week! Angel Emfrbl 21:45, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

It is necessary add a spoiler warning to Vice Admiral Garp.

Strange People


On OPWiki, the German One Piece wiki I found pictures of two Navy officers All i know about them is that, in German, Tadellos is a "Fregattenkapitän" and Sechseck is an "Oberleutnant". Could someone please translate the ranks and find information about these two elusive officers? Belgium EO 22:26, 26 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

From our very own Wikipedia, Fregattenkapitän is the equivalent of a Commander, and Oberleutnant is, in the NATO military comparison system, equivalent to a Lieutenant Junior Grade. Magaroja 17:15, 27 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
Further, Tadellos looks like the guy that ordered Luffy and Zoro away from the town where Captain Morgan was ruling over the citizens (he also called for his regiment to salute the two as they sailed away, then placed himself and his regiment on food restrictions for saluting pirates). Magaroja 17:22, 27 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

We should put these guys on the page. -Count Mall

They are VERY minor people... Why bother? Angel Emfrbl 23:34, 5 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
They ARE Marines, are they not?. Justyn from 19:37, 7 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
I know... The page just seems messy right now they are on. We have pictures for them, yet only 4 or 5 sentances next to them. I know thier marines, but I don't think they showed have been included. Hell I don't even recall their names being said, were they? Its no biggy though I'm not gonna remove them anyway. I'm just pointing out we really don't need to include every marine in the series on this page... There is a lot of them afterall. Angel Emfrbl 20:11, 7 November 2006 (UTC)Reply



I noticed that the name "Chore Boy" is used as a translation of Zatsuyō, this is an incorrect translation; the proper translation of Zatsuyō would be "various tasks". I will change it unless anyone dissagrees, it's the same thing with "Kairiki Destroyers". (Justyn 00:47, 1 November 2006 (UTC))Reply

It's a fitting translation considering what they do. A literal interpretation of the words isn't always the best course, and "chore boy" captures the spirit of the term better than simply "odd jobs" or "various tasks." ...And before anyone asks, this doesn't apply to "Navy" vs. "Marines," because the two terms have very precisely specified meanings which are far less open to interpretation. --Julian Grybowski 01:40, 1 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Like I said, "unless anyone disagrees". But, what I meant was change it to "Zatsuyō" (or the easyer to type Zatsuyou), like changing "Mighty Destroyers" (a fan (mis)translation) to "Kairiki Destroyers" (instead of it's literal translation of "Superhuman Strength Destroyers"). (Justyn 07:34, 1 November 2006 (UTC))Reply

Jango's alignment


Shouldn't Jango have the same treatment as Lucci, Calipha, and Kaku. I mean those three have sections in both Galley-La Company and Cipher Pol, each detailing the characters differently based in different parts of the story so as to not spoil anything or something like that. Anyway, the current information of Jango here talks about what he did as a Black Cat pirate rather than what he is doing now as a Marine.

Belle-Mere Marine picture


Is that the BEST picture we have of her as a Marine? Its so poor in quality its not even worth having on the page. Has someone got an image to replace it with thats much better? Angel Emfrbl 22:40, 17 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Yes, it is. I would really like it to be put back on. It took me hours just to find that one. - Count Mall

We may as well leave it up untill a it can be cleaned up or a better one found.

I'm gonna find us a new one! ¬_¬' Angel Emfrbl 08:46, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
There. Its not the best image, but its higher quality and at least you can see she is a 'Marine' in it. It didn't take too long either. Please don't revert to the old one, unless you get hold of a better version of it. Angel Emfrbl 08:51, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Pretty nice. Good job :). - Tekoteko 10:24, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Picture overload


I did this for the minor character page, I'm doing it here too. I'm question the overuse of pictures. Some of these characters appear once and are gone, never to be seen again. Do we need a picture of them? No. Scrub off a few of the pictures (esp. one that screw up the text layout) and save the quality of this page from being dragged down by the overload. Angel Emfrbl 22:45, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Since no one bothered to sit through and sacrifice a few pictures, and we're being overloaded with even more... I've had to step in a remove all the minor ones. If they don't play an important role... They don't need a picture. End of story. There are risks to having a high pictured page on wikipedia. Angel Emfrbl 19:14, 21 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

John Giant


this guy is the big guy that was there at the announcement of luffy's bounty, hes named and confirmed a vice-admiral in one piece blue, he should be added —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 03:48, 6 December 2006 (UTC).Reply

Confirmed. He's a Vice Admiral (中将). I'll add him later, or someone else can. - Tekoteko 05:12, 6 December 2006 (UTC)Reply



Where did all the pics go? Alot of pictures vanished. Put them back. -the Count

If you bothered to read this talk page, you'd know where they went. Plus I'm moving this to the bottom so it's in chronological order. --Julian Grybowski 03:16, 22 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
If this was a fan website, you could get away with that many. But this is an encyclopedia website, you can't. Okay let me give reasons, they are all small reasons but they add up:
  • picture overload can bring down the quality of a page instead of upgrading it.
  • Its difficult to explain why the use of so many 'free use' images on a page.
  • Minor characters (as in one or two appearances and little plot value) don't deserve a picture.
  • I've seen it be a reason for a page being deleted on wikipedia.
  • You get picture page layout problems sometimes
  • Other anime pages DON'T use as many pictures as we tend to use. (see Outlat Star page, Tenchi Muyou etc and you'll see how they set things up).
  • Even with major characters, one picture is enough.
There. The list of reasons. Lately the picture usage is has been getting beyond a joke on some pages on the One Piece pages. Angel Emfrbl 06:55, 22 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Still, Fullbody and Jango got their old pics, as they used to look. We should keep the pics shwoing how they look now.

Thats a good point, I just removed one of the pictures, I admit I didn't take that into consideration at the time (yet I did so with Koby, Tashigi and Hem-whatever-his-name-is). They wer enot very good anyway. A better picture of them would be better then those two, however feel free to change pics reguardless. Angel Emfrbl 21:07, 22 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Tashigi & Smoker's ranks


As has been marked in Wikipedia, as of chapter 439, Tashigi and Smoker are now Ensign and Commodore, respectively. However, today marks the second time in as many days that an anonymous editor has changed both of these characters back to their previous ranks on the grounds that there is no evidence. I am not entirely convinced that these edits were made in good faith, but assuming that they are for the time being, I would be happy to provide the "skeptic" editor with pictorial evidence. That is, of course, if they're really serious and not just out to be disruptive. I would appreciate any comments from fellow editors with regards to how we should handle this situation if it continues. --Julian Grybowski 22:52, 27 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Garp's assistant


Should we add Bogart (frowning Marine always following Garp) here? I really don't knw his name, but a translation at Arlong Park gives it as "Bogart". Lancaster D Mistletoe 18:15, 22 January 2007 (UTC)Reply

According to the Japanese Wikipedia article, his name is ボガード Bogādo, which I would interpret to be something along the lines of "Beaugarde" if there is no known romaji spelling. The problem with putting him in this article, of course, is that his rank is not known to the readers, which makes placing him problematic. --Julian Grybowski 22:38, 22 January 2007 (UTC)Reply
I'd say it's Bogart, with the fedora and all. We could add an "Other" or "Unknown Rank" section, but I doubt it's worth the effort for one character. Lancaster D Mistletoe 18:10, 29 January 2007 (UTC)Reply

Preposed merged


Okay we have a 3 powers section and then 3 different articles for the 3 powers. What I prepose is we merge Shichibukai, Yonkou and the navy page into the 3 powers page. In doing so, we have 3 less pages for one and we can cut down the Navy info into minium details. We already repeat info on the 3 powers page from here.

In any case, we also need to limit this page. While listing characters is good, we also have a organisation problem going on. We need to create a table in which all the characters can be listed with info + detail that won't take up much space... Currently we have a confusing mess. Even if not a table, some other method of handling things would be better... Perphaps a "list of Navy" page as a sub-page to marines?

My other concern is the Yonkou page is small, as is the Shichibukai one... Anyway, I think it would be best to have details on the 3 powers alongside each other only. For one it would be easier to handle the info and talk about such things about them if they were together. Angel Emfrbl 08:02, 13 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Flaming Attachan


Should we add him to this page?

Yes, I think it (:

A joke character? Nah! Angel Emfrbl 20:34, 12 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
He appears in volume 45, though. Check chapter 436. --Julian Grybowski 02:22, 14 March 2007 (UTC)Reply
True true... Write him in a "other" or "sub-coordinators" section then is probaberly the best idea. Angel Emfrbl 07:10, 14 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Buster Call Vice-Admirals


Recently, someone attempted to add names to the Admirals present at the Buster Call, though they were reverted for lack of proper attribution. If this forum post is accurate, then the names came out of the just-released One Piece YELLOW: Grand Elements. However, if this is the case, I would recommend that we wait until someone has the book in their possession (or a scan of the relevant page(s)) just so we can confirm / cite it. I'll have it by the end of the month, but if anyone can do so sooner, please do. --Julian Grybowski 17:23, 2 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

From what I gather, these ARE coming from such sources. However they are being added in poor way. For example - where is this code: <ref name="insert name here"> then details of where its coming from</ref>. Without it, the info is worthless and easily mistaken as speculation. Angel Emfrbl 18:56, 2 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Idea for page


I'm thinking of an idea for this page... However it comes in a table.

Basically we're getting problems with members of the navy. As far as I can see the best way of organising characters is how we have it on the One Piece Wiki - High Ranking (admirals, vice admirals), HW ranked marines (lt-vice admiral) and Subordinates + Others. I think the best thing is to cut all the info out and have basic info.

While I love the idea of having, we're getting into a mess and its easier now to cut things out and stick to basics. This has advantages - if we do something simulair to the Devil Fruit list we can have photos of even the basic marines. It also means every marine is treated the same as the next. Any notible characters have their own pages already so we don't need to list more info for them. It also brings us back in line with being a encyclopedia rather then a fansite. If anyone wants more info we have the wikia for that and we'll have to put the character links up.

This is how I figured characters should go:

  • Name:
  • Dub name:
  • Rank:
  • Duties:
  • First Appearance:


[[Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg -->|150px]]
Dub Name: Chaser
Rank: Captain (former), Commodore (current)
Duties: See Smoker_(One_Piece) for more details.
First Appearance: Manga Chapter #98, Anime Episode #48

There is room to play around with this. This is just the primary idea. Angel Emfrbl 19:39, 2 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

buster call captains


one piece yellow named the 3 df-using buster call captains, and a few other previously unnamed marines, i think that they should be added —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 22:03, 7 April 2007 (UTC).Reply

I really don't see the point in a series this large and a group this large in adding all the minor characters there is. Unless we come up with a better method of listing everything. This page is a mess, and I can't get anyone to help sort it out as it is. Before we add more marines we need to sort out the ones we have. Angel Emfrbl 07:29, 8 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Page condition


Seriously, this is bugging me we have a messy page like list and no is trying to fix it. If this page went to one of the delete debates things, we'd lose it. I'm preposing a slit in the list, have the main page then a "list of" page. The main problem is the characters. If we don't fix this page sooner or later it will come back to haunt us. Angel Emfrbl 06:52, 22 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Don't worry. Deletion is not based on if the page looks nice or not, but if it is notable (something that One Piece is) and verifiable (the SBS stuff is already in the references section, and we can always add the data books if need be). But I agree on splitting the page, as it will also allow for more minor, but named, marines to be added. (Justyn 02:35, 10 May 2007 (UTC))Reply
I'll split the page this weekend... I know wikipedia is against it, but I'll temporary name it "List of One Piece Marines" because "List of One Piece Navymen" doesn't have a ring to it. We can change that later. Angel Emfrbl 07:30, 10 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Well, the concensus for the name is that the soldiers are called "Marines", so I doubt that you will make many people upset ;). And I can help out by doing a not-so-pretty looking split. (Justyn 14:54, 10 May 2007 (UTC))Reply
So long as we mention the word "Navy" then Marines is fine. Be careful with the split though Justyn, we've had fuss made of the One Piece pages the last few ones we've created. It might be a good idea to merge Buster Call back to this page afterwards (we'll have room now).
That long list of Marines is really bringing down the quality of the page so it has to done done. If you want to split the page, go ahead, I'll clean it up this weekend if someone else doesn't.  ;) Angel Emfrbl 16:26, 10 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Done. (Justyn 19:53, 10 May 2007 (UTC))Reply
Ah! Thats better, the page looks more refreshing. I'll help with the two pages this weekend. We need to strengthen the list of marines a little now. Angel Emfrbl 21:45, 10 May 2007 (UTC)Reply



It says that Morgan, Nezumi and Rob Lucci all have their own definitions of Justice aside from Absolute. I know Lucci has his Dark Justice but what about Morgan and Nezumi? I don't remember any mention of them having their own definitions... His royal majesty, Lord Holy Ono (talk) 02:04, 20 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

They never say that... The only ones who have declared they live by their own justic and are: Lucci, Smoker, Aojiko (however its spelt, states he has a "lazy" justice) and Tashigi. Angel Emfrbl (talk) 20:24, 20 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

The Three Great Powers


I have noticed that it has been brought up in another talk page that maybe this page should be merged into the Three Great Powers's "Marine Headquarters" section. It seems the main reason this may not happen is because exactly what constitutes the third great power (whether its just headquarters or the entire navy) is questionable, though this is only brought up on the "The Three Great Powers" article. To me that logic doesn't make sense, since Marine Headquarters controls the Navy, collectively, they make up the third great power. Any thoughts on this and on whether the two pages should merge? (talk) 02:54, 24 August 2008 (UTC)Reply