Negro term in India


In most parts of India the term Negros is a nuetral term along with Afriki (person from Africa). However terms like kaaloo (black), blacky are used as derogatory terms. [1] In India kaalo/kaaliya is not essentially a racist term but more of a casteist term since dark skin was traditionally associated with people who performed out door manual labour and hence fell in the lower castes. The Siddis are a caste which have been integrated into Indian society [2]




In Russia


In fact, "Čërnyj" is more frequently applied to immigrants from Middle Asia, Caucasus, and Transcaucasia. In this meaning, this word has a strong negative connotation. Colloquially, Negros are still "negry" (pl. of "negr"), a neutral designation. Offensive Russian words for black people are "черномазый" (chernomazyi, black-painted) or "черножопый" (chernozhopyi, black-buttocked).

I do not know whether this info deserves addition to the article body.