
Latest comment: 6 months ago by in topic To add to article

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To add to this article (to help make it more properly encyclopedic): information about this surname's etymology and origin. Can someone make sense of this information from the Nepali-language Wikipedia article about this surname?

विशेषत न्यौपानेहरूको उत्पत्ती जुम्लाबाट भएको मान्यता छ। जुम्लाका राजा रणकेशरले गरेको राजसुय माहायज्ञमा दाजु सच्चिदानन्दले मन्त्रशक्तिबाट अग्नि उत्पन्न गरेका थिए भने भाइ सदानन्दले जमीनबाट नयाँ पवित्र जल निकालेर यज्ञमा अभिषेक गरेका थिए। तत् पश्चात् उनलाई नवपानीय भनिएको थियो। यही शब्द कालान्तरमा अपभ्रंश हुँदै 'न्यौपाने' भएको भन्ने किम्वदन्ति छ। यसै आधारमा न्यौपानेहरूका आदि पुरूष सदानन्द मानिन्छन्। उनका चार भाइ छोरा चन्द्र शर्मा,शिव शर्मा, हरि शर्मा, लक्ष्मिपति शर्मा हुन। चन्द्र शर्माका सन्तानहरू नै न्यौपानेहरू हुन्। शिव शर्माका सन्तानहरू सत्याल र हरि शर्माका सन्तानहरू पन्यारुहरू हुन। लक्ष्मिपतिले वैराग्य धारण गरेकाले उनी अबिवाहित नै थिए। हाल नेपालमा न्यौपानेहरू देशभरि नै छरिएर रहेका छन्। न्यौपानेको गोत्र 'कौडिन्य' हो।
(Google translation):
It is believed that the origin of Neupane especially is from Jumla. In the Rajsuya Mahayagyna performed by King Rankesar of Jumla, brother Satchidananda generated fire with mantra power, while brother Sadananda took new holy water from the ground and anointed it in the yajna. After that, he was called Navapaniya. It is said that this word was corrupted over time and became 'Neupane'. On this basis, the Adi Purusha of Neupanes is considered to be Sadananda. His four brothers and sons are Chandra Sharma, Shiv Sharma, Hari Sharma, Lakshmipati Sharma. The descendants of Chandra Sharma are the Neupanes. The descendants of Shiv Sharma are the Satyals and the descendants of Hari Sharma are the Panyars. Lakshmipati was celibate and remained unmarried. Currently in Nepal, Neupane are scattered all over the country. Neupane's gotra is 'Kaudinya'. (talk) 00:56, 7 March 2024 (UTC)Reply