Talk:Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation



Thank you for your contributions. I started this page before I realized that having a login ID meant that people would be able to contact the author. Weaponofmassinstruction 00:12, 27 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Cheers. I've created a list of Northern Manitoba communities, including the First Nations at Northern Region, Manitoba. But I'm not familiar with the terminology. The list includes Nelson House 170, 170A, 170B, and 170C. I guess these are separate First Nations communities or reserves. Is there also a town of Nelson House in addition to these (looks like it on the map)? Does Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation correspond to one of those, or does it represent them all?
NH 170, and 170 a through c are all part of what is commonly referred to as "Nelson House" or "Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation". However, One of those (perhaps 170 C) is in reference to the "Metis Settlement, which although considered a part of the reserve, is NOT reserve land, nor is it governed by NCN Chief and Council. Confused yet? I lived there for 4 years, and sometimes I wonder if I understand. If you can find a Stats Canada Map that will let you zoom in with detail like Yahoo Maps will let you do with cities, I saw one on-line map from Stats Can that showed the breakdown of all 4 sections clearly enough. It is water, causeways, and swamp that seperates the different areas.Weaponofmassinstruction 07:37, 9 Feb 2005 (UTC)
Do you think each reserve could or should have a separate article? As you can see by the names of existing articles at Category:Canadian Indian reserves, the names of reserves in Canada aren't 100% consistent in Wikipedia. But we should pick a standard form for the ones in Manitoba before too many articles get written.
I concur, wholeheartedly. For myself, I would say that the way to go is by what the locals or local governments refer to themselves as: Look in the Provincial phone book, and you won't find "Nisichawayasihk" (I don't think, possibly, "see Nelson House"), but you will find "Nelson House". However, when you try to find the local government services and offices in the Nelson House part of the provincial directory, you will find Nisichawayasihk <this>, NCN <that>, but rarely find a location within the community named, Nelso House <this or that>. Make sense? It all comes back to the slow re-emergence of cultural and linguistic pride.... identity. We, as members of the larger global community, should encourage the reclamation of some of the things that have been lost.Weaponofmassinstruction 07:37, 9 Feb 2005 (UTC)
Okay, I just found Category:Canadian First Nations, which helps clarify things. I guess this article would correspond to Nelson House First Nation (according to the province's official list). And 170, 170A, etc. are individual reserves that could eachhave a separate article. Sound reasonable? Michael Z. 2005-01-22 16:54 Z
Now, to furthur confound the issue, I found that same article about an hour ago, and queried it's author about how to create a concise list of First Nations Communities, as his list has errors in spelling in at least one example, and as far as traditional First Nations naming goes, his list is predominately "anglophone" and "francophone" names as recognized by the Government of Canada under treaty law. I almost think this discussion needs to be moved into a larger forum.Weaponofmassinstruction 07:37, 9 Feb 2005 (UTC)