Creation of category in Commons ?


There is no Commons:Category:Niwaki in Commons. Do you think it should be interesting to create one ? And what name ? Niwaki or Cloud trees ? If I understand well, cloud trees are a part of Niwaki.
In the subcategories of Commons:Category:Topiaries, there are many photos of trees, shaped as cloud trees. It should be interesting to gather them into a new category Niwaki ou cloud tree. --Tangopaso (talk) 20:59, 5 August 2016 (UTC)Reply

I created Commons:Category:Cloud trees. And small page in French (fr:Arbre nuage) and English (en:Cloud tree) wikis. I dont know if it should be interesting to create Commons:Category:Niwaki in Commons. --Tangopaso (talk) 17:52, 10 June 2017 (UTC)Reply