Talk:Olof Hörberg

Latest comment: 7 years ago by Mdd in topic Quotes about Olof Hörberg

Quotes about Olof Hörberg

  • Där kan befintliga Statens Provningsanstalt, FTL, Exact m. fl. engageras i erfarenhets- och utvecklingsföljning eller forskning men också som naturliga centra för marknadsföring av tillförlitlighetsdata. Överingenjör Olof Hörberg Försvarets Materielverk Det finns effektivare metoder Det är naturligtvis inte uteslutet att ett institut för tillförlitlighetsteknik..
    • Eltenik, Vol. 10-11, 1967 p. 208
    • Translation:
      There, existing state testing institutes, FTL, Exact et al. Engage in experience and development follow-up or research, but also as natural centers for the promotion of reliability data. Senior Engineer Olof Hörberg Defense Material Workshop There are more efficient methods. It is of course not excluded that an Institute of Reliability Technology
  • Nätplanerare bildar förening Föreningen NÄTPLAN bildades vid ett symposium på Svenska Teknologföreningen våren 1968. Föreningen har bl. a. som ...
- Informations- och samarbetsfrågor ADB-program och metodfrågor
- Utbildningsfrågor
- Nomenklaturfrågor
- Bildande av en nordisk förening för nätplanerare, "Nordplan".
Ordförande i föreningens interimsstyrelse är överingenjör Olof Hörberg, Kungl, Flygfor, Kungl. Flygförvaltningen. Föreningen är öppen för alla kategorier och branscher och intresserade som vill bli medlemmar kan vända sig till sekreteraren Harry Nygren.
  • Plan, Vol. 22, 1968, p. 229
  • Translation:
    Network planner form association The association NETWORK was formed at a symposium at the Swedish Technology Association in 1968. The association has, among others, A. Like...
- Information and co-operation issues ADB programs and methodological issues
- Educational issues
- Nomenclature questions
- Establishment of a Nordic network for network planners, "Nordplan".
The chairman of the association's interim board is senior engineer Olof Hörberg, Kungl. Flights administration. The association is open to all categories and industries and interested who want to become members can contact Harry Nygren, Secretary.
    • Association française pour la cybernétique économique et technique (1974) Project management in the seventies: congress book ..., p. 18
  • INTERNET 1972 — III. međunarodni kongres o vođenju projekata pomoću mrežnih tehnika : The Practical Application of Project Planning by Network Techniques Book I, II, III, IV; Izdavač: Foreningen NATPLAN — The Swedish Society for .
    • Antun Vila (1983), Teorija i praksa funkcioniranja organizacije, p. 188
    • Translation:
      INTERNET 1972 - III. Conducting Conferences and Projects: The Practical Application of Project Planning by Network Techniques Book I, II, III, IV; Izdavač: The Society NATPLAN - The Swedish Society for.
  • Volume through professional associations:
Picking up the latecomers with success stories and offers of professional identity
The ascension of PM as a management device in the 1960s gave a lot of people of varied backgrounds - mainly engineers - a common interest. These PM specialists needed an arena for cooperation and mutual self-recognition, so the Project Management Institute (PMI) was founded in the U.S. in 1969, and Internet was founded in Europe 1965. Since the term "Internet" eventually became associated with other areas than PM, the association changed its name to the International Project Management Association (IPMA) in 1994. The Swedish association, Foreningen Natplan ("Network Planning Association"), changed its name to SvensktProjekt Forum ("Swedish Project Forum") in 1968, and is now a member association of IPMA.
Both PMI and IPMA are mebership based. based. PMI members can join and create local chapters that form PMI's local networks. IPMA consists of a number of national associations in which both individuals and corporations can hold memberships. IPMA is in this sense less centralized than PMI. Building local networks is a major concern of both PMI and IPMA. In 1999, PMI had over 140 chapters in over 45 countries, while IPMA had national associations in 29 countries. In 1989, PMI had 5,000 members; this number increased to 17,000 in 1995, 32,000 in 1998, 45,000 in 1999, and 100,000 in 2002.
  • I bilaga 2 återfinns den första ”öppna” informationen om Stril 60, författad av Olov Hörberg 1959, blivande byråchef på Elektronikavdelningen.
Detta utnyttjades av bland annat Dagens Nyheter som 12 oktober 1959 hade följande notis.
Denna skiss visar i förenklad form hur det nya svenska elektroniska luftförsvarssystemet - "Stril 60" - arbetar vid ett fientligt anfall med flyg- och sjöstridskrafter. Spaningen sköts av ett nät av radarstationer som täcker luftrummet framför våra sjö- och landgränser. Optisk och akustisk luftbevakning 2 används i begränsad omfattning för att komplettera bilden av luftläget. Målets verkliga läge mäts 1 in genom spaningsorganen med vissa tidsmellanrum, som bestäms av radarantennens rotationstid. På så sätt matas lägesuppgifterna in till ett centralt elektroniskt "minne", även kallat informationsbank 3 . Minnet inregistrerar allting om fiendeplanens kurs, antal, höjd, hastighet osv. Härifrån matas alla data genom bildrör till stridsledare, flygsäkerhetsledare med flera 4 I vissa sammanhang används lokalt färg-TV för att ge en storbild av luftläget. Färgen hjälper till att snabbt skilja de olika målkategorierna åt. Informationsbankens uppgifter kompletteras även genom ett slutet TV-system, av samma typ som används inom industrin, vid trafikövervakning, bevakning etc
  • Bengt Myhrberg. Flygvapnets Strilsystem Strilcentraler. 2006, p. 27
  • Translation:
    Appendix 2 contains the first "open" information about Stril 60, authored by Olov Hörberg in 1959, future office manager at Elektronikafdelingen.
    This was used by, among other things, Dagens Nyheter as October 12, 1959 had the following note.
    This sketch shows in simplified form how the new Swedish electronic air defense system - "Stril 60" - works in a hostile attack with aviation and naval forces. The tensions are operated by a network of radar stations covering the sky above our maritime and land borders. Optical and acoustic air monitoring 2 are used to a limited extent to complement the air mode image. The actual position of the target is measured 1 through the voltage sensors with certain time intervals, determined by the radar antenna rotation time. In this manner, the position data is fed into a central electronic "memory", also called information bank 3. The memory records everything about the course schedule, number, height, speed, etc. From here, all data is fed through image pipes to warriors, air traffic controllers, and more. 4 In some contexts, local color TV is used to provide a large image of air mode. The color helps to quickly distinguish the different target categories. The information bank's tasks are also supplemented by a closed TV system of the same type used in industry, traffic monitoring, surveillance etc.
  • More and more practitioners started using project management techniques and terminology. In 1965 a network for project managers called “Internet” was founded in Europe. Later the name was changed to IPMA (International Project Management Association). The first President of IPMA was the Swede Olof Horberg, and from 1991-94 Morten Fangel from Denmark was president.
In 1969 the Project management Institute was founded in the U.S. These two organization, IPMA and PMI, are still in existance and they organize thousands of members worldwide.
Both PMI and IPMA are membership based. Membership of these organizations has grown considerably. PMI for example had 5000 members in 1989, 17,000 members in 1995, 45,000 members in 1999, 100,000 members in 2002...
  • Jan Pries-Heje. Project Management Multiplicity. 2013. p. 12
  • The same year, 1969, in Europe the Swedish Network Association was founded as one of the first in Europe besides UK, Switzerland, and Austria and a few other countries. Many of us in Denmark became members of the Swedish association, until we in 1975 established the Danish Association, in fact exactly 40 years ago. The following congresses were remarkable to also include researchers and others from Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union in spite of the Cold War. That was rather unique and exiting at that time. In 1972, the third INTERNET congress was held in Stockholm, and the well-known Swedish industrialist, Olof Hörberg was elected president of INTERNET...
    • IPMA, IPMA, 50 years - Building Bridges Worldwide, Panama Edition, 2015. p. 107

-- Mdd (talk) 17:53, 28 June 2017 (UTC)Reply