Talk:Ottawa Jewish Community School

This page contains much irrelevant information that is only slightly connected to the school itself. As well, the article is poorly sourced and has elements of soapboxing. I'm removing the bits that aren't connected and placing them here and making the article more objective overall. Thirdly, as the article itself makes clear, the high school portion closed down in 2015, so I'm editing the parts referring to it in the present tense.

Hillel Academy, was a community Hebrew day schools, offering study from junior kindergarten to grade eight from 1949-2006. Cheder Rambam School [3] and the Torah Academy [4] offer a more Orthodox early childhood education JK – Grade 8. Jewish schools offering afternoon programs included the Ottawa Talmud Torah, Star of David, Temple Israel, and Ottawa Modern Jewish School. Founded in 1982, the Ottawa Torah Institute was Ottawa's first full-time Jewish high school for boys.[5] A sister institution, Machon Sarah High School for Girls, which was founded in 1990 shared the Ottawa Torah Institute's teaching staff, at a different campus.[6] Two other Jewish high schools are Yitzhak Rabin, a day school, and Akiva Evening High School. The Kollel of Ottawa, located adjacent to the Soloway Jewish Community Centre, was a center for advanced study of Torah, talmudic law, and Judaic studies by adult learners.[7]

With the growth and westward shift of the Jewish community, a Jewish community campus was developed in the city's west end in 1983. The 7.8 acre site and high school building, which were purchased, originally housed the Hillel Academy, Talmud Torah Afternoon School, Ottawa Modern Jewish School, and Akiva Evening High School. In 1998, the Soloway Jewish Community Centre moved to more modern facilities and housed a library, archives, athletic facilities, social halls and meeting rooms, a mikveh, kosher restaurant, and offices of many Jewish communal organizations, including those of the Vaad Ha'Ir.[8]

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