Talk:Papyrus Anastasi I

Latest comment: 15 years ago by Dougweller in topic Cleanup



Come let me tell thee of other towns, which are above(??) them. Thou hast not gone to the land of , Kadesh, Tekhes, Kurmeren, Temenet, Deper, Idi, Herenem. Thou hast not beheld Kirjath-anab and Beth-Sepher. Thou dost not know Ideren, nor yet Djedpet. Thou dost not know the name of Kheneredj which is in the land of Upe, a bull upon its boundary, the scene of the battles of every warrior. Pray teach me concerning the appearance(?) of Kin; acquaint me with Rehob; explain Beth-sha-el and Tereqel. The stream of Jordan, how is it crossed?

This gives us an account of the land of Kadesh and its allies. If you plot them on a map you can see that the border territory involved is in the land of Aram and the Ammurru along the border between Canaan, Lebanon and Syria

-Kadesh: qdS -Tekhes: txs -Kurmeren: kwrmrn -Temenet: tmnt -Deper: dpr, town stormed by Ramses II. -Idi: idi -Herenem: hrnm -Ideren: idrn -Djedpet: Ddpt -Kheneredj: xnrD -Kin: qin -Beth-sha-el: bitSir close to Rehob (rHb)(Beth Shean) -Tereqel: trqAl

Some of these towns are also mentioned in accounts of battles with the king of Kadesh going back as far as the battle of Meggido several centuries earlier and in references to the capture of Mittani or Mariannu nobels in the Amarna letters.

Cause me to know the way of crossing over to Megiddo which is above it(??). Thou art a Maher skilled in the deeds of the brave! A Maher such as thou art is found (able) to march at the head of an army! O Mariannu, forward to shoot(?)! Behold the ///////// is in a ravine two thousand cubits deep, filled with boulders and pebbles. Thou drawest back(?), thou graspest the bow, thou dost //////. thy left hand, thou causest the great ones to look. Their eyes are good, thy hand grows weak(?). Abdt km Ari mhr nam. Thou makest the name of every Maher, officers of the land of Egypt. Thy name becomes like (that of) Qedjerdi, the chief of Isser, when the hyena found him in the balsam-tree.

The Mitanni are famed as horsemen. Hori refers to Amenemope as a mahr or courier, and a bowman some of whom are shown as mounted bowmen riding bareback in the inscriptions Ramesses II had carved to illustrate the battle

-Mariannu: noblemen

The Mitanni bowmen are labeled ibru in the inscrition (horse plural) and shown both riding and leading the glyph for horse.

Amenemhab captured two maryannu at Kadesh under Thutmose III: [He] captured [the city of] Kadesh; I was not absent from the place where he was; I brought off two men, lords (m-rA-j-nA), as living prisoners. I set them before the king. the Lord of the Two Lands, Thutmose (III), living forever. J. H. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, Part Two, §585

wild animal in Syria. -Qedjerdi: qDrdi -Isser: isr

mahr = lords (m-rA-j-nA)= maryannu = mitanni

- The(?) narrow defile is infested(?) with Shosu concealed beneath the bushes; some of them are of four cubits or of five cubits, from head(??) to foot(?), fierce of face, their heart is not mild, and they hearken not to coaxing. Thou art alone, there is no helper(?) with thee, no army behind thee. Thou findest no ///////// to make for thee a way of crossing.

The number of references to im, people seven feet tall, is found throughout the Bible and illustrated in the article

-Shosu: Shasu, bedouins -cubit: half a metre (royal cubit 21", ordinary cubit 17.6", Biblical cubit 18")



Needs some cleanup for comprehension and MOS. It could also use some more sources and less confusing footnotes. Gardiner dates it to the reign of Sethos II.[1]. dougweller (talk) 20:16, 13 February 2009 (UTC)Reply