
I've been working on creating a SMILES for this. So far, I have C=8C3C0=C5C12C(=C(C5(C3))C6)C(C6=CC7(CC3)C9=C36)(C3=C24)C7=C7C3(C5=CC79CC6)C(=C(C5)C6)C4(C6=CC29CC6)C2=C1C01C9=C6CC18 for penta-graphene and C5C12C(C(C5)C6)C(C6CC7(CC3)C9C36)(C3C24)C7C7C3(C5CC79CC6)C(C(C5))C4CC1 for penta-graphane. What do others think? Care to differ or discuss with me? The Nth User 05:13, 28 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Can we emphasise, if true, that this is purely hypothetical or predicted


Can we emphasise, if true, that this is purely hypothetical or predicted, and none has even been made, and no one has proposed how to create it ? (Unlike T-graphene that has two proposed synthesis routes [1]) - Rod57 (talk) 16:47, 6 September 2019 (UTC)Reply