Talk:Polistes carolina

Latest comment: 2 years ago by in topic Wo lebt si

Some Suggestions


This article is very thorough and well-written, and it includes many varying sections that have each been explained with good detail. Most of the changes that I ultimately made to the article were grammar-oriented. I found a number of grammatical errors that I cleared up within the article to improve readability. I also added a "Feeding" heading above the subsections "diet" and "feeding behavior" since I thought that these subsections were similar and would benefit from being under the same heading. One thing that I would add that might be interesting is to expand on the altruistic behavior of P. carolina. The article states that they behave altruistically with regard to feeding offspring, but it would be nice to see some examples of how altruistic behavior is present in other activities. Also, although you provide page links to most difficult/unfamiliar words, some of these terms are still a little ambiguous. For example, you refer to the wasps as "ferruginous", but the page link does not explain the definition. It would be nice to see what words like this mean. Overall, however, the article is very well done! RJPet (talk) 04:28, 2 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hello! I changed the wording and grammar of several portions of your article for clarity, and so that it would flow better. I feel the changes I made kept the original intent of the information. I also linked some words to other wikipedia articles. One change that would help this article is a more in depth discussion of the differences between swarm founding and independent founding. This wasn’t especially clear, and unfortunately there is no wikipedia article that describes them. This article is very complete otherwise— the behavior section is very detailed. If any information exists on how they go about collecting food/prey, that may be interesting to include. Kellykries (talk) 19:42, 2 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Below I describe some changes I have made to this page and some suggestions to improve the page. Overall, the page is thorough, strikes a balance between detail and a comprehensive overview, and is well written. I linked “systema naturae” in the “Taxonomy and Phylogeny” section to the page. I also made minor grammatical changes, such as adding a missing period to the last sentence in the section. I also linked the following to their associated Wikipedia pages: Polistes aurifer and Polistes fuscatus. On the first line of “Description and Identification section” there are two citations. If possible, separate the citations such that it is clear what information came from which source. In the sexual dimorphism section, I unlinked “tergum” and instead linked “terga” to the Wikipedia page as “terga” is mentioned earlier in the section. The box on the right side of the page contains a file that I was unable to access. Morever, files require logging in, so it would be best for the public good if instead of linking to a file you could directly post the content of the file. (Of course if the file is external you would need the author’s permission.) I made some grammatical changes , including adding many commas, to the section on nests. In the sentence where there are two citations it would be best to try to break it up so that it is clear what material came from which source. In the kin recognition and discrimination section, it would be best to try to break up the reference in the last sentence, so that it is clear what material came from which source. In the section “Genetic relatedness of colonies, it states “This means that daughters will share one identical allele from their haploid father and receive one of their diploid mother's two alleles. This knowledge allows us to determine the relatedness among individuals via algorithms and computer programs such as Relatedness 4.2 and Kinship 1.1. “ The first sentence should be edited to make it more clear that daughters received the allele (from their mother). I would also change it to read “inherit one an allele identical to that of their haploid fathers,” or something like that. Perhaps the following, found in the “Feeding” section should be italicized: “Chrysomelidae larvae” and “cicada.” Alison Gozlan (talk) 01:19, 3 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Overall your article is well written, detailed, and informative. You might want to add distribution information to the overview to give a better general picture of the wasp. You use a lot of scientific jargon which might be hard for non-scientists to follow. On that note there are some terms which you might want to simplify or explain in your article to enhance the reader's understanding such as 'ferruginous' and 'scutum' in the Sexual Dimorphism section. You have a thorough description of the nest and a picture of a typical nest could enhance this section. Under the Founding Phase section in Colony Cycle, you could go into more detail by explaining what happens to eggs that visiting females lay: will they be raised by workers as if they were related or will they be thrown out of the nest? In the last sentence of the Founding Phase section why do sisters join the foundress and what benefit is there to this? You could also explain in the Worker Phase section what early males are and what it means to be eclosed. During the Intermediate Phase when females disappear where do they go and why? I made a few minor grammatical changes to enhance the flow of the article but I thought you did a very good job overall. I thought the human importance section was very interesting. nef614 (talk) 21:50, 2 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

I was interested to learn that these wasps are not only attracted to humans due to shelter availability, but that the loud noises draw them in as well. The entry is well organized, and I particularly liked that it divided the colony cycle into four clear phases. The first category I wish to see is communication. I’m interested to learn how they communicate within their species. I also would like to see a section on predation to learn what organisms limit the population. Finally, I think the article would benefit from a section that describes behaviors wasps exhibit to protect the nest to contextualize the different roles of the wasps. I agree with a B ranking and low importance. The article did not offer information on habitat conservation or decline of species that would make me rate this as high importance. I would not give the article an A because there were too many sections I would have liked to be included. I agree with the suggestion that commonly unknown words, such as “ferruginous”, should link to definitions. Flynnt2013 (talk) 03:19, 11 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Wo lebt si


Wo lebt si (talk) 17:19, 3 August 2022 (UTC)Reply